This morning I opened my email and was greeted by a link to an article profiling what is commonly being referred to as an "outdoor school" or “nature preschool.” We usually blog about issues concerning Educational Leadership and…
Added by Karen Cameron on August 14, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments
For those of you who are following along with any of the Connected Educator Month activities, I am blogging daily to create a month long series of blog posts for Connected Educators Month on my Change Agency blog, you can access all of the posts by clicking…
ContinueAdded by Stephanie Sandifer on August 13, 2012 at 8:22pm — No Comments
Some learners have been flexible enough to depend on the internet to help them learn foreign languages. In fact, due to the endless opportunities a learner can take advantage upon learning a language, most students only prefer in internet learning rather than going to Foreign Language School for intimate learning. Who could blame them? Most students, such a reality indeed, they prefer taking the…
ContinueAdded by kristomagno on August 13, 2012 at 7:00pm — No Comments
Preparing for the new year in teacher education at Western Illinois University. Lots of excitement about iPad use as all faculty were given one. I'm looking to have my college kids (pre-service teachers) skype/facetime elementary classrooms and get authentic tips about using projects and technology in a time when all we hear is Common Core standards and testing.
Added by Terry Smith on August 11, 2012 at 1:49pm — No Comments
Added by Ms. Lynda Hall on August 10, 2012 at 10:55pm — 5 Comments
How many times have you said something about public speaking or your reluctance to give speeches and had someone come right back with the threadbare cliché about how “one study” found that “the average person fears public speaking more than death?”
Who conducted this study, exactly?
Regardless of whether or not this “study”/cliché can be…
ContinueAdded by Karen Cameron on August 8, 2012 at 8:54am — No Comments
Collaborative and real-time data projects engage students in collecting, analyzing, and sharing data from web-based databases; as well as allow communication with other students around the world. These kinds of projects are highly motivating to students because they bring classrooms together from across the globe in shared learning experiences.
Added by Kristen Paino on August 7, 2012 at 11:19am — No Comments
After looking at and reading about both sides of the argument, my feelings about virtual reality use in the classroom had not changed. Just like most other things we have access to and have been introduced to in the world of education, there is a time and a place for everything. I can usually find the place, but the trick comes in finding the time to implement these tools.
I do not think that virtual realities should replace live interactions. I have decided that in most cases,…
ContinueAdded by Sara Finney on August 6, 2012 at 10:47am — 1 Comment
Have you heard about Connected Educator Month? Have you signed up to listen or share? How about joining the group at P2PU?
What is your definition of a connected educator? I'm still working on…
ContinueAdded by Sheri on August 5, 2012 at 1:05am — No Comments
As a result of researching virtual realities in education it is evident that there is a plethora of high quality researched based games out there. When implementing virtual realities into the curriculum it is important to consider the purpose and authenticity of the game. Everyday students are given the opportunity to play low order thinking skill games that are simply drill. However, with careful consideration of the game…
Added by C Thomas on August 4, 2012 at 7:12pm — No Comments
Before beginning this learning topic, I was not aware of the many areas of education that virtual reality (VR) is being implemented in. I was surprised to find out how frequently it is used. When I thought about the applications of virtual reality in the classroom, I did not see many. Now I realize that there are a ton of opportunities to educate using VR. The primary application appears to be for science and math concepts and most of the research I came across looked at VR at the post…
ContinueAdded by Elizabeth Gentry on August 4, 2012 at 3:55pm — 1 Comment
Virtual reality is a great way for students to gain experiences that they are not able to have in the real world, and to get a better understanding of content in order to enhance their education. Virtual reality can give students practice with real-world jobs without the consequences or cost needed for the experience. It can teach students about the ocean by giving them a close up view and a realistic depiction of what it might be like to be there.
However, a virtual…
Added by Elana Kline on August 4, 2012 at 12:55pm — 2 Comments
Added by Ms. Lynda Hall on August 3, 2012 at 11:10pm — No Comments
Social networks are an important part of education, and life, in today’s world. Everyone has heard of Facebook and Twitter, but many people are not aware of the thousands of other networks out there. Through this weeks assignments on social networks, I have discovered a number of useful resources for myself and my students.
I have furthered my interest in having students create blogs to share their learning and collaborate with one another this upcoming school year. I have…
Added by Elana Kline on August 2, 2012 at 12:19am — 1 Comment
Hiya!Today's Esl website is It has different kinds of tools you can use in your lessons.They are interactive and so enjoying.I totally advise you to have a look at that website:)See…
Added by Azize Besik on July 30, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments
As a result of this assignment, I was not aware there were Nine elements that defined digital citizenship. Many educators and students forget that there is an expectation of behaviors surrounding technology use. Of the nine elements (digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health and wellness, and digital security) I…
Added by C Thomas on July 28, 2012 at 3:17pm — 3 Comments
Before this week, I primarily thought of Social Networking as something you did at home, on your personal time, regarding personal things. At least, that was my experience with social networking. This week has brought to light that blogging is a form of social networking. While I have not blogged with my students, I know many teachers who have and have had great things to say about it. Through blogs teachers and students are able to communicate with each other and others from…
ContinueAdded by Sara Finney on July 28, 2012 at 3:14pm — 2 Comments
I am typing this in my classroom 2.0 site to see if it will post to my Blog page. We shall see....
Added by Ron Curtis on July 27, 2012 at 7:13pm — No Comments
After researching various social networks, I feel more comfortable about the possibility of using them in my classroom. I was not aware that there were so many options for educators to choose from. The educational blogs and sites are really user-friendly and secure. Knowing this, alleviates my fears about getting students involved in online chats. I like that most of the education networks give the teacher access and control over student accounts.
I think that prior…
ContinueAdded by Elizabeth Gentry on July 27, 2012 at 6:02pm — 2 Comments
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