On the one year anniversary of joining the gym, I wanted to celebrate my accomplishment and take a look back at the journey so far. I realize my phone has been the most important tool to my success.
Full disclosure: it wasn't just the apps that helped me lose weight, there was some sweat involved. (Actually lots of sweat. There's no pill to make this happen; if there was Oprah would have invented it. She had to lose weight the hard way and so do…
Added by Eileen Lennon on February 2, 2016 at 6:10am — No Comments
If you live in the St. Louis area, attending the Midwest Education Technology Community Conference is a must! It is three days of immersing yourself in ideas that will revolutionize the way you do things as an educator. It is an opportunity to network and meet like-minded educators who are using technology to teach their students to be creative and innovative and to be problem-solvers.
I have attended the METC Conference for the past six years. When I come back, I am…
ContinueAdded by Melinda S Botkin on February 1, 2016 at 6:15am — No Comments
I am currently taking online courses at Fontbonne University in St. Louis, MO. The courses that I am taking focus on technology in education. As a part of one of the assignments, our professor asked us to find a professional group to follow and with which we could contribute. I looked through several links that she provided, trying to find one that I felt fit my needs. I did not take this lightly, as I am always trying to build my PLN, and because I wanted to find a group that I…
ContinueAdded by Melinda S Botkin on January 30, 2016 at 6:07am — No Comments
According to the National Education Association, they suggest that an effective AUP should contain the six elements of a preamble, definition section, policy statement, acceptable uses section, unacceptable uses section and a violations/sanctions section. After contacting my children’s principal and getting a copy of the AUP, I quickly realized their policy does not follow the NEA suggested format. The first thing I noticed was the name. The district does not call it an AUP. They refer…
ContinueAdded by Dan Hill on January 27, 2016 at 9:57pm — No Comments
The thing I noticed the most about Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs was they stayed relatively the same from the revised chart to the digital chart. The basis for each verb was very similar in “old school” vs. “new school”. For example, the lowest order of thinking skills is remembering. The basic concept of remember is the same between both trains of thought. It is the ability to remember or recall information. The difference is how it is accomplished. Under the…
ContinueI have seen a lots of students in village areas are having good knowledge when compare to urban students. The reason for the extraordinary knowledge might be media I think. Teaching learning Process in classrooms is an initial Process among students.Out of this classroom learning the students are having media impact and thro the media they learn themselfs.The teachers are lacking behing the students I feel.A reasearch is needed to findout the reasons for the KAS of students towards Media.
Added by JAYARAMACHANDRAN on January 24, 2016 at 9:57am — No Comments
I go to lots of PD days and learn new stuff all the time, but there are only so many bandwagons I can jump on.
When I'm sitting in a presentation, I'm all in. I buy whatever they're selling. It's only when I walk out and start thinking about the real world scenarios where I will use this. I often come up short somehow. I don't have the time, the support, the resources. I quit before I even begin.
What I've changed about my attitude is I've taken Sheryl Sandberg's approach and…
ContinueAdded by Eileen Lennon on January 19, 2016 at 12:36pm — 1 Comment
Graduate student at Capella University seeking 115 K-12 teachers with 5 or fewer years’ experience to participate in a one-hour online study of critical thinking, self-assessed teaching skills and career intentions.
Your participation is confidential. Get your free score sent to your e-mail directly from the publisher TalentLens. No fees, no additional solicitations. (The study is limited to 115 teachers with less than 6 years of experience who have been credentialed in the U.S.…
ContinueAdded by heidi weishuk on January 18, 2016 at 12:50pm — No Comments
A PLN is a Personal Learning Network. It sounds very cool and it's an idea that is gaining ground. Because of all the social media sites that are available to teachers, you can find anyone that is a mentor or inspiration for you and what you do.
Since I'm the only technology teacher in my building, I don't get to talk to other tech teachers about the challenges I face in my school. It helps to talk to other teachers who face the same challenges.
So how…
Added by Eileen Lennon on January 11, 2016 at 8:42am — No Comments
EdCampNYC was a great event this past weekend. I woke up on Saturday wondering why I signed up for this, but after the day was over, I was very glad I did. I feel like a phone that's been fully recharged.
I catch up with friends and colleagues, I meet new friends and colleagues, and I learn from both. EdCamps attendees are the type of people that want to be the best at what they do so they therefore inspire each other along the way. They are good as some aspect of the job, and want to…
ContinueAdded by Eileen Lennon on January 11, 2016 at 8:31am — No Comments
Noviember,13, 2015 los terroristas atacan Paris.
Los jóvenes fueron asesinados durante el ataque.
El mundo entero se conmovió por el ataque.
por que este tipo de violencia en el mundo?
por que los terroristas quieren matar al mundo occidental ?
Que debemos hacer frente a los terroristas ?
Se puede erradicar el terrorismo?
Added by fati Vuillemey on December 14, 2015 at 8:47pm — No Comments
Odisea del Norte, escrito por el autor Mario Bencastro, esta historia es de un hombre que tuvo un accidente en su trabajo y se murió. El hombre muerto tenia un amigo que se llamaba Calixto que por ser indocumentado no quiso testificar del accidente que el presencio. El no quiera ser culpado de la muerte de su compañero. Cuando vino la policía y la ambulancia para coger el cadáver, el decidió ocultarse. Y también todo la gente que trabajaba con el porque eran indocumentados.…
ContinueAdded by Julie Silva on December 6, 2015 at 9:55pm — No Comments
As a special education teacher, I’m well versed on the challenges of motivating and engaging my students. I’m always searching for ways to prepare lesson activities that speak to each student in order to motivate them. The challenge is not isolated to special education, but a challenge for all teachers. How do we engage every student given their unique needs, abilities, and preferred learning styles? A key approach for this is to use differentiated instruction. According to Tomlinson who…
ContinueAdded by M Pattison on December 3, 2015 at 7:30am — 1 Comment
The fact that you know some English is not something that you would actually benefit from because of the fact that there are various limitations that can appear as the language is not properly spoken. In many cases we see people that cannot advance in their career because of this. You want to improve your skills but since not much time is available, you may think that there is nothing that can be done. This is incorrect. Online tutoring steps in to help.
You can now take…
ContinueAdded by Melissa Burns on December 1, 2015 at 2:52pm — 1 Comment
A concerned parent asked me about a project her son had to do in which he had to research Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural style.…
ContinueAdded by Michael McPherson on November 26, 2015 at 7:41am — No Comments
Denuncian que abuso sexual en menores está "naturalizado" en Paraguay
Enlace: http://www.ultimahora.com/denuncian-que-abuso-sexual-menores-esta-naturalizado-paraguay-n947806.html
El Ministerio de Salud de Paraguay está tratando…
ContinueAdded by Yannely Ferreira on November 24, 2015 at 8:53pm — No Comments
Viñedos chilenos están entre el Océano Pacífico y la Cordillera de los Andes por lo que es un clima perfecto con calor en el día y noches frescas para las viñas. Pero debido a las temperaturas están subiendo y que son cada vez menos lluvia que los está obligando a moverse hacia el sur antes de que sufre una gran calidad. Esto también es bueno porque van a lugares que antes eran demasiado frío y lluvioso para producir…
ContinueAdded by Marjorie Gomez on November 24, 2015 at 3:48pm — No Comments
El ex primer ministro de España José María Aznar (1996-2004) defiende su decisión de dar a los Estados Unidos una copia de seguridad en su guerra con Irak. Dijo que España salió un ganador. Aznar dijo que " hicimos lo que hizo la mayoría de los otros países europeos." Tony Blair, aliado de Bush, se disculpó por la información engañosa sobre las secuelas de la guerra, pero no se disculpó por la guerra misma. Aznar y su gobierno conservador apoyaron la guerra, pero más del 90 por ciento de los…
ContinueAdded by Marjorie Gomez on November 24, 2015 at 2:29pm — No Comments
El presidente Juan Manuel Santos anunció sus planes para impulsar el turismo en Colombia. En Colombia, la contribución total que el turismo aporta al PIB colombiano en el 2014 fue $ 22,3 mil millones, o el 5,8% del PIB. En comparación con los otros países de América del Sur el turismo de Colombia es el más bajo. Esto se debe a su historia de violencia y su continuo conflicto armado interno con los grupos guerrilleros izquierdistas FARC y el ELN. La esperanza del presidente para impulsar el…
ContinueAdded by Marjorie Gomez on November 24, 2015 at 12:02pm — No Comments
Added by Rob Cowen on November 15, 2015 at 11:26pm — No Comments
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