According to the definition on the Cornell University website, digital literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet. If used correctly, digital literacy enables students to think critically about information and communication as citizens of the global community while using technology responsibly and ethically. It will eventually help them become life-long learners who have …
ContinueAdded by Aysin Alp on August 11, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Hard to believe, but it’s back-to-school time again already. Parents are out snagging the latest and greatest school supplies (back-to-school spending is second only to November-December holiday season spending!) while teachers are brainstorming the best ways to get students back into the school mindset. After an extended break, it’s easy to understand why students struggle to…
ContinueAdded by Erin Reeder on August 5, 2015 at 9:41am — 2 Comments
Added by EVAGGELIA SARIGGOLI on July 29, 2015 at 11:14pm — No Comments
Magical Metaphors
I recently left the Comcast Studio whereas I was a cameraman. We had completed recording program about Breast cancer. The host of the show explained that she was never going to get another one because they flattened her breast in a machine. She looked horrified when she explained the procedure.
So when I arrived home, I asked my best friend (a female) about her experiences getting a…
ContinueAdded by William Lambert on July 29, 2015 at 12:08pm — No Comments
Added by EVAGGELIA SARIGGOLI on July 21, 2015 at 10:21pm — No Comments
I blog at or tweet @rjbrummer :)
Added by Richard Brummer on June 27, 2015 at 8:46am — No Comments
There are so many uses and benefits I see through the use of Google Apps for Educators. Efficiency, collaboration, and student connections are the biggest benefits these tools have to offer. As an instructor, apps such as the email tool provide an easy way for the instructor to organize their communications with students. The label function can be used to break down communication by specific class, specific student, or specific class assignment. If I were teaching multiple courses this would…
ContinueAdded by Andrea on June 25, 2015 at 3:31pm — No Comments
Added by Thomas Stanley on June 25, 2015 at 12:24pm — No Comments
The purpose of the edX online HTML 5 course is to familiarize the audience with the new structure of HTML 5 as well as the benefits of the new coding structure. The course begins by introducing students to the overall course objectives which include exposing them to the new coding structure and the corresponding new features. Features include tags that are more descriptive and therefore more accessible as well as features that make incorporation of multimedia functionality…
ContinueAdded by Andrea on June 19, 2015 at 8:15am — No Comments
Hoy la maestra hizo un refuerzo con la clase de español de nativos hablantes .Debido a los exámenes “reagents “que empiezan el miércoles la maestra reforzó el tema del subjuntivo. El tema de hoy fue El subjuntivo y los quehaceres. Hoy en la clase los estudiantes repasaron las diferentes actividades de la casa aprendidas en clase en el principio del semestre. Los estudiantes escribieron las formas singulares y plurales de los verbos en el subjuntivo por medio de oraciones …
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 15, 2015 at 2:19pm — No Comments
The skeptical teacher often looks at Internet integration in his or her classroom as just another way for students to find information. The teacher wonders what is the purpose of another research tool that provides students with content that is often misunderstood or misrepresented in the student’s work. In fact, I have felt that way myself at times when I’ve had students complete research projects. But one of the greatest innovations in technology-infused education has…
ContinueAdded by Joe Zappa on June 15, 2015 at 1:09pm — No Comments
There is much too admire in the concept of open source courses, or free, online college-level classes. In its creation, university was developed by western society for the betterment of civilization through the promotion of ideas and creativity and passing that knowledge down to future generations. Today’s usage of university feels much more like a business and the student’s needed footwork for obtaining a lucrative career (not that there is everything necessarily wrong…
ContinueAdded by Joe Zappa on June 14, 2015 at 1:19pm — No Comments
El tema de hoy fue futuro y las vacaciones .Los estudiantes identificaron las formas del futuro para escribir oraciones y párrafos. Los estudiantes repasaron diferentes actividades con el verbo (AR,ER,IR) por medio de fotos y oraciones para activar información previa. Ellos también escribieron formas singulares y plurales de los verbos en el futuro por medio de oraciones y ejemplos durante la lección. Lo que me pareció divertido fue que ellos recitaron oraciones usando los…
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 12, 2015 at 12:53pm — No Comments
Hoy asistí en una clase avanzada de español de nativos hablantes del idioma español con la maestra Rico. Estudiantes de 12 grado ellos repasaron sobre el significado de las palabras denotación y connotación. La maestra explico sobre el signo lingüístico. Ella definió como el significante y el significado. Ella nombro dos tipos de significado cuales son denotativos y connotativos. El denotativo es el significado real obtenido en el diccionario. Como la palabra Mar cual su…
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 11, 2015 at 12:27pm — No Comments
En la clase de hoy se habló en Como escribir un ensayo usando conjunciones . Este método es el más común para escribir ensayos. Es usado para comparar dos teorías periodos de la historia, actividades, y objetos. La maestra explico que hay una regla, que es que al comparar los temas sean semejantes por naturaleza. También dijo, que hay escribir un ensayo no debe solo estar enfocado en comparación y contraste sino hay ocasiones que en redactar debemos hacer uso de las conjunciones …
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 11, 2015 at 12:11pm — No Comments
Hoy estuve de regreso con la clase de español de nativos hablantes del idioma español. El día de hoy ellos hablaron sobre el presente de subjuntivo. La profesora empezó con una pregunta “ Cuando se usa el presente subjuntivo? L a clase ya había tenido una clase en el principio del semestre, ya que los exámenes se acercan la maestra está repasando los términos importantes de la clase en este caso el día de hoy se enfocaron en el presente subjuntivo . Todos los estudiantes…
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 9, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments
Hoy asistí a la clase de español de nativos Hablantes de español 1. Hoy estaban repasando sobre el uso de signos de puntuación. L a maestra uso un ejemplo de una carta para comprender el uso de puntuación. El uso de los dos puntos (:) siempre se usa después de un saludo de una carta o después de una enumeración. El uso de la coma se usa para separar una enumeración por ejemplo el perro, gato,etc.también se usa coma para separar a aclaraciones en una oración. También el uso de…
ContinueAdded by jorge on June 8, 2015 at 4:00pm — No Comments
With the research I conducted this week my viewpoint on virtual reality has not changed much. I still see a lot of educational value in the use of virtual reality and simulation tools. What the research has shown me is how to be more aware of some of the possible setbacks of the tool and how to counteract some of the negative results. For example, isolation or escapism can be combatted by limiting the amount of time students are engaged within this type of environment. It can also be…
ContinueAdded by Andrea on June 7, 2015 at 9:20pm — No Comments
Added by Pratima nayak on June 7, 2015 at 6:44am — No Comments
Virtual Reality, Simulations, Video Games, all of these types of digital learning can change education permanently, and for the better. I’ve been gung-ho about virtual reality’s place in the classroom for a long time, so it was beneficial for me to consider the arguments that some have made against their integration. These have mostly been the same arguments people have made throughout the years against video gaming in general: children struggle with separating the virtual…
ContinueAdded by Joe Zappa on June 6, 2015 at 10:12am — No Comments
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