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NECC anyone?

I'm heading to Atlanta this week (on Spring Break) to go to a Braves game and scope out the lay of the land for my upcoming June NECC. It's a mere 4 hour drive from here.

Added by Cathy Nelson on April 8, 2007 at 11:52am — 5 Comments

Classroom 2.0 needs Educational Technologist 2.0

So I've spent my weekend (1am on Friday night and 2am Saturday night) migrating my schools moolde and wordpress mu site.

The moodle migration went find...due in part to the the fact that I've migrated moodle sites 5 times now...I pretty much know what I'm doing.

The wordpress mu site is another story...and as I go to bed tonight still is not ready for students to use tomorrow.

In a classroom 2.0 environment I think we're going to need educators that understand more… Continue

Added by Jeff Utecht on April 8, 2007 at 8:54am — 5 Comments

Why Wiki?

So, this is the first time I've been involved with Ning or any kind of social network. Normally, I lurk. Big time lurk. I have a pretty good list of Google Reader feeds and my own diet of info that I hoover semi-omnivorously (Arts and Letters Daily, Will R, Metafilter, Bookslut, Mr. Verb,… Continue

Added by SparklingDrift on April 7, 2007 at 11:10pm — 4 Comments

This is very new to me

Okay, I'm here to learn.

Added by Cathy Nelson on April 7, 2007 at 6:46pm — 4 Comments

Today's Thoughts on a Degree in Social Computing

So, I've been thinking about the role of a university program in social computing. I'll never forget speaking with my undergraduate advisor at Columbia. I told him that I wanted to major in business. He told me that I came to the wrong university. "The Ivy League doesn't teach people how to do specific things," he explained. "It teaches people how to think."

I'm not very familiar with the University of Michigan program. But, if it's worth consideration it probably does not teach…


Added by Andrew Pass on April 7, 2007 at 1:58pm — 1 Comment

The products tested in the USDOE study of educational software

The recent study from the US DOE about the impact of certain educational sofware packages on test scores was discussed here and here.

First grade reading software products (11 districts and 43 schools. 158 teachers and 2,619… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 7, 2007 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Software’s Benefits On Tests In Doubt

I am reposting this entry from my blog site, here...

Educational software, a $2 billion-a-year industry that has become the darling of school systems across the country, has no

significant impact on student performance, according to a study by the

U.S. Department of Education.



Added by Brian Grenier on April 7, 2007 at 11:53am — No Comments

What I don't get so far...

This is my first foray into social networking, other than watching over my daughter's shoulder. By the way, just yesterday she told me she has taken down her MySpace page. It's been a constant with her for the last 3 years and she has thousands of "friends", most of whom she met in real life first and actually seems to know. She taught herself Flash and HTML programming because of it. I tried to engage her in a conversation about it and the most I could get out of her was, "it's just annoying… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 7, 2007 at 10:26am — 5 Comments

This morning on Ning, I learned...

After reading some discussion here, following links, and reading at 2 Cents Worth about Ning, I wanted to share a few things I learned here today.

I learned about the site LifeHacker, which I hadn't seen before.

I found Chris Craft's blog, Crucial Thought.

I followed the link to the Classroom 2.0 wiki and explored that some. (had heard about it but…


Added by Carolyn Foote on April 7, 2007 at 8:56am — 4 Comments

Starting to Get It...

There's a conversation going on here, that was started by nlowell and picked up on by several other Ning members. Cary Harrod's comments got me to thinking more about social networks.

I am fairly new to the world of web 2.0 and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the whole idea of transparency. I still haven't figured

out how I could…

Added by David Warlick on April 7, 2007 at 4:55am — 3 Comments

Multiple blog etiquette

I have little desire to seriously maintain another blog. One is

keeping me quite occupied as it is. I have added an RSS feed of my blog

to my Classroom 2.0 page. I know the network hasn't been around long

enough to develop its own etiquette yet, but would it be best for me to

post my posts from my Classroom Meets Technology

blog here so that they appear in the Classroom 2.0 blog feed, or should

I… Continue

Added by Teacher K on April 6, 2007 at 8:48pm — 4 Comments

Forty-Two Years Ago

I'm having a reflective day today.

A page fell out of my scrap book this morning and reminded me that April, 1965, was when I won second prize in the junior high school science fair for my home-built computer. It was a five-bit binary adder. It only won second prize because the high school science and math teachers doing the judging really didn't see the value in an arithmetic that had only a 1 and a 0.

Over the last forty-odd years, I've changed base technology about every… Continue

Added by nlowell on April 6, 2007 at 6:45pm — 2 Comments


Today is CyberCompliment day - thanks to Jennifer Wagner.
I would like to compliment all the members of Classroom 2.0 for the thought provoking dialogue and deep insights into using technology for our students now and into the future.

Added by Sharon Betts on April 6, 2007 at 4:53pm — No Comments

The "Ed Tech" Study and why this is important for Classroom 2.0

Yesterday I posted about the pre-release headlines on a USDOE study that concluded that certain educational software packages did not increase standardized test scores, and why this will hurt efforts to promote ALL technology use in classrooms.

Today the study is out and here’s the link. It's called:… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 6, 2007 at 2:57pm — 5 Comments

Social Networks

I posted about this the other day on my blog. There is power in social networks and it will be interesting to have all of use work through just how this will impact schools and classrooms in the future. I'm in the middle of reading the Horizon Report. Interesting stuff.

Looking forward to some deep thinking in this new social place.

Added by Jeff Utecht on April 6, 2007 at 2:12am — No Comments

Web Portfolio

This morning, Will Richardson posted a blog about University of Michigan's new degree in social computing. He questions its utility suggesting that one can become an expert in social computing by simply becoming part of the social computing community and developing the skills needed to function successfully. He writes that one can demonstrate success by, " building a rich, online portfolio that illustrates your ability to be an online community…


Added by Andrew Pass on April 5, 2007 at 12:58pm — No Comments

OK, Now I'm Mad..

This morning's news brings the exciting headlines Education Technology Isn't Helping, and Study: No benefit going high-tech for math and science, because of a new study… Continue

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 5, 2007 at 11:46am — 15 Comments

Visualizing your data...

First, Scott Mc Leod has a post on Hans Rosling (which I posted about earlier) and his…


Added by Alice Mercer on April 4, 2007 at 11:19am — No Comments

Web 2.0 - share the adventure with students

Cross posted from the Generation YES Blog

It’s a daunting task to figure out all the options with Web 2.0 tools and choose the “best” one to introduce to students. But this pain

can be turned into a gain - by including students in the adventure.

Students can:

  • Research solutions and present options with pros and cons
  • Test hardware - even young students can…

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 3, 2007 at 7:24pm — 1 Comment

First Classroom 2.0 blog post

So, I already have a blog, what do I need another blog for? Don't know, we'll see. If I repost stuff here, is that cheating?

Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 3, 2007 at 3:14pm — 1 Comment

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