The present perfect is formed with a present tense of “to have” plus the past participle of the verb which can be either regular or irregular in form.
We use the present perfect for the following cases.
I have been in London before. (At unspecific time in the past, but we don’t know exactly when)
I have seen that movie.
She has read that book many…
ContinueAdded by Camila Valenzuela Bestwick on June 18, 2016 at 7:33pm — No Comments
Past continuous:
The past continuous is formed from the past tense of be (was/were) with the -ing form of the verb.
We use the past continuous to talk about the past
I was reading when the cellphone rang.
We were playing when she fell asleep.
At ten o’clock, I was sleeping.
Added by Camila Valenzuela Bestwick on June 16, 2016 at 4:31pm — No Comments
Competing with cell phones and video games for students' attention can be daunting for teachers today. But there are ways to tap into your student's creativity and stir their excitement to get them more fully engaged in learning activities. Here are a few suggestions for unlocking your students' enthusiasm for education.
Hands-on technology
Instead of fighting technology like for your students' attention, optimize its use. Consider the use of classroom clickers…
ContinueAdded by Emma Sturgis on June 16, 2016 at 4:19pm — 4 Comments
Added by Natalia Leiva Macaya on June 15, 2016 at 10:58pm — No Comments
Added by Natalia Leiva Macaya on June 15, 2016 at 9:00pm — No Comments
Present Continuous:
We use the present continuous tense to talk about the present:
I’m studying right now.
My sister is sleeping.
They are watching a movie.
You can identify this use for these most common adverbials: Now, right now, at the moment and currently.
I’m working here for two…
ContinueAdded by Camila Valenzuela Bestwick on June 15, 2016 at 6:43pm — No Comments
Microblogging Comparison
Academic |
Business |
Announcements: Easy way for teachers to push out information for the… |
Added by Dan Hill on June 6, 2016 at 10:16pm — No Comments
My name is Mollie and I am new to the Classroom 2.0 Community. I wanted to join to stay up-to-date on technology in the classroom and be able to connect with fellow educators who also have a Technology background. This year I will be graduating from National Louis University's Master's in Technology in Education Program and am very eager to continue my learning in Technology community.
Below I have add a URL to an online portfolio I created for one of my final…
ContinueAdded by MMR on June 3, 2016 at 8:46am — No Comments
I like June, but not for the usual reasons. Yes, the school year is winding down, and the kids are getting "antsy," but I see it as an opportunity to think outside the box.
I can try all the things I wanted to during the year with a little less pressure on them to succeed.
Keeping them engaged is the main focus in these last few weeks, so the resource I try has to get their attention, and get it fast. We can have a little more fun, and celebrate all…
Added by Eileen Lennon on June 2, 2016 at 8:07am — No Comments
Best Practices in Educational Blogging
Just like most district’s AUP policies, blogging needs to be included. With blogging just starting to come a mainstay in the educational realm, districts should review their policies to ensure blogging is included. If not, students are going to take full advantage of “no policy.” Just as with AUP’s, a blogging section…
Continue21st Century Classroom/Learner
What is a 21st Century Classroom? It is one unlike anything I grew up in. When I was in school it was a teacher centered classroom. The teacher was the instiller of knowledge and as a student we listened and soaked it…
ContinueAdded by Dan Hill on May 27, 2016 at 9:20am — No Comments
So you are slogging endlessly on the study table to pass the upcoming examinations? Everything necessary is within your reach, and the jerker to your focus - your smartphone - has been kept upside down in the other corner of the room for no distraction of thoughts. *SlowClap*
Smartphones could be taking the rap for your misdemeanors at the education front, but the fact is far from what’s understood. There are a number of phone-based applications that can assist…
ContinueAdded by Alyssa Sellors on May 18, 2016 at 3:25am — 1 Comment
Esta semana no sali para nigun sitio cultural o diferente es muy dificil para mi porque trabajo, voy a la escuela y tengo un nino pero puede lograr pasar tiempo con mi familia. Aprendo muchas cosas con mi abuela quien nacio en la republica dominicana y cocine una comida deliciosa de nuestro pais hoy cocino Asopao (soupy rice) yuca, platanos, y arroz con habichuelas. El asopao es una sopa de arroz que se incio en puerto rico pero los platos de puerto rico y la republica dominicana son muy…
ContinueMi familia es muy carinosa que he conocido. estoy muy afortunado de tener una familia como la mia. mi familia es bien abierta siempre estan uno para el otro escojen tiempo para hablar y apollarse uno al otro, mi familai le gusta ver que el otro consiga su sueno para ser feliz y siempre estan para ayudar cuando se entreraron que iba tener un hijo me apollaron bastante y siguen apollandome para que yo consiga mis metas estoy muy afortunada dee tener una familia como mia.
La familia…
ContinueDiscriminacion es cuando la gente es tratada injustamente y cuando se piensa que otras personas no importa por su rrasa, edad, sexo, o su prefencia sexual.
todas los dias se ven discriminacion, es una mentabilidad estable que la gente no queren escapar porque son steriotipicos. los personas creen que los steriotipicos de una grupo son verdad eso es porque muchas gentes discriminan. cuando tienes la influencia de otras personas o television y otras coasas en el mundo es facil a creer…
ContinueCollege can be an intimidating place for students. It provides you with a glimpse of what lies ahead in life. College heralds the beginning of professional careers for most people, and it is for that reason that 4 years of college are worth their weight in gold. College fulfils the most important job of character building among teenagers. The transformation from a teenager to a responsible professional who is ready to take on the challenges of life is startling and truly remarkable to…
ContinueAdded by Alyssa Sellors on May 9, 2016 at 1:09am — No Comments
Vygotsky’s Activity Theory
The theory used for this lesson is Vygotsky’s Activity Theory. It ties in the collaborative and constructivist format in allowing the teachers to present their assignment as relevant. The student will have the chance t o complete and revise their work by having a practice grade and a mastery grade. Therefore, showing the teacher how to effectively use iAnnotate will allow them provide faster feedback to the student when they complete their…
ContinueAdded by Alexandra on May 9, 2016 at 12:00am — No Comments
Tali Horowitz invited a bunch of DOE nerds as her guests to the Common Sense Media Awards Dinner. The awards were for everyone who works hard to provide a safe environment for children to use technology. It was a lovely evening; we hobnobbed with big donors, caught up with friends, and had a nice evening out. What really inspired me was the message of the evening. We are playing defense for the small people who are…
ContinueAdded by Eileen Lennon on May 6, 2016 at 12:04pm — No Comments
En la actualidad estudiar una carrera profesional es un proceso difícil ya que tiene muchos obstáculos, por eso, elegir a qué nos dedicaremos el resto de nuestras vidas no es una decisión que se debe tomar a la ligera. Muchos alumnos recién egresados de los bachilleratos no tienen idea de que estudiar ni qué consideraciones tomar para esta decisión.
A continuación te decimos algunos puntos que podrás tomar en cuenta y evitar cometer…
ContinueAdded by germanhuerta on May 6, 2016 at 10:51am — No Comments
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