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Parent Volunteer

Thinking about having parent volunteers? Check out this form, which also includes items parents can do from home if they are not able to come in to the classroom during the day.  Make all your parents feel like they are a part of your classroom with activities they can do at home or in school.

I usually hand these out at Back to School night so that it goes directly to the parents. If a parent cannot make it then, I'll send home with the students and also will upload it to my…


Added by Melissa Rosen on August 13, 2014 at 8:35am — 1 Comment

Constitution Day is September 17

I've created a page that has some fun resources for Constitution Day.

Click the link below to view.

Fun resources for Constitution Day!

Added by Anne Shaw on August 12, 2014 at 7:05pm — No Comments

Fun Ways to Celebrate Bonza Bottler Day

Bonza Bottler Day is celebrated every month on the day when the number of the month matches the number of the day (i.e. January 1, March 3, June 5 and so on).

The idea to celebrate this occurrence came from the mind of Elaine Fremont who established the first Bonza Bottler Day in 1985. Elaine Fremont established this day because she realized that August was…


Added by Dorothy Hastings on August 7, 2014 at 2:00am — No Comments

RENIA: Red de Estudio de las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría -Grupo Virtual Iberoamericano.

FIConta (Foro Iberoamericano de Contabilidad) invita a la comunidad contable Iberoamericana, especialmente a los interesados en la Auditoría de Estados Financieros y las Normas Internacionales de Auditoria -NIAs, a unirse a este Grupo de alcance Iberoamericano aglutinado…


Added by Mario Echeverria on August 5, 2014 at 11:13am — No Comments

A Dozen Edu Resources Students Can Use for Essay Writing

Essay writing is one of constant problems for every student. To help them deal with it, educators try plenty of methods and techniques, including the usage of various technologies and mobile applications that have been developed to ease the process of academic writing and make it pleasant for young people. Most of them work good of…


Added by Lesley J. Vos on August 1, 2014 at 1:06am — No Comments

8 Rules for education

This is my perspective on how we need to educate children for their futures not our pasts. It is a personal view based on my experiences in education and feedback from the European projects I have been involved in.

They are not in any particular order. Of course, most aspects I list cannot be viewed as individual facets but affect each other and often duplicate.

Really interested in your comments on these thoughts, do I go far enough, what else would you include?  I purposely…


Added by Joel Josephson on July 24, 2014 at 8:00am — No Comments

Communications in Higher Ed Administration

In my work in financial aid, I am currently looking at how to improve communications with students. This includes utilizing the software we already have in the ways intended and thinking creatively about how to reach students and making sure they see the information at least once. Technology will be very helpful moving forward in this endeavor.

So, I ask you, how are ways you would like to be reached online? What are ways you would not like to be reached? What is the most creative way…


Added by Tracie Bristol on July 15, 2014 at 8:31pm — No Comments

The OIG Website as a Resource

I teach healthcare compliance to graduate students who aim to one day be compliance officer. Much of my curriculum comes from the Office of Inspector General. The OIG has developed some excellent free educational resources for providers, staff and patients. These resources help providers understand healthcare fraud, abuse and waste as well as the consequences of wrong doing. The resources are continually updated and very useful for training purposes. These are free resources that compliance…


Added by Aurae Beidler on July 13, 2014 at 9:10pm — No Comments


According to the history of the internet, it was just starting when I finished college in 1997. I have moved on through MySpace to Facebook to LinkedIn. However, I started a journey towards teaching and now as I continue my coursework-- I am amazed at the volume of computer applications available. I am trying to understand which ones would I benefit from in my normal day to day.

Added by Natalie Dunn on July 12, 2014 at 1:13pm — No Comments

Google Apps Blog

When I first saw the assignment on Google Apps training, I didn’t realize how little I actually knew about Google.  There are so many different ways to incorporate Google into a classroom.  I also didn’t realize that there was a whole section on Apps for Education and how certain apps could be used.  For example, I use Google Calendar for my everyday personal calendars, however, I do not use it for school.  I think that if I used it for school as well, it would keep me that much more…


Added by Nicole Mullowney on June 29, 2014 at 10:25am — No Comments

Experiencing Free/Open Source Courses

The course that I chose to take was on geology.  It is a self-paced, interactive course with a lot of great information about the different types of rocks. This is a good course for students that need a visual learning experience.  There are videos, interactive activities, and actual pictures of the different types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. It is not only informational, but it is also extremely kid-friendly.  There are objectives, instructions for use, and ideas for…


Added by Nicole Mullowney on June 28, 2014 at 5:29pm — No Comments

Marzano & Bloom

When I started on my teaching journey almost ten years ago in college, we did a lot of work with Bloom’s Taxonomy.  There was a lot of focus on using the levels of thinking skills in lesson planning and developing activities.  The first school I starting teaching at, the main focus of the school was using the Bloom’s verb in our objectives.   Bloom’s has been the core of my teaching for the majority of my career so far.  Not until recently has Marzano become a forerunner in my teaching…


Added by Chere' Smith on June 27, 2014 at 3:24am — No Comments

Experiencing Free/Open Source Courses

This self-paced course is a good introduction to Spanish for those who have never studied it before, or a good supplemental program for students who may be struggling in their school Spanish class, or a good refresher course for people who would like to brush up on Spanish after years of not having studied it.  While there are many aspects of learning a language, this course focuses almost exclusively on Spanish grammar.  The course materials and videos had to be accessed using iTunes…


Added by Chere' Smith on June 24, 2014 at 12:10am — No Comments

Embedding ICT in teaching and learning

I teach English to grade six in a well recognized institute of Pakistan. I also work in an administrative capacity as an SM and have to coordinate with the teachers of middle school. Recently I joined a professional course that demanded me to embed ICT in my teaching and learning. I learnt a lot. Side by side I faced many barriers like shortage of resources, incompetency and reluctance of teachers, power out and many more coming in the way of this whole process. I want to know what…


Added by Faiqa Sarwar on June 22, 2014 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Google Apps

Google Apps would help me be a more efficient educator in a few ways.  One it would help me with organization with the integration of Google calendars.  I find myself carrying around 2 or 3 different day planners each school year because I am writing information everywhere.  The calendar app will allow me to just carry around my laptop or phone and keep track of everything going on in and out of the classroom.  Another way the apps would help is through the Google site tool.  I have wanted…


Added by Chere' Smith on June 22, 2014 at 3:18pm — No Comments

Virtual Reality

After researching the opposing view, my thoughts have not changed.  I still see benefits to using virtual reality in the classroom.  I do agree however, that cost is the major barrier in having successful virtual reality options in the classrooms.  Virtual worlds offer some advantages but not more.  I love the idea of students being able to use their technology skills and apply them in the classroom as an extension or additional support.  I feel classroom must keep some traditional aspects…


Added by Chere' Smith on June 22, 2014 at 1:07pm — No Comments


Primera publicación

Added by Marlon A. García M. on June 18, 2014 at 9:25am — No Comments


Just attended a summer geographic seminar on oil, water, and people in ND.  I learned a lot about fracking.  The 2 days we spent on oil and fracking made me not totally sure whether it is good or not.  Of course, going into it, I thought I knew that fracking caused fire water, sink holes, and earthquakes.  Now I am not sure as wells for water are 1800 feet above the fracking and wells have naturally occurring methane, earthquakes happen 498 miles below fracking, and the shale is left…


Added by Stephen D Arel on June 15, 2014 at 8:13pm — No Comments

Study reveals educational benefits of video teleconferencing

Originally Published on The Public Sector View


In previous posts on the Public Sector View, we’ve discussed the different ways video teleconferencing (VTC) solutions can benefit …


Added by Anthony Sargon on June 12, 2014 at 10:46am — No Comments

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