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Dinking around

Well I got the Puppy Linux working on my old Aptiva AMD 2 machine. It works great. I was really impressed how fast it works. I need to take it home over the weekend and try it on the internet (don't have network access at school for personal machines). Moodle seems to be doing well. A few teachers are digging in but not as eagerly as I'd like. One of the instructional coaches is doing great at loading her site with all kinds of links to state standards stuff. I hoped she would.

Added by Clifton Dancy on April 19, 2007 at 12:24pm — 1 Comment

Wrong Number

Warning, what you are about to read is nothing but my own ramblings about being an administrator.

I want to write. I feel I need to get some of this out but I’m not sure even how to begin and when I look at the suffering in other places I know it is insignificant. Yet, even with that knowledge, I feel

really lousy because of my mistake.

My mistake involved me dialing a wrong number and leaving a message for

a parent to call me about an incident with their child. I…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on April 19, 2007 at 9:12am — 2 Comments

Test Sites, Real Sites

INITIALLY I JOINED NING just to test it for demo and training purposes. My real blog is at ClappingTrees. I also have an elearning portal is at NETCoach Asia and a wiki called Asia Social Media Directory (ASMD). The ASMD lists (and thus increases readership for) all bloggers and social network "activists" in Asia.

At first, I thought I couldn't link to… Continue

Added by clappingtree on April 19, 2007 at 6:40am — No Comments

Campus Technology Planning, Part 1 – Fly Fishing and Establishing a Vision

Cross-posted at Bump on the Blog

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before around here, but one of my real passions in life is fly fishing. Living in the desert southwest doesn’t really allow me the opportunity to go as often as I’d like, but with rivers like the San Juan, Red, Cimarron, and Conejos within a day’s drive, a quick get away isn’t too difficult. I was introduced to fly fishing nearly ten years ago by a…


Added by Brian Grenier on April 18, 2007 at 10:04pm — No Comments

Coming in the middle....

This is a GREAT teaching tool! It amazes me when I think about the knowledge and "design" of this space called Classrooom 2.0 and I would iike to presonally thank those who have been involved in it's creation.

I'm excited about what is happening in our district right now! Among some great "tipping points" is the possibility of passion to learn with our teacher learning initiative. My question: Can they sustain the momentum?

One thing we are doing this summer: We have two… Continue

Added by Karla Murray on April 18, 2007 at 9:14pm — No Comments

Taking Off

I've just started testing Ning. There still needs some enhancements, but it's a great place to socialize, learn and share. Great possibilities for the classroom or just to pursue professional development. I'll keep playing around to have a better perspective on where I want to head with it.

Just found this great site that I guess this is the place to keep it registered, "25 Web 2.0 Apps to Help you Learn". Nice collection of applications!…


Added by Carla Arena on April 18, 2007 at 8:49pm — No Comments

Scenes from a Blog

Thought you guys might like this graphic portrayal of the "verbal jousting in the life cycle of a blog post." Could this be us in the future? I think I've seen this happen in blogs out in the "real" world!

Scenes from a Blog

It apparently ran on the editorial page of the NY Times 4/7/07. I happened to find it on a search for something… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 18, 2007 at 6:17pm — 1 Comment

Conference Presentation

Today, Friday, April 13th, I did a presentation at Lehigh University for a middle school conference . Our session was about "Simple Tech Tools for your Classroom". An hour was much too short. My collegues, Meg and John offered tips about podcasting, science projects, geography lessons,, SmartBoard lessons, and how our school structures tech classes. Meg showed her powerpoint lessons, with UnitedStreaming videos embedded into the slides. As the building tech teachers, John… Continue

Added by Robin Martin on April 18, 2007 at 11:19am — No Comments


I have now come to the conclusion that I hold far too many blog accounts and am going to limit myself to bloglines,my school blog and classroom 2.0, There is so much out there to try out it is tempting to try everything that web 2.0 has to offer.

I have now finished the majority of inservice training I had planned to offer, things like digital video,blogging,SMART Board, and webquests and am now embarking on the final two, Moodle and wiki and video conferencing. It is difficult to get…


Added by Jennifer Garcia on April 18, 2007 at 9:11am — No Comments

An English/L.A. Work Product

I just posted a sample work product demonstrating the way that students might use Web 2.0 to interact with text. I"m going to continue to interact with this product and try to enhance it over time. I"d be grateful for any feedback and suggestions. The link is:

Here's a quick question: How much does the fact that I developed the product on my website and not on a wiki deter from the quality of it…


Added by Andrew Pass on April 18, 2007 at 6:39am — No Comments

well, thats something!

Without even having posted my profile or any activitites here in this site, a few have requested being my friend. Wow. Thats a great welcome! Thanks for that!

Added by barbara buchegger on April 18, 2007 at 1:02am — No Comments

Chaos vs Coherent

Cross posted on The Thinking Stick

My Superintendent last week:

“I’ve learned that there is a fine line between chaos and coherent.”
This statement has been replaying itself in my head now for a week. Maybe because I’m feeling my life is on the chaotic side of that line at the moment.

However, I’ve also been reflecting at where we are in education and where we are trying to go. Where does… Continue

Added by Jeff Utecht on April 18, 2007 at 12:22am — No Comments

Checking out the group

OK, now that was fun. I just went through the members list and invited as 'friends' everyone I knew either from prior work experiences, or from reading their blogs quite religiously!
Looking forward to the sharing and the learning!

Added by Linda Loder on April 17, 2007 at 8:46pm — 1 Comment

Next week - live blogging from Longfellow Middle School on Nick News visit

Hi all,

We got some exciting news a few weeks ago - Nick News with Linda Ellerbee picked one of our longtime GenYES schools for a profile in a series about education. They were intrigued by the students mentoring teachers and all the local and global student projects.

The camera crews are due to show up on Monday, April 17 at Longfellow Middle School in Hill City, Kansas. I've added an eighth grader, Theresa, as a contributor to the Generation YES… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 17, 2007 at 5:42pm — 4 Comments

One Laptop Per Child and Generation YES

Cross posted from the Generation YES blog...

I was recently asked to do a guest blog on the OLPC News website (not affiliated with the OLPC project.) OLPC News tries to be an

“independent source for news, information, commentary, and discussion”

of the OLPC project. Although it skews towards skepticism, they do try

to… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 17, 2007 at 12:41pm — No Comments

Web 2.0 Experiment - The Digg Effect

As you may know, I've been doing quite a few experiements with various

web 2.0 tools (Pageflakes, Netvibes, yourminis, Grazr, Dapper etc), and

in the next week or two I want to do an experiment with Digg - I'm

going to put up a story about openlearn and the top ten popular units,

to see how many people visit the site go on to continue to learn from

our free materials.

If you have a digg account would you be willing to digg my experimental

story? I… Continue

Added by Stuart Brown on April 17, 2007 at 12:18pm — 1 Comment

2.0 Sounds Cool

Hello everyone,

I'm very intrigued by this whole Web 2.0, Classroom 2.0 movement and I'm here to see what others are doing so that I can try new things. I'd also love to share the things I'm doing.

I've heard about teaching using iPods and cell phones. Come on. Is anyone out there using those for student learning? If so I'd love to hear what you're doing.

Al G.

Added by Alfonso Gonzalez on April 17, 2007 at 11:22am — 3 Comments


So first blog post...not much to say. 36 days left until school is out for the summer....I start my masters this summer...and the wedding in 4/5/08. That's all for now.

Added by Michael Seiler on April 17, 2007 at 11:19am — No Comments

Web 2.0: A Personal Learning Renaissance

(Cross-posted on

Yesterday, on the Classroom 2.0 social network, Elizabeth Davis posted:

"Following and reading blogs, participating in ning, contributing to wikis,

writing in my blog, I haven't thought…

Added by Steve Hargadon on April 17, 2007 at 11:15am — 3 Comments

So sad...

I'm just so sad for all the people who were killed and injured at Virginia Tech today. I ache for the families who got an unimaginable phone call today. I'm so, so sorry for everyone involved.

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 16, 2007 at 11:22pm — No Comments

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