All Blog Posts (9,941)

A Page of Torah (Five Books of Moses) and Web 2.0

One of the things that I love about the Jewish religion is the importance of learning. When Jewish people study they don't just study with the people in the same room. Instead, they use a book that contains ideas, questiosns and answers from other Jewish people who have lived throughout the ages. A typical page of Torah, when it's written in a book, has several short sentences of the actual text, in Hebrew at the top right of the page. RIght next to the original text is a translation in…


Added by Andrew Pass on April 14, 2007 at 6:11am — 4 Comments

Teentek, Twitter, and Teachers

Just finished posting an article on the Techlearning blog that I think gets to the heart of classroom 2.0. That students are creators in this new digital world, and we need to find ways to allow them to create global content. They're already doing it in spaces like myspace, facebook, youtube, etc.

I also recorded a podcast this week on a lot… Continue

Added by Jeff Utecht on April 14, 2007 at 3:30am — No Comments

A Book Club

I'm going to do this two different ways. First, the blog. A group of us are in the process of beginning a book club that will look at discussing different books and our reactions, insights, understandings, questions and general ideas about the book. We have started with A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink. We are at the beginning stage so if… Continue

Added by Kelly Christopherson on April 13, 2007 at 11:20pm — No Comments

You may have seen something like this before...

I found this while searching Kim Cofino's website

over the break. Most of you in this arena know Kim, and her

ideas and implementation are wonderful. I have been thinking quite a

bit recently about the future of our profession, the types of students

we want to have, and the adults we want entering the world as they

leave our schools.

It is not about the…

Added by Patrick Higgins on April 13, 2007 at 9:43pm — 2 Comments

New Thing

Mid-January this year I left my position as an elementary principal to become a technology instructional coach for the district. At first I had to go through a bit of culture shock, not dealing with angry parents, not dealing with angry teachers, not seeing angry students, not dealing with angry central office administrators, etc. to working in a very small department on the backside of the district. My e-mails went from 100 a day to less than 10 and my face to face traffic was even less. I was… Continue

Added by Clifton Dancy on April 13, 2007 at 1:16pm — 4 Comments

Educational Blogger Conference on June 23rd in Atlanta


– This first-ever, international, all-day “meetup” of educational

bloggers will take place on Saturday, June 23rd, at the Georgia World

Conference Center in Atlanta just before the start of NECC.

All are invited–whether you yourself blog, are just an educational blog reader,

or even just want to hang out with an interesting group of people. The

event is free, and you can indicate that…


Added by Steve Hargadon on April 13, 2007 at 12:14pm — No Comments

Interview with Gina Bianchini from Ning

(Cross-post from

Gina Bianchini is the co-founder and CEO of Ning, the "do-it-yourself" social networking site. Gina is no ivory-tower

entrepreneur--she is an active participant herself in several Ning

networks, and she demonstrates her passion (and her hands-on style) in

this fun interview. We… Continue

Added by Steve Hargadon on April 13, 2007 at 10:29am — No Comments

The Secret Meme

John Pederson tagged me with this “what are your secrets to a successful life” meme. Now, I’d like to dedicate this meme to my

grandmother. I’m home visiting my family and my grandmother, who is 92,

is just a wonderful person. The day that she found out we were coming

home to visit, she went up town and made sure she had Easter gifts for

all 7 of my children. She makes sure to buy each of them a treat for

the drive home and just loves to have them visit. (Me, on…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on April 13, 2007 at 10:10am — No Comments

Amazing, Amazing Use of an Old Computer

(Cross-post from


having an incredible brainstorm about used computers and homeless

shelters, emergency shelters, low-income housing units, schools, etc.

This is our kitchen computer. Actually, it's just the monitor and our small

stereo. The computer is below, and pictured…

Added by Steve Hargadon on April 13, 2007 at 12:34am — 3 Comments

Writing a digital essay... really, really hard.

I thought it would be a good idea to actually try and do the things I ask my students do, even though one of the great perks of being a teacher is avoiding homework. And I realized that creating a digital essay is ridiculously, insanely, exhilaratingly hard.

One of the issues is that no one's really sure what a digital essay looks like because the form is in it's infant stages. Probably the best examples out there right now are… Continue

Added by SparklingDrift on April 12, 2007 at 9:28pm — No Comments

Learning to Use Technology in the Classroom

I would like to formally study educational technology through a Canadian on-line course however not too many of these exist. The great irony is that I e-mailed the director of one program and haven't heard back after a month. On-line, hu?

Added by Shayne Train on April 12, 2007 at 5:01pm — 1 Comment

A New Vine

I thought I'd try this out to see how this works. I usually use my other blog but thought I'd join the network to see who's here and what people are doing.

As an administrator in rural Saskatchewan, Canada, I am interested in using technology to expand the opportunities for the students in my school. I am always looking for ideas that we can adapt to our school. I like to find information for the teachers and librarian to help them in their… Continue

Added by Kelly Christopherson on April 12, 2007 at 1:57pm — No Comments

Purpose Games - create and play games online

Members of Purpose games, are invited to create,play and comment on the Games on site. I have found that the comments are usually very positive, and useful, pointing out a mistake I made or a way the game could be improved. Game making on the site is very simple and could be a a great end of year activity. To make a game one creates a gameboard using any graphic program, this is then uploaded to the site and hot spots and clues are added at the click of…


Added by SusanTsairi on April 12, 2007 at 12:01pm — 1 Comment

Technology - a la Will Richardson

As I sit here at our local Intermediate Unit in a seminar by Will Richarson, I am pumped by the possibilities of what I can now do (or will soon be able to do) in my classroom. The plethora of information that is available to the "wired" students of today is astronomical as compared to what was available a thousand years ago when I was on the other side of the desk, stuck with strictly pen and paper.

I feel that I am a fairly technological person who is dedicate to life long…


Added by Tina Muzina on April 12, 2007 at 11:50am — 3 Comments

Happy to be here

Good morning. It has been a pleasure taking a look around at all the different blogs and seeing such a large group sharing a deep interest in similar things. I am an ESL teacher in the Twin Cities at an Alternative High School and recently began writing my Master in Teaching paper on the use of Blogs in the classroom. The end product will be two curriculums, one for Social Studies and the…


Added by John Franke on April 12, 2007 at 10:42am — 3 Comments

I’m A Teacher, and I Want To Learn

If someone has already started a conversation on a teacher group of collaborators similar to the following suggestion, I missed it, and I apologize for the repetition. I’d like to join your group if it exists. If such a group does not exist, here are some observations and an idea.

Strangely, I’ve had some familiar experiences here on Classroom 2.0 as a new online social network member. These online experiences are a lot like the experiences I’ve had while attending other large… Continue

Added by Dave Ehrhart on April 12, 2007 at 10:31am — 11 Comments

learners, lurkers, and lunkers: swimming in the ning fishbowl

[Cross-posted at Higher Edison]

As a gold-standard certified introvert and digital immigrant, the interactive, public, exposed aspects of Web 2.0 send me squarely out of my comfort zone. And,

happily, they land me right into my zone of proximal development---aka

the squirming-is-good-for-you zone. When I began teaching middle

school, it was a similar…


Added by sschwister on April 11, 2007 at 10:45pm — 2 Comments

Sprucing up my page and teaching an intro to 2.0 class.

I had a lot of fun making a video for my Classroom 2.0 page. I have a new computer in my lab with an i-sight camera. It was fun to actually use it. It would be cool if other people could also post "hello" videos so we could see more than a picture of each other. I guess the coolest would be if we could video conference with each other at some point. I've never done that. Although I have video… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Davis on April 11, 2007 at 6:13pm — 5 Comments

Students writing too much.. this is a problem?

When blogging becomes a teacher-centered activity

I just posted on this topic on the Generation YES blog.
It's about a dilemma we've come across with teachers turning off the blogs we provide because "students write too much" - and thinking about what we should do. I invite Classroom

2.0-ers to comment as well! We need all the ideas we can get....

Here's the start of the post...…


Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 11, 2007 at 2:55pm — No Comments

Scrapbooking Online

Scrapblog enables users to upload photos, choose a theme, arrange the photos to their liking on the page and add stickers, background music and text. Viewers are invited to leave comments. Could be a great way to present a student…


Added by SusanTsairi on April 11, 2007 at 12:49pm — 2 Comments

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