- My 1st idea was to start blogging in this Classroom2.0 about 'dropping the e in elearning'. Coming soon.
- Today I replied to Connie Weber's article about her very interesting Harry Potter-link. I already blogged a several times about Harry Potter on my learning blog The Sausage Machine ...
- Then I've been…
Added by janien on July 26, 2007 at 5:00pm —
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And the hits just keep on coming! Thanks to Jim Gates, for keeping me posted on this update. I really like
SlideShare, but my only knock against it was the lack of audio. I'd seen other presentations online with separate mp3 feeds associated with them, but they always require you to pace through the slides yourself, based on verbal cues from the presenter.
Thanks to this update, you can create your presentation, create a separate mp3 file,…
Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 26, 2007 at 4:22pm —
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I did not attend NECC 07 in Atlanta but I have been following it through blog posts, podcasts etc. It was so interesting to hear about the Blog Cafe and the skype backchannel. I love the idea and have even heard of its use in the classroom. Just wondering what people are thinking about this new way of participating.
Added by Kathleen Johnson on July 26, 2007 at 4:11pm —
I was born and grew up close to where I live now near Ottawa,
Canada, but have traveled to nearly 40 countries (most of Europe, Oz,
NZ, a number of Pacific Islands) and over much of North America and
lived for 12 years in southern Europe.
much of my life, I was in the corporate world, creating and running
companies. I was responsible for many training ventures in that world, which I left behind in 1999. Since then, I have spent an
ever-increasing amount of…
Added by Robert S. Vibert on July 26, 2007 at 4:09pm —
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Hello everyone. This is an innovative community. This group might be interested in an article I wrote titled, University 2.0: Online Courses Enhance Universities.
Read it HereI would be really interested in your feedback about the article.
Added by Terence Armentano on July 26, 2007 at 2:48pm —
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Ok, so if you were in my presentation
Project Based Learning: Portals into the 21st Century, you know that we barely scratched the surface in the information. Congratulations for being a member of CR2.0 and thank you SO much for finding this blog! I hope you find this network as useful as I have! It has literally changed my educational life, which I thought was pretty darn good to begin with!
There were some questions you all wanted me to answer, and I didn't really get a chance…
Added by Ginger Lewman on July 26, 2007 at 2:03pm —
concept of Web 2.0 (The Read/Write Web) has dramatically increased the
possibilities and opportunities of new learning for students of any
age. Whether someone is labeling you a "digital native" or "digital
immigrant," Web 2.0 provides the power to control your own digital
landscape. Students in the 21st century will need to be literate in a
Web 2.0 world. The will need a desire to use the… Continue
Added by Adam Wade on July 26, 2007 at 12:01pm —
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I have created a Podcast of an enrichment event of the based arounf Cultural Diversity Day. ]
I created this using GarageBand and a series of interviews carried out by another teacher for the school radio station.
I have used the podcast add on in moodle to generate an RSS feed and then uploaded the RSS feed on to iTunes so people can now download the latest podcasts from iTunes.…

Added by Khawer Ishtiaq on July 26, 2007 at 11:34am —
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I want to use technolgy efficiently and effectively in my classroom. Keeping in mind that I have only 3.5 hours of actual academic teaching time, what are some ideas that you have tried and love. We study immigration, Aztecs, electricity, trees, and my favorite unit, space. Any ideas?
Added by Nikki S. Hunt on July 26, 2007 at 9:05am —
One of the most important strategies to reach African American young children is to provide appropiate instruction for these children and let them know that you care.
Added by Barbara Coatney on July 25, 2007 at 8:16pm —
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I have been doing a lot of reading and research over the summer to help guide me in a new direction for my teaching this next school year. Literacy with ICT, Peer Coaching, blogging, podcasting, Web 2.0 - what will all this mean to the teachers in my division? How can I model effective and easy ways to use technology for those who think they are interested in trying something new?
My teaching focus will be more group collaboration within the classroom as well as expanding out to other…
Added by Kirsten Carter on July 25, 2007 at 10:55am —
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A blog is a web-based journal, a personal website. A blog offers features that make it particularly useful to educators, for their informality and ease of use.
Check out the link
support blogging for very valuable information on blogs and blogging!
Added by Kirsten Carter on July 25, 2007 at 8:59am —
Chemistry teachers are a wonderful breed of human.....who teach better than anyone else. Whatever method or lab we use to teach is the best. After a few years of always being right along with other Chemistry teachers who are always right while not doing the same thing I realized that we may all be right; but differently. I'm attempting to celebrate our differences by finding out how you teach, dimensional analysis, writing/naming compounds, balancing equations, stoichiometry, redox, etc. Do you…
Added by Jacci Leib on July 25, 2007 at 8:54am —
Just subscribed to Gliffy for the princely sum of $20US and am very impressed with this online concept mapping application.
I have been looking for a low cost alternative to Inspiration and have experimented with a number of them, and found Cmap to be excellent, and free.

However Gliffy has a significant advantage in being an online application with very good tools is a very polished product. There is a collaborate function…
Added by John Travers on July 24, 2007 at 8:44pm —
I just discovered this blog via a blog entry on Will Richardson blog.
Added by Warren Lind on July 24, 2007 at 8:24pm —
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I work with Tracy Weeks in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. Tracy issued an invitation to our department to dive into this new technology and gather information about how students engage with changing technologies. As a curriculum specialist, I feel it is important to experience the world of our students so I can guide teachers to provide learning situations that are real for our students. I appreciate having colleagues that are willing to join in the research.
Added by Darlene Ryan on July 24, 2007 at 8:11pm —
Added by Carlos Toledo on July 24, 2007 at 3:26pm —
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Thanks to Greg Farr for pointing me to this site. I have invited a bunch of people from my district to join. I am hoping we can take this social networking journey together and that be learning what it means to be a part of a social network, we can come to better understand:
- Why our students like being in them
- How they might be used in schools
- How they might transform education
I am so excited!
Added by Tracy Weeks on July 24, 2007 at 10:09am —
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I just finished a summer coursee in Web 2.0 technology and I have to say that I find it very exciting. There is so much information but I am trying to narrow down a couple of ideas to use in m math classes. Has anyone out there used blogging an a math class? Or any class for that maatter?I have found a couple of classes which use it and I'm intrigued. My students love to use messenger, facebook etc so it's not really a big step to move to blogging, it's just that they would have something…
Added by Bridget Perry-Gore on July 24, 2007 at 5:29am —
Added by JoNelle on July 24, 2007 at 12:38am —