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How to manage with writing deadlines


Added by Julie Martin on March 3, 2016 at 9:30am — No Comments


Hola, me llamo Maria. Tengo 18 anos y vivo en Nueva York. Nueva York es una cuidad que nosotros cojemos adventaje sin saber cuantas cosas positivas tengamos a nuestro acesso. Por ejemplo la transportación. Todo es bien fácil para acessar y siempre hay algo que hacer. Esto es lo que me gusta de Nueva York. Pero lo que no me gusta es que ya estoy cómoda en la ciudad y me gusta viajar y ver diferente ciudades y países. El pais que me facina es India. Ese es el país que será un sueño para yo…


Added by Maria on February 28, 2016 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Experience free/open source courses

The course I chose to take and review was on  It was a short course on personal health and fitness.  It was divided into 5 learning modules with a varying number of topics per module.  I covered the first 5 topics which was all of module one.  It gave an overview of what health is and how it is defined differently (physical, emotional, mental) depending on who you are talking to.  It was presented in a PowerPoint type fashion.  You read the…


Added by Dan Hill on February 28, 2016 at 4:41pm — 1 Comment

Reflection is not just for mirrors anymore.

Where were you last year? Where are you now? Where do you want to be in a year?

Three questions that can stop you in your tracks.

In September, I present to the students my goals for the year. I look at them periodically throughout the year to see if I'm on track. More times than not, I'm nowhere near them. The rosy glow of September is deceiving; so my original plans don't take into consideration the set backs along the way. While it's a humbling exercise, it's…


Added by Eileen Lennon on February 28, 2016 at 3:38pm — 2 Comments

Virtual Reality

Beginning this week’s learning, I was definitely a proponent of using virtual worlds in the classroom. I thought it would be difficult to find resources that emphasized the disadvantages of virtual realities. However, there is a lot of research that points to potential downfalls of using virtual environments.

I found that just about every advantage could be spun into a disadvantage and vice-a-versa. To me, virtual worlds seem to…


Added by Ryan Ferrin on February 27, 2016 at 10:06pm — No Comments

Blog #1

Habla, dialecto, Idioma

En las ultimas décadas, han habido controversias sobre las lenguas romances y los dialectos que surgieron de esas lenguas. Idiomas como el gallego que es valorado como un idioma independiente, en Galicia…


Added by Yannely Ferreira on February 24, 2016 at 10:28pm — No Comments

Un viaje posible al siglo XV

El articulo llamado “Un viaje posible al siglo XV” habla sobre el Judeoespañol. El judeoespañol que también es conocido como sefardí o ladino. El diccionario lo define como la  “Variedad del español que hablan los sefardíes, principalmente en Israel, Asia Menor, el norte de África y los Balcanes, caracterizada por conservar muchos rasgos del castellano anterior al siglo XVI”. El articulo explica que el judeoespanol no viene del pasado ni regresa al futuro…


Added by talia zeferino on February 24, 2016 at 9:53pm — No Comments

Mi primer experiencia asistiendo una concierto Hispano de Mark Anthony.


Mi amiga me regalo una boleto para ir a una concierto de Mark Anthony. Para mi esto fue mi primera y ultima vez. Aunque me gusta varias música,  y conozco muchas de sus canciones, la música latina no es mi favorito. Yo fui mas por la experiencia y como mi amiga me regalo un boleto y prometió que era un arista bien divertida yo acepte la ofrenda.  Para mi el…


Added by Leylanie Rodriguez on February 24, 2016 at 1:17pm — No Comments


Don't have to do anything tomorrow

Added by Candy Cofield on February 23, 2016 at 4:18pm — No Comments

“La España Plural, 500 años después”

El autor demuestra en sus artículo “La España plural, 500 años después”  como ciertas características socioculturales  de Galicia and Andalucía  que han contribuido a la discriminación y rivalidades territoriales que existe entre otras regiones vecinas como Cataluña y el País Vasco.

Según el artículo desde principios de la historia Galicia fue llamada  “Dinis Terrae”, “Fin del Mundo” por los romanos. Esto se debió a que Galicia estaba bajo el régimen “galaico- leones y con una…


Added by Maria Rodriguez on February 20, 2016 at 2:26pm — No Comments

“La España plural, 500 años después”

El autor demuestra en sus artículo “La España plural, 500 años después”  como ciertas características socioculturales  de Galicia and Andalucía  que han contribuido a la discriminación y rivalidades territoriales que existe entre otras regiones vecinas como Cataluña y el País Vasco.

Según el artículo desde principios de la historia Galicia fue llamada  “Dinis Terrae”, “Fin del Mundo” por los romanos. Esto se debió a que Galicia estaba bajo el régimen “galaico- leones y con una…


Added by Maria Rodriguez on February 20, 2016 at 1:37pm — No Comments

6 Tips to Prepare Your Child for Success In Preschool

Sending your child to preschool can be just as daunting for you as a parent as it is for your little one. The best thing you can do to make sure it’s a successful start for both of you is to prepare them in advance.

child success in preschool

Try these six tips to ensure both of you get the most out of what should be a fun and educational experience:

  • Firstly, don’t panic – even if you’re only reading this with a week or two to go,that is still…

Added by Dorothy Hastings on February 20, 2016 at 1:00am — No Comments


Al crecer, yo nunca tuve un profesor que inspira o me ha influido hasta que estaba en mi último año de escuela secundaria. Su nombre era señora Fermino y ella creo en mí , incluso cuando todo el mundo tenía la esperanza perdida. Yo estaba fallando todas mis clases y yo estaba muy atrás en créditos . Mi madre no se desanimó , se acercó a la escuela y le pidió a mi consejera para ayudarme graduarse a tiempo . La señora Fermino me sentó y sinceramente me dijo que esto era muy importante…


Added by natacha navedo on February 19, 2016 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Virtual Reality

After doing research during this lesson on virtual reality (VR), I can say my opinion has shifted some to the other side of supporting VR in the classroom.  When I initial think of VR, I think of the sci-fi stuff you see in the movies such as the Matrix.  To me that is VR.  Living in another world.  But in reality, it is not.  It can be as simple as taking a virtual tour of the something.  I think VR will keep the students more engaged in learning if used in the…


Added by Dan Hill on February 15, 2016 at 10:05pm — 1 Comment


man is emblem of everlasting inner goodness, love, charity and generosity

Added by Ahmad Raza on February 15, 2016 at 4:13am — No Comments

Acceptable Use Policies

The National Education Association has outlined 6 key elements that make an effective Acceptable Use Policy. Reading through several AUPs, I found that most had these elements. Though online, my school doesn’t provide a distinct AUP online, there are a great number of them from other schools, which as a whole I would liked to briefly discuss.  Majority speaking, by each having 6 elements I would say that they have effective AUP. Most  include a disclaimer to legally protect…


Added by Ryan Ferrin on February 13, 2016 at 10:09pm — No Comments

Me llamas erica tengo 33 anos estoy estudando nursing vivo en staten island

Me llamas erica tengo 33 anos estoy estudando nursing vivo en staten island

Added by erica on February 12, 2016 at 7:31pm — No Comments

Blog Review on Social Networking/Digital Citizenship

Social Networking.  Does it have a place in the classroom?  I am torn on this issue.  While I see the advantages to it such as being able to still have school on bad weather days or while traveling for a vacation, I do see some drawbacks to it as well.  I have talked to several individuals about homeschooling and the cyber school areas.  For those which homeschool, they love it because it gives them flexibility.  They can take family vacations during the year…


Added by Dan Hill on February 7, 2016 at 10:21pm — No Comments

Blogging about Marzano & Bloom

Blogging about Bloom & Marzano


Marzano’s 9 instructional strategies and Bloom’s Taxonomy and outline best practice. When it comes to lesson planning, it is feels good to only consider covering standards and/or implementing lessons that are fun. By boosting student achievement and engagement, both Bloom’s Taxonomy and Marzano’s research outline ways to meet the needs the pressures of standards  have and the…


Added by Ryan Ferrin on February 6, 2016 at 9:47pm — No Comments

5 Tips to Help Your Child Get Through the First School Interview

School interviews start early with kids as young as three or four to gain acceptance for preschool or pre-kindergarten. Regardless of the nature and degree of the interview, it’s important for you to prepare your child fully so that he or she knows what to expect and has the best chances possible for success. As you prep for the interview, keep the following tips in mind.…

First School interview - child care


Added by Dorothy Hastings on February 4, 2016 at 4:00am — No Comments

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