Added by Kevin H. on July 3, 2007 at 4:41am —
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effective way to bring an global dimension into your curriculum is by
marking one of the international days such as World Water Day, Earth
Day etc. Here are some resources and ideas you can use to celebrate the
International Day of Peace on 21st September.
Watch a Video
Jeremy Gilley created an organisation called Peace One Day to encourage
the United Nations to identify a specific date for an international day
of peace. He…
Added by Alex Savage on July 3, 2007 at 1:34am —
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I am currently compiling a list of Podcasts from NECC 2007.
Here is where they are.
If you know of some that I missed, please add to the list. Hopefully this can… Continue
Added by Tim Holt on July 2, 2007 at 10:15pm —
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Hello everyone!!!
I'm an EFL teacher working in Mexico. I work at a secondary school with
so limited resources but trying to interest students in the use of
Sometimes it's really hard because we don't have computers at school
but we have been working in a blog and using Internet as an information
resource for making projects. We have to work from Cybers and students
My students love the idea!!! and I… Continue
Added by Angeles Berman on July 2, 2007 at 6:04pm —
On my blog I've inserted graphics to illustrate ideas, the way an editorial cartoon artist does this in traditional media. I'm not an artist, but I think the graphics illustrate my ideas.
The graphic on this page illustrates an idea that I think would be a powerful learning tool that teachers could integrate into school all over the country. In…
Added by Daniel Bassill on July 2, 2007 at 4:17pm —
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Hope it gives a sense of how interesting the one hour session actually was. I have another video almost finished but just viewed it prior to posting and I guess I need to blur the pan of the crowd so nobody sues us...
Peggy gave me verbal permission to post brief audio and video and by durn, that's what I'm doin'!!!
Added by Scott Merrick on July 2, 2007 at 3:43pm —
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Just amazed and fascinated today when looking at the ideas flowing around on classroom 2.0
Some great links to a whole range of wonderful educational tools. And it's all ( mostly ) free !!!
We already have the expertise amongst us, we don't need to buy it in; just share it around !
The next step is getting more of my colleagues to realise the potential of this and then watch them fly !!
Added by dave garland on July 2, 2007 at 12:34pm —
I am a world class procrastinator, and so instead of sitting down to the nitty gritty of planning my curriculum for next year, I find I am spending hours, even days, consuming gallons of coffee, packets of cigarettes, and surfing the internet in search of new tools and applications that may somehow be of aid in the teaching/learning process. The truth is that the
list of links I have collected is already too…
Added by SusanTsairi on July 2, 2007 at 4:37am —
In reflecting on the past school year, one of the activities that has given me the most personal satisfaction is collaborating and creating in wikis. I started doing this to get a more authentic, first-hand view of the community aspect of these tools. I've contributed to
Wikipedia (obvious, since this is the mother of all wikis),
Wikimedia Commons (copyleft photos, movies, and music....a great…
Added by Karen Fasimpaur on July 1, 2007 at 8:00pm —
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After NECC in Atlanta, I got home and began trying to sort through the miles of great video for my podcast. There were so many amazing conversations with hreat thinkers and educational leaders and my 40 year old mind was quite overwhelmed. The one easy to list highlight of the conference for me was edubloggercon, a great event/day hosted by the creator of this social network Steve Hargadon. Edubloggers from all over came together and talked about the many ways that technology and web 2.0 can…
Added by Kevin on July 1, 2007 at 4:58pm —
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In discussing success stories of Web2.0 usage I'd like to set a focus on the teaching behind it: How does Web2.0 facilitate Teaching2.0?
As Tim Holt put it: Technology is a tool for learning.
Thank you everyone for the posts from NECC, by the way! It's great to get at least a feel for it all the way from Germany.
Added by Torsten Otto on July 1, 2007 at 3:39pm —
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Here's hoping someone will start helping me make the darn things a little clearer ...
Anyway, here goes. I created the graphics using PowerPoint on our Mac
OS X ... then I used the "make a movie feature" ... and added audio
with our Blue Snowball microphone.
In Powerpoint, I lined every thing up with lines I could then delete.
I'm thinking I'm going to have to take digital photos of printouts and
make a movie of the slideshow in order to get the…
Added by Hilding Lindquist on July 1, 2007 at 12:38pm —
I have added some entries on my other site about NECC:
A podcast asking the question: "Why is Ed Tech Important?"
A Podcast on Nettrekker and the 21st century skills
A podcast about "River City" online MUE game for middle school science
A podcast on the National Center for Women in Information and Technology
A podcast asking people to reflect on NECC
Podcast are… Continue
Added by Tim Holt on July 1, 2007 at 10:00am —
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“It’s ALMOST like an iPhone”…
Added by Tim Holt on July 1, 2007 at 9:53am —
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I have set up so many goals for myself this summer that now I sit here stuck..wondering how to begin. Do I start with my writing program which I decided to revamp for next year? Do I look into GoogleEarth, which seems to keep drawing me back? Do I set up my own wiki, since I've only participated in them, not set them up? Do I contact all my new collaborative friends and set up a conference call to discuss plans for the year?
I'm reminded of an old poem from A. A. Milne in one of the…
Added by Lisa Parisi on July 1, 2007 at 9:47am —
These links take you to other google resources I found out about during NECC 2007:
Scavenger Hunt -…
Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:32pm —
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Dr. Tim Tyson – Mabry Middle School
Dr. Tim Tyson, principal of Mabry Middle School, has been called "the Pied Piper of Educational Technology" by the School Library Journal
Schools have access to immediate global distribution.
He told students “if you produce exemplary work, it will immediately be put in global distribution”
He challenged the students: What is so important that everyone on earth needs to hear…
Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:28pm —
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Michelle D. Moore,
What is moodle?
Course Management System
Originally crated by Martin Dougiamas
Based on social constructionist pedagogy
Moodle Modules –
Scorm – packages bring in from third party applications
POW Web – hosting for moodle…
Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:27pm —
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Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:26pm —
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Please excuse the skimpy notes. This was a Bring Your Own Laptop session so I was busy "keeping up" with the facilitator and taking notes at the same time. :)
Lucie deLaBruere, St. Albans City School
Redesign research assignments for students, increasing critical thinking and maximizing your own productivity in managing online information using social bookmarking tools such as
Furl – exports…
Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:25pm —