Added by SusanTsairi on July 31, 2007 at 6:49pm —
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Hi Mary,
Thank you for asking me to join your Classroom 2.0.
Added by Noreen Moore on July 31, 2007 at 6:07pm —
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I just joined looking for ideas from like minded people. I am going completely paperless this year. Please Check out My website.
Added by muleau on July 31, 2007 at 6:03pm —
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Added by SusanTsairi on July 31, 2007 at 5:25pm —
As mentioned in previous posts, I worked this summer on reconfiguring my office to be a paperless environment. The work on the office is now complete, and I am already receiving a favorable response from staff. One of the first things they comment on is the new overall appearance of the office itself. All file cabinets and my desk have been removed, creating a space that is more of a conversation area than traditional office.…

Added by Greg Farr on July 31, 2007 at 3:16pm —
The school year is rapidly approaching. What are you doing to get ready for your school year?
- Moving rooms
- Moving buildings
Added by Jay Sleichter on July 31, 2007 at 12:01pm —
Kristian Still teaches 16 - 19 year old young men in a sports course at
Tauton's College
in the UK, which is designed to encourage male learners to go on to
higher or extended education. The course uses their interest in sports
to help them stay engaged and pursue additional…
Added by Steve Hargadon on July 31, 2007 at 11:58am —
Dear All,
Before I shut off for the evening, I wanted to leave you with my thanks to all and how I feel about the future and place for all of us in that future.
You have no idea how refreshing it has been to read some of the material and read posts, reflecting…
Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on July 31, 2007 at 10:27am —
I presented for the Mid-America Technology Institute in Bonner Springs, Kansas this past week on Open Source and Web 2.0 Tools. I thought I would post a link to my resources in case any would find the information useful. I used… Continue
Added by beckyherl on July 31, 2007 at 9:16am —
Supporting Learning with Online Tools (The Heading Provided by the Organisation)
The one I just made up:
Supporting Learning - Regressing, Ignoring Reality, Dismissing, Wasting Resources and Imaginary Friends - Join Us for a Fun Filled Day. Your Imaginary Friend is Welcome to Attend.
Sorry about the venting - Supporting Learning With Online…
Added by Jacinta Gascoigne on July 31, 2007 at 9:15am —
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Hi all,
I am sitting in a training for Infinite Campus. It looks like a helpful program but we are 13 days out of "teacher training" with no plan for gradebook setup, gradecards, and other things in the program. Has anyone used this Student Information System? Any ideas/suggesstions! HELP!!
Added by Mrs. Deines on July 31, 2007 at 9:05am —
Added by Ed McGovern on July 31, 2007 at 8:12am —
While taking part of the July 29th EdTech Weekly – a weekly discussion of the latest news and resources of interest to the EdTech Community – an article pertaining to the Batavia, IL school district was passed through the chat. It seems that the Batavia School district is suggesting… Continue
Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 31, 2007 at 12:24am —
A great video by Sir Ken Robinson (an expert on creativity) asking the questions: "Do Schools Kill…
Added by Rich White on July 30, 2007 at 8:54pm —
A good
buddy of mine is a
prodigous podcaster. He's also very
involved in this network. He's also one of my favorite mentors in the W2.0 world. He's shared all sorts of ideas and fueled fires for not only my my thinking, but also for my students. Recently, he's asked me to begin a podcast. I've got a podcast going for my students to show their…
Added by Ginger Lewman on July 30, 2007 at 7:14pm —
One of the key principles of Web 2.0 is that through widespread collaboration and mass participation, the “wisdom of the crowds” emerges. Think Wikipedia’s self correcting
Long before myspace, youtube, and Internet forums existed, people engaged in dialogue to expand understanding, test ideas and learn. From Socratic dialogue to the best classrooms of today,…
Added by Karen Henke on July 30, 2007 at 6:17pm —
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Added by Tim Holt on July 30, 2007 at 5:46pm —
Well, we are almost ready to get back into the swing of things. In our district, all three of our buildings are under construction and we have already had to change the start date of school. I am eagerly ancipating when we can get into the buildings and get all of the computers and equipment set up. For now, it is just a waiting game and trying to do all of those things that don't require a network.
I am looking forward to this school year. I will not be responsible for teaching a 7th…
Added by Carrie Whalen on July 30, 2007 at 1:22pm —
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I would like to experiment with using a social network for middle school language arts. Since I am in the early stages of this sort of thing, I welcome any tips and advice. Here are my preliminary thoughts:
1. Right now, I think that my biggest hurdle will be to sell the idea to my principal, the other LA teachers and parents.
2. I need to articulate a clear purpose for this project.
3. Of course, I will also need to figure out expectations and…
Added by oberon1 on July 30, 2007 at 12:34pm —
I am the media specialist in a K-8 school. In the 07-08 I will be spending much of my time collaborating directly with classroom teachers and am searching for best practices and methods for integrating ed tech into these projects.
Added by Ernie Cox on July 30, 2007 at 12:30pm —
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