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What is social justice?

This was a question posed to our class by a professor the other day. Is social justice a set of specific values that people hold? Should they try to push "values" of social justice on other people? Does it have a place in our schools? Should students be made to participate in social justice? Are teachers instruments of social justice?

Many answers came out of that discussion. I have digested them all and here is what I am left with...

Social Justice is the right of every human… Continue

Added by Sara on January 29, 2008 at 10:39pm — 1 Comment

Do not go quietly into your classroom

I spent Friday morning with 22 student teachers and a couple teachers from my school. My goal was to introduce them to the world of web2.0, wikis, and Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad- I didn't really get into delicious beyond an introduction. That aside, I think this group of future teachers really understood my point that education is changing and our teaching needs to change too!…


Added by David Truss on January 29, 2008 at 10:21pm — No Comments

Spring08: January 30, Gandhi, Rama

Tomorrow, January 30, is the sixtieth anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. I wanted to share here the announcement I am sharing with my class (see below). There was a discussion at the Fireside Learning ning about cultural literacy and I was discouraged about the notion that there was nothing in Hindu culture that belongs to the "basics of basics," the essentials of cultural literacy. Now, I don't want to be in the business of drawing up any "basics of basics" (I think that's a… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 29, 2008 at 10:11pm — 1 Comment

Be part of my podcasts

Be part of my podcasts

Hi everyone in Tim Holt's Friends list on Classroom 2.0!

I was hoping you could help me out with a favor that involves recording a short bumper for my podcast.

All you need to do is say something like:

Hi, I am XXXXX from (your blog site /podcast site here) @ XXXXX (Your url here) and I listen to Tim Holt's Intended Consequences podcast.

You of course can ad lib if you wish.

You can make them as fancy as you wish,… Continue

Added by Tim Holt on January 29, 2008 at 7:51pm — No Comments

Spring08: student web publishing galore

Today was a watershed day in my classes this semester: tonight, at midnight, the first web publishing assignment was due. And it's gone quite well - more or less 91 students (my current roster) have published their first webpages. Simple simple simple: just two pages, linked to each other, with some link to another website. We'll add images next week.

As usual, most of the students had never published a webpage before.

Even better: most students were surprised at how easy it… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 28, 2008 at 10:53pm — No Comments

The Common Principles of 21st Century Schools

(Cross-posted from my blog)

My Twitter network came alive this weekend at the Educon 2.0 Conference in Philadelphia, PA. I met so many people that I have known virtually for a long time. We had amazing conversations about learning and technology (in that

order). What was most…


Added by Elizabeth Davis on January 28, 2008 at 7:53pm — 1 Comment Safe All in one web 2.0 solution for schools

Hi folks,

As we evolve in this new communication medium, we are all getting used to online social networking and what it means for building relationships, collaborating and business.

I want to be completely honest up front, I am here in classroom 2.0 to get your feedback and thoughts about a new software platform that provides a safe social networking enviroment for schools.

The platform is at

Please let me know…


Added by David Levesque on January 28, 2008 at 3:04pm — 1 Comment

On my Research

Well I haven't had a chance to blog in ages because I have been keeping myself very busy. Almost too busy. A lot of my buds from college look to me at times and ask me how I do it. I don't even know sometimes.

Okay, well more or less I was starting to progress in my research and then the end f the quarter came where I work. end of the quarter as you all means chasing around students to get their past work in (for absences right before the end of the quarter) and getting those midterms…


Added by Lucas Fox on January 28, 2008 at 10:44am — No Comments

Video album from teachertube

This is just a short post, as I am trying to catch up with everything online before school starts back tomorrow. I have been camping for 10 days. However, I was really excited to find I could put my video album onto my website. I wanted to checkout the teachertube videos that I had uploaded for both myself and student work last year, but I clicked on the wrong link, thinking that I was going to read the messages that were awaiting for me to read. Instead, it took me to my home page and showed… Continue

Added by Anne Mirtschin on January 27, 2008 at 7:24pm — 2 Comments

Big Questions

I am trying to make large changes in my levels of computer knowledge. I was wondering if someone could take a moment to describe the differences between a ning, microblog, blog, wiki, skype, twitter and a moodle.

Added by Jane Faulkner on January 27, 2008 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

Shhhh! Don’t tell them they’re learning…

(Cross posted from the Nebulog to Commun-IT, Classroom 2.0, and …


Added by Ed Hitchcock on January 27, 2008 at 3:19pm — No Comments

I'm taking a web 2.0 class with my district!!

Web 2.0 Class Reflection

Added by Donna Hebert on January 27, 2008 at 9:54am — No Comments

Edusim 3D IWB support & users group

I finally got the Edusim support & users group moved to ning:

I will post updates & software downloads there.

Added by Rich White on January 27, 2008 at 8:20am — No Comments

a step and then another...and another

I am excited every day the kids begin arriving in the morning. I get so much energy from them. There were moments halfway through my cert program when I questioned if I was in fact doing the right thing. Do I really have what it takes to educate future citizens? What makes me equipped for such a job?

But this quarter I got back in the classroom and knew that this was it. Every day I love to be here. Don't get me wrong, I am scared to death sometimes about all the things that I don't know or… Continue

Added by Sara on January 26, 2008 at 9:37pm — 2 Comments

Have another blog!

This is my first Ning blog post.Please be patient; I'll start adding content here soon

Added by Sus Nyrop on January 26, 2008 at 3:54pm — 1 Comment

The Ning adventure begins - in my class

This week I started using a Ning network with my English as a Second Language class.

It's an exciting, challenging time for me working with a group of students

with vastly differing levels of ICT knowledge. Some have studied in the

field while others have had very little experience with computers.

My big lesson this week is Model, model, model and small, small, small. In the

excitement of it all, I think I tried to get too many things going… Continue

Added by Greg Oz on January 26, 2008 at 3:01pm — No Comments

eeePC for me!

Added by Daniel Stucke on January 26, 2008 at 1:08am — No Comments

Spring08: Friday, second week - thoughts about quizzes

Well, here it is, already Friday of the second week of the semester. I feel a bit zonked, but I think perhaps that is because I am coming down with a cold - it is more than just the usual online course end-of-week-zonkiness! Anyway, I want to stick to my plan of reflecting on how things went in general this week, and what improvements I can make next semester.

Probably the biggest thing I noticed was people either stressing too much about the quizzes (taking the quizzes over and over… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 25, 2008 at 2:58pm — No Comments

New web presence

Here is my first Classroom 2.0 blog...

Added by Gary Ackerman on January 25, 2008 at 10:36am — No Comments

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