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Hello! You know most students find learning words difficult.So I am

trying to find different sources for my students to help them learn the

words more easily.I have found a very useful one again.Videos of the

words!! It is an amazing idea and I celebrate the owner of the

website.The long and the short of it , here is the address:…

Added by Azize Besik on November 5, 2010 at 4:11am — No Comments

New Book about Seniors (50 Plus) becoming Entrepreneurs

Today is Thursday, November 04, 2010. The last time I checked the economy has not improved and yet the first Baby Boomer in the USA is about to turn 65 years on January 01, 2011. For me this is the symbolic first cannery in the coal mine where we will require a NEW paradigm for Seniors (50 Plus) to make the transition from the corporate life to a productive, creative retirement life.

The urgency is upon us to select a subject, product or service that you can use yourself to become a… Continue

Added by Joe Wasylyk on November 4, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Stumbling in the dark

As a special education student, I think it is important to learn about the special education classroom and all the technology, interventions and tools that I might one day use in my own classroom. So to start finding out more about AT and how to effectively use and include it in my classroom I have joined this online network, plus others such a Twitter, QIAT and have been trying to follow some blogs as well. But as I muddle my way through all the mass emails I get from all of these different… Continue

Added by Suzanna Lucero on November 3, 2010 at 11:52am — 1 Comment

On teaching without electricity: Use stumbling blocks as stepping stones (Moliehi Sekese, Lesotho)

Moliehi Sekese wakes up in the morning, packs up her laptop, fully charged, and heads of to teach her students at Mamoeketsi Government Primary School, Lesotho. From the minute class begins that morning, students crowd around her PC, exploring maths, science…


Added by Ewan McIntosh on November 3, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

Welcome to myself to Classroom 2.0!

Okay, time for honesty: I'm not a teacher. There, I said it!

I do work as a trainer, though. Specifically, I work in a distance learning group, which translates into a lot of doing a lot of stuff with computer. And yeah, it really is a lot. My unit is part of an "elite" unit of trainers for the state agency I work for. As one of the distance learning / eLearning folks, part of my job is to be cutting edge with how to best use technology to deliver effective distance learning courses.… Continue

Added by Dan Rapoza on November 2, 2010 at 2:37pm — No Comments

Help on a Wiki project


I am trying to create a class wiki for my ESL
students. The main topic would revolve around learning English. Anyone
know of any good wikis that I can direct my students to for ideas. Also
does anyone know of any experts who would be interested in editing and
commenting on student work?

I am also interested in connecting with other ESL/ELD teachers. Anyone intrested in collaborating on a project?

Added by Erin Herndobler on November 2, 2010 at 9:18am — 1 Comment

Thoughts about education

We are well into the new school year by now. In my family, we have settled into a routine of driving to schools and then driving to sports after school. With three kids in three different schools and three different schedules, driving has been really hectic (no school bus system where we live). However, we believe it is important for our kids to have a balanced set of activities, that combines academics with sports and other things.

In my…


Added by GoldStudent on November 2, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments


Why is it that someone like me who's in a tech program that focuses on using tech in classrooms has a husband who feels like he can't use it in art!?

We had a discussion on the 20 minute drive home today and I even volunteered to come into his classroom and help him out because he doesn't feel comfortable using some basic non-powerpoint tools with his kids. He thinks it will take too long, they won't get it and it will be a waste of time. This is the same man who was…

Added by Dorothy Loftin on November 2, 2010 at 12:13am — No Comments

Life is never dull

After twenty three years of teaching, the last five have been the craziest in regards to technological upgrades. I remember teaching word processing on dual drive 5 ¼ floppy drive computers to today.

The last lab I instructed in…


Added by Steve Ilg on November 1, 2010 at 11:18pm — No Comments

Hello World

I find the title fitting, as this is traditionally the first message done by a computer programmer on a new software/language.

This looks like a great resource to explore and I look forward in learning new ideas Classroom 2.0 can offer.

Added by Victor Yee on November 1, 2010 at 10:06pm — No Comments

Lack of resources..

I have been learning quite a bit about web 2.0 tools in my CSE class. So far, this social network has impressed me the most. It is a great resource for teaching and learning, and I'm excited to explore it further while incorporating some of the ideas into my classroom.

However, I'm becoming more and more frustrated with the lack of technological resources at my school. All of the things I'm learning are great, but many just aren't feasible in my lessons. Four computers for…

Added by Megan Benson on November 1, 2010 at 10:04pm — No Comments

The vision of 21st century students

This video really challenges me as a teacher:

The video made me realize that current K-12 students live in technology era. Thus, the usage of technology to enhance communication, creativity, collaboration, and media literacy of students are very important for their future careers. In Indonesia, especially in urban areas, children are growing up with technology. Technology are part of their daily lives. Television,…

Added by Stefanus Relmasira on November 1, 2010 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Using Prezi in Spanish class

I recently assigned a typical Spanish 1 project about the family. While I gave students several format options I also hoped to encourage a few students to reach beyond their technology comfort zone and try something different than PowerPoint. So I gave students a brief demo on how to create a Prezi. I was hoping that a couple of students would give it a try. When the day came for the students to present in class I was surprised by the number of students who decided to use Prezi. Between three… Continue

Added by Tony Giles on November 1, 2010 at 9:05pm — No Comments

3rd Grade and Classroom 2.0

I am so excited to learn of this meeting of the minds if you will. While I was waiting for my membership to be approved, I nosed around and located many groups that I look forward to joining in on. I expect that the generation of ideas and feedback here will be priceless. One thing that I really appreciate is the ability to narrow down a certain focus or topic to look for advice or ideas for. It is so nice to find a community of people doing the same thing I am to share the knowledge and… Continue

Added by Tracie Ross on November 1, 2010 at 7:37pm — No Comments

Walking the Talk

Lately I have forced myself to think through the reasons why I know that blogs and web2.0 tools are only the beginning of breaking down the barriers of classroom walls. At the same time I’ve been puzzling through the best way to talk to others about using twitter to develop a PLN.

It finally occurs to me the two are inter-related; obviously they are if you’re using twitter in the classroom with the students, but it took me a while to see how they are inter-related if twitter is used… Continue

Added by Rachel Young on November 1, 2010 at 8:50am — 1 Comment

More than a third of Higher Education Faculty are on Twitter

Twitter use by Higher Education Faculty is more extensive than you might expect, and it’s on the rise.

This last week I came across this report from Magna Publications, published last month, which discusses their second annual survey of Twitter usage among college…


Added by Kelly Walsh on November 1, 2010 at 6:30am — No Comments

My Teaching World

My name is Rebekah and I teach High School Language Arts in an alternative high school. My classroom is geared towards students who are reading at a middle school level, but are between the ages of 16-21. These students need to bring their reading level up to a high school level as quickly as possible so that they can be successful in some type of high school completion program. We prepare students for credit recovery classes, online classes, and the GED. Some of the students ultimately end up… Continue

Added by Rebekah Engle on October 31, 2010 at 10:58am — No Comments

Prep Time vs. Student Time

I'm facing one of those personal conflicts I think most teachers struggle with. I'm a 3rd year teacher, and I teach high school engineering classes. Our school uses a block schedule, with 3 block periods per day plus a study hall. Most teachers teach 4 classes and have study hall responsibility. I'm one of the teachers who teaches 5 classes, so I have no study hall responsibility in order to provide me with a prep period. My struggle is accommodating students who need additional help. Because I… Continue

Added by Tom Baker on October 31, 2010 at 12:24am — 1 Comment

Spanish Elementary Technology Resources

I teach at an Elementary school with a Bilingual population and I would like to have some Spanish language online resources for my students. Even educational games in Spainsh would be great.

Added by Mrs. Wanek on October 30, 2010 at 11:41pm — 2 Comments

Technology with Special Needs Mainstreamed Students

I find that in each of my technology classes I have 2-6 special needs students. Students in 3rd-5th grade who do not know numbers or letters. Logging into the computer is difficult enough let alone working on a simple Word projects. Any ideas to support these kiddo's in technology while peers are doing more advanced projects?

Added by Mrs. Wanek on October 30, 2010 at 11:31pm — No Comments

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