Hi All,
I am just a little curious as to what is happening outside Australia, with regards to the freedom of access learners have to social networking tools, whilst learning within an institution (physical).
2007 has seen an increase in negative publicity related to myspace and youtube in particular. I do not have the statistics, but from my searching it appears that a fear campaign began in late 2006 and continues still. A campaign to scare parents…
Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on July 27, 2007 at 11:40pm —
Wow! It seems as though I am going to need a couple more months of summer to be able to finish sorting through the handouts, ideas, and examples that I have received in the last 4 days. After spending 2 days at the State Reading/Math Academy and another 2 days at the MACE/MTI conference, I am pretty much exhausted.
I have so many ideas that I want to try out in my classroom, but don't know where to start! I guess I will just pick one or two ideas and give it a whirl! :)
Added by gmmiller on July 27, 2007 at 11:36pm —
I am so excited about some of the things I learned at MTI the past 2 days! Classroom 2.0, Lulu.com, zamzar.com, more on Moodle, and so much more! WOW! Thank you to everyone who presented and shared what THEY are DOING in their own classrooms. So many plans, so much to do!! =)
Ta-Ta for now!
Added by Mrs. Deines on July 27, 2007 at 10:30pm —
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For starters, this is my first blog post at the Classroom 2.0 Ning space.

In total I have made very few blog posts elsewhere, mainly in the context of
reporting about an oversees trip on which I took students in March this year. But I have started my very own
CleverLearning blog that will hopefully build over time to be a reflective space for me and possibly a learning space for…
Added by Jason Hando on July 27, 2007 at 9:37pm —
(Cross posted from my school
I just finished reading
Mindset by
Carol S. Dweck. I am so excited about this book that I don't know where to begin. In
Dr. Dwecks explains her work on the "fixed" versus…
Added by Elizabeth Davis on July 27, 2007 at 6:48pm —
I am new to Classroom 2.0. I just found out about the site at the Mid-Atlantic Handheld and Emerging Technologies Conference that was held this past week at Salisbury University. I hope to be able to utilize this site for professional development and personal insight.
Added by Ron Siers on July 27, 2007 at 6:34pm —
I recently asked a professor how to cite a wiki, podcast and blogs and she sent back a scathing retort that I should not even entertain the idea of using any of these resources as valid sources for any of my papers that I was writing. It thought this was very interesting and rather, how should I say some what prejudicial towards tools that are being used on the Internet.…
Added by Peggy Soong Yaplee on July 27, 2007 at 5:57pm —
I am a new CONNECT/Technolgy teacher for middle school students and I am needing ideas for teaching keybording basics to students. This is SO BORING, I know....but a requirement at my school. Any good ideas, resources, games, etc... ???
Added by Katie Mathews on July 27, 2007 at 3:33pm —
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Dear All,
I will be posting frantically over the weekend. If not I may well explode.
I would like to ask at this point, if your educational institutions and/or workplaces, blocking access to social networking tools OR embracing emerging worlds, staff working/learning alongside learners, for learners.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on July 27, 2007 at 2:32pm —
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I guess these are the things I call a vacation:
I started my summer teaching a course with two colleagues in my district on Learning and Teaching with Technology. We have taught courses along this theme for 15 years, but this was the first year with a web2.0 focus. We followed that with the whirlwind experience of NECC07 and that has continued through blogs, twitters, webcasts and into Second Life. This week I have been with 21 educators at the University of Southern Maine in Alice Barr's…
Added by Cathy Wolinsky on July 27, 2007 at 1:43pm —
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Added by SusanTsairi on July 27, 2007 at 8:59am —
Hello all! Figured I'd try reaching out to the Classroom 2.0 network for this one. A co-worker of mine is in charge of providing new teachers at our school with some handy
"Getting to Know You" / First Week of School activities for Middle School-aged students. It's always a challenge finding things this age group will gravitate to. Often, they have one foot in elementary and one foot speeding towards....oh, Age 21!
I welcome any ideas/mini lessons any of you care to…
Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 27, 2007 at 7:30am —
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In my google searches: "special ed teacher + blog" and "specialneeds +
blog," I'm not finding as many results as I expected for special
education teacher blogs. It seems there aren't many special education teachers
in classroom 2.0 either. Where are they? Where are they hiding? Are
they afraid to discuss what's going in their classrooms via blogging?
Are they turned off by the technology? Do they have access to the
technology? Being a special… Continue
Added by Christine Southard on July 27, 2007 at 5:58am —

I know there are a ton of application purists out there who believe that the only way to go is to host software applications on their desktop, laptop, or server. While I can appreciate this viewpoint, and do have many software elements loaded on my laptop, I just can't shake the fact that I love hosted services - like
PodcastPeople, a…
Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 26, 2007 at 10:27pm —
The above referenced story, about a school in Oslo, Norway turning things around by using technology, learner-focused planning, and participatory media just gives me the feeling of being home! Ok, they're in Norway and I'm in Haines City, Florida. Oh, and true, my school hasn't achieved quite what the fine folks at the… Continue
Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 26, 2007 at 10:24pm —
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Ok, so I'm not really against using textbooks. I just don't like using them as a bible of sorts. I mean really, there are so many other resources available out there on the net, and it seems like not six months go by and there are key bits of information in my tech ed books that are already heading for the 'old news' category! I'd rather scour the web and rely on my network of fellow Web 2.0 educators to come up with new and exciting ways to educate and engage my students using information that…
Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 26, 2007 at 10:19pm —
OMG indeed! Harry Wong, one of the most dynamic and continuously refreshing educational speakers of our era or any other penned an article that turns the whole Web 2.0/collaborative education focus around a bit by focusing, not on today's students, but on today's teachers - specifically, the teachers hired this year to replace teachers school districts recruited last year!
In the
Training Gen Y Teachers for Maximum… Continue
Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 26, 2007 at 10:18pm —
I'm a newbie here and
here as well. I'm eager to collaborate with other educators who are working in the field as staff developers or curriculum coordinators who help to facilitate mapping, data analysis, assessment building, and use of best practices....among all sorts of other things. It's great to be here!
Added by AngelaStockman on July 26, 2007 at 8:58pm —
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I am taking my first foray into connecting to other teachers online. This summer, I've been exploring ways to collaborate with schools around the nation and world, not only for my fifth grade classroom but also for our other LS classrooms. In the past weeks, I've just begun to explore the world of wikis and blogging. We use Google Earth, Inspiration, and imovie to enhance our curriculum. However, I am quickly learning how unlimited the possibilities are when it comes to technology integration.…
Added by Annie Gentithes on July 26, 2007 at 8:18pm —
G'day Guys :-)
I just stumbled across this site yesterday whilst researching 21st Century educational transformation, and I must say I'm pretty impressed! What a great idea. It's awesome to see a collaborative network of like-minded folks who are striving to push education forward. Hopefully this mentality will spread across Australia as well!
Thanks Steve and Art Goddess for the welcome. I was only here 5 minutes and you wanted to be my friend already…
Added by James Picton on July 26, 2007 at 5:43pm —
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