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Techno Kids

On fathers day I decided to take dad out for a meal at a local eatery. My younger four year old half sister also came along, which was good as I rarely get a chance to catch up with her. From the moment she walked in I was blown away by how mature she appeared, this was compouded by the fact that the last time I saw her was probably 6 months prior. After lunch she reached into her bag and pulled out a camera, which at first I thought… Continue

Added by Jarrod Robinson on September 9, 2008 at 8:49pm — 2 Comments

A different thought on 'explain' and 'describe' questions

One of the biggest problems that most students face in physics is writing describe and explain questions. They might understand the concept and be able to apply the formulae and use mathematical methods to solve problems, yet be unable to translate that understanding to written answers.

There is no easy solution. The reasons students struggle with them range from basic problems with writing to problems with ordering their ideas, to those that can't identify the key thoughts they need… Continue

Added by Gwyneth on September 9, 2008 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Worthy of Writing?

So I am doing more and more of writing WITH my students lately. Actually, I really began taking it more seriously last year after reading Aimee Buckner's Notebook Know-How. (LOVE THAT BOOK and it's a quick, easy read!) And I was doing just fine with writing in my nice little composition book last year while the kids were writing in their notebooks. (LOVE those composition notebooks!)

BUT, now that I've begun this experiment in blogging, I feel I can relate more to… Continue

Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on September 9, 2008 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

2008 PBwiki Program for Educators

PBwiki has announced that they are offering educators & librarians who sign up as part of the 2008 PBwiki Program for Educators a free premium wiki (regular price: $250/year). This program is also open to home school parents as well.

You can learn more about all the ways you can use a wiki in your classroom to enhance and support student learning over on the PBWiki Education page, or the PBwiki… Continue

Added by Derek Baird on September 9, 2008 at 4:00pm — No Comments

German Network "COMENIUS Dialog"

Last Sunday, I started with Ning Network COMENIUS Dialog in German Language. Guests are very welcome:)

Added by Hans Feldmeier on September 9, 2008 at 10:56am — 1 Comment


Check out the world's best slideshare presentation from the 2008 World's Best Presentation Contest. Great message and imagery. See top winners in each category.…


Added by John Costilla on September 9, 2008 at 7:11am — No Comments

Web as Desktop: Live presentations on the web!

Are you suffering the high cost and continual repetition of live presentations?

"As a president, I always join many meetings and trade shows to present our products or corporation. There is no problem with the live presentation. But I’m stuck when I want to sharing the meeting with others after it. Because I need present the same presentation again and again even spend additional high costs on driving or flying. The boring continual repetition makes me crazy. Is there any… Continue

Added by Sabrina Fu on September 9, 2008 at 1:52am — 1 Comment

Vocab ideas I'm excited about

I have been thinking a lot about vocabulary lately. It seems to me that it's such a fundamental part of academic success and something that lends itself to technology and potentially building some great reusable resources.

Then I read Marzano's "Classroom Instruction That Works," a must-read if you haven't read it… Continue

Added by Karen Fasimpaur on September 8, 2008 at 5:57pm — 1 Comment

Wiz iQ - Video-Conference with your students!

Recently, I was out 'grazing' on the web when I came across Wiz iQ. For those of you not familiar with video conferencing, it was expected to take the world by storm sometime in the past year but has yet to truly catch on. Of course, the idea of communicating with others around the globe seemlessly remains an ideal and is certainly possible in small groups using Skype, MSN, iChat or something similar. However, none of these applications, freely and readily… Continue

Added by Greg from on September 8, 2008 at 5:00pm — No Comments

New to the World of bloggers

I am just learning about blogging today from Kevin Honeycutt; so far I am really excited and can't wait to get going on this.

Added by Kelly Shultz on September 8, 2008 at 11:39am — No Comments

Can I get a status update?

It seems that in today's Web 2.0 society, we are open and willing to share just about anything. Sometimes, we even share the most meaningless information via our status updates, especially in the world of Twitter, Facebook and of course in this blog here as well.

So here are a few posts… Continue

Added by John Costilla on September 8, 2008 at 8:08am — No Comments

Just got my first student Voki assignment!

Assigned my second year French class a one-minute speaking assignment which they then emailed to me. This is so exciting!

Added by Karen Maginnis on September 7, 2008 at 9:40pm — 4 Comments


Welcome, parents and students to Mrs. Spence's Classroom Website. Keep checking back for new updates. I will post documents such as the weekly newsletter under the Important Information heading. Any other information, I will post in the Blog, so check back often!

Added by Ashley Spence on September 7, 2008 at 1:37pm — No Comments

Online Courses in Information Fluency!

Search Help, Evaluation and Digital Ethics for School, Business and Home

Courses Starting Soon...

Need to create a back to school training?

Use our modular content to snap together your own unique training course.

Power Searching in a Web 2.0 World

Next session starts September 22, 2008 (4 Weeks $99)…


Added by Dennis O'Connor on September 7, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Multimedia and Music: Remix, Reuse

Cross-posted from The Impetuous Geek

By Alix E. Peshette

Technology has expanded many of the traditional ideas of how students can show evidence of learning. So, it’s no surprise that many students elect to create multimedia presentations. Images, video, narration and sound tracks are combined to produce an engaging product. Naturally enough, students often share… Continue

Added by Alix E. Peshette on September 7, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

LIve Streaming from SLCC in Tampa!

Hey all, i'm streaming in two places all day from Tampa, FL at the Second Life community conference. Visit my SL blog at for all the urls, plus SLurls for the inworld streams from the feed.


Added by Scott Merrick on September 7, 2008 at 8:44am — No Comments

Pop Fly

A fun collection of songs for young children:… Continue

Added by Lorraine on September 7, 2008 at 6:00am — No Comments

Getting ready to present Ning to world language teachers next Saturday....

Well, I'm getting ready to finalize this presentation for the Southern Arizona Language Symposium......I said I could present on Ning and am now feeling anxious about it. I want to split the time between professional development and student applications, and leave time for hands-on exploration. I always overplan these things [sigh.] Well, I guess it's better to have to cut out than to fill in, eh? Will check back in later. Off to walk the… Continue

Added by Karen Maginnis on September 6, 2008 at 10:34pm — No Comments

3 Weeks In

Well, it's been over a month since my last blog post. After the 7 Tablet Pickup Days we went right into 7 three hour Tablet Orientation sessions. We got the DyKnow server up and running in time for the third orientation session. A week after the last orientation session was the first day of school. DyKnow has been fantastic it's been a lot of fun to teach with. It really keeps the students engaged. More later, I'm tired...

Added by Kevin Stachowski on September 5, 2008 at 8:52pm — No Comments

Web 2.0, The Faculty Meeting- Let the Games Begin!

My personal goal for the year is to expose as many teachers to as many web 2.0 tools that I can. I will use this blog to chronicle my efforts and, hopefully, share more successes than failures. My ultimate motivation is to have the teachers use the technology, reflect on it, and find ways to implement them into their classrooms.

We started our journey in the opening faculty meeting of the year. We began with (actually we began with pretty dry administrivial housekeeping, after that)… Continue

Added by Brian Carter on September 5, 2008 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

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