Added by Kirsten Carter on July 23, 2007 at 9:30pm —
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At you can view some of the videos created by Cabrini Connections teens and volunteers over the past 10 years. In these you can hear our teens talking about how they value Cabrini Connections.
This is a non-school, volunteer-based tutor/mentor program, where most activities start after 6pm when business volunteers are available to be tutors, mentors,…
Added by Daniel Bassill on July 23, 2007 at 7:54pm —
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Added by Kevin Sandridge on July 23, 2007 at 7:46pm —
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A Crane Alights in Eugene, Oregon

There's the germ of a collaborative learning project in here somewhere...
Several months ago the Flickr blog profiled "The Paper Crane Project", a flickr group. Ambitious host Eshu promised to fold and send a paper crane to one thousand people anywhere in the world. All they had to do is agree to send her a photo of the crane in its new home. My crane arrived July 19. It's beautiful!
The photographs…
Added by Jane Krauss on July 23, 2007 at 3:19pm —
On July 17, I facilitated a workshop on Data Driven Decision Making at the Consortium of School Networking (CoSN)
CTO Clinic in Santa Clara, CA.
The presentation was based on three years of interviews with educators
in school districts around the country. My analysis is available as
white papers, case studies, and articles through the CoSN
Data Driven Decision Making Initiative. To…
Added by Karen Henke on July 23, 2007 at 2:33pm —
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You are cordially invited to explore the July-December issue of MidLink Magazine the award-winning magazine for students ages 8 - 18. If you're looking for ideas for your upcoming year, you’ve come to the right place!
Please email the teacher/editors of the projects below you would like
to participate in with your students! You
and your students are sure to get inspired…
Added by karenklieg on July 23, 2007 at 1:24pm —
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There was a really rich forum discussion thread about teachers and
social networking on this ning site. This blog post is kind of a repeat
of my post to this forum discussion, but I feel pretty strongly about
the issue:
Here's the thing that Will doesn't really bring into the discussion.
Look at the psychology of a young person. It's all about the
"friends".....the more "friends" the…
Added by Nadine Norris on July 23, 2007 at 11:30am —
A very interesting comparison of MySpace and Facebook in an essay from this blog,
From the writer:
"Hegemonic American teens (i.e. middle/upper class, college bound
teens from upwards mobile or well off families) are all on or switching
to Facebook. Marginalized teens, teens from poorer or less educated
backgrounds, subculturally-identified teens, and other non-hegemonic
teens continue to be drawn…
Added by Nadine Norris on July 23, 2007 at 8:54am —
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Though I've been a
blogger for two years now, I have just learned about Classroom 2.0. What a great social networking idea!
Among other things this summer, I have been very busy learning about technology as it might apply to education. Here are some things I have learned thus far --
Wikis: I first saw the Common Craft video on wikis in May. This coincided with family tragedy, for my mother-in-law suffered a…
Added by Donna Hebert on July 22, 2007 at 8:07am —
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I'm working to promote international collaborations between educators.
Over the last week I've put up a site where educators can register for
what I've been calling the
International Educators Collaborative.
It's still a little vague what that means because the more I talk to
educators about it the more the idea starts shift and come into greater
focus. My real purpose is to establish a means for educators to use the
Added by Jared on July 21, 2007 at 2:31pm —
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I am new to using a social friend Julia told me about NING and she's on Library 2.0.
Now that I look at my id, I hope no one thinks I'm about abuse! NOT! (even tho' I feel that way sometimes!) I teach middle school business and computer applications classes.
Anyone got any ideas on how to handle these hormonal monsters?
Have any of you used MySpace to reach these kids?
Added by Elizabeth on July 21, 2007 at 12:06pm —
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So, I've learned a lot about viruses this past week. Who knew that viruses, adware and spyware were mutually exclusive but similarly symptomatic? My laptop picked up something at camp--and no not band camp. Though that whole idea and a recent comment from a pastor at church got me thinking about people that use computers for porn (if you're not following my tangents the American Pie movie is running through my mind while I contemplate a unit I taught to a health class in the Reading…
Added by Lee Ann Spillane on July 21, 2007 at 7:44am —
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I've posted this on my own blog ( but thought readers here might also be interested.
Here are my picks for the posts where I highlighted the Top Ten websites for the month of July. These are the ten best new (at least to me!) sites for assisting English Language Learners and their teachers.
They are not, however, listed in any particular…
Added by Larry Ferlazzo on July 21, 2007 at 12:19am —
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A bit new... at this Classroom 2.0 but I'm always looking for new ways to learn. Most recently I am trying Pageflakes and trying to view more blogs and listen to more podcasts. As Wes Fryer has suggested, we all need a "yoda" from whom we learn. The very cool thing is, is that our yodas don't need to be in our local vicinity with all the techology available. Thus the world is flat. So here are my yodas...... Will Richardson, Wes Fryer, Alan November, Marco Torres and #1 David Warlick.
Added by Ann Zimmer on July 20, 2007 at 6:47pm —
I've only been on Ning and Classroom 2.0 a few days and already I have enough new ideas to try, concepts to consider, and preconceived notions to rethink that I'll be busy for months!
Also...very cool to come across so many of the people behind some of my favorite ed tech blogs. I've been exposed to some great new ones too. This is the kind of desire for learning/thinking/questioning/sharing I hope I (and all of us) can inspire in students as well as fellow educators who less than…
Added by Adina Sullivan on July 20, 2007 at 10:39am —
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So I actually don't have an iPhone. What can I say, the perils of having a work phone linked to an exchange server that's used for 99% of my calls. However, my wife has one... so I get a lot of chances to play with her new tool.
In a word... WOW! The ease of us is amazing. Like the Wii, the idea of gestures and movements to control a device is both natural and easy to learn.
However, the biggest thing for me is what an incredible tool this will be in the classroom. I'm…
Added by Ted Lai on July 20, 2007 at 8:15am —
Hey, all,
Visit the blog and keep an eye on the wiki my workshop participants July 23 through 27 populate with the evidence of their week-long foray into the world of Web 2.0.
Over the week, David Warlick, Chris O'Neal, Peggy Sheehy, and hopefully our own Steve Hargadon (where are ya, Steve!?) will chat over Skype (Peggy plans to IVC her own workshop with ours) with the participants informally.…
Added by Scott Merrick on July 20, 2007 at 6:12am —
Just thinking about the last quarter-year or so, I learned so much. I've been learning all sorts of new stuff through collaboration with a colleague
about how to begin a learning center. Got even more into CR2.0, this great
philosophical and techie educational network with the bunch of
idealistic-thinking, forward-moving colleagues. Learned how to build
larger bases in networks, learned to connect networks (such as CR2.0
with Facebook). Learned, learned learned.…
Added by Connie Weber on July 20, 2007 at 6:05am —
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The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
Maybe this is where 2.0 comes into play. If we teach them in an interactive, collaborative way then maybe we can put them on course for using the learned knowledge and skills into positive and valuable use in the world.
Added by Adina Sullivan on July 19, 2007 at 11:31pm —
Now that I'm going back to the classroom after 6 years, I am finally starting to use all the amazing Web 2.0 tools out there that I have just heard/seen people talk about over the years as the Executive Director of
Illinois Computing Educators (ICE). I have to admit that I'm hooked, and I'm am getting more and more excited to start my new job as a Technology Integration Specialist at
Wilmette Junior High School in…
Added by Beth Burke on July 19, 2007 at 10:42pm —
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