I am now in my second week of running a claymation-animation camp for middle school students. This is an experiment of sorts and yet, it seems to be going great. The kids are very engaged, the tech seems to be working fine, and parents are thrilled by the excitement of their children in our program.
If you are interested in the plan of action (not quite a curriculum, really) that I have been following,
you can view this… Continue
Added by Kevin H. on July 16, 2007 at 11:48am —
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…and who are OpenLearners? It’s a question that’s been in my head for quite a while now.
Each week I run the stats which show how many people have visited the site overall, and how many have visited LabSpace and LearningSpace in particular. We report how many people have registered on OpenLearn, and how many people who have visited the site have registered on an OU course in the same session. We keep track on the top ten units, dwell time, page…
Added by Stuart Brown on July 16, 2007 at 6:28am —
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Today I got the International Teachers Collaborative Database online.
If you go to http://www.oratiobrevis.com and fill out the short survey
I'll be able to get you in touch with a teacher who wants to
collaborate with your classroom. It's also a way for me to keep track
of all the educators I've been getting in touch with.
Even if you think I already have all your information there may be
something missing in my records. Also, by putting your information…
Added by Jared on July 15, 2007 at 11:43pm —
I'm really getting pumped about the whole idea of international collaborations for learning. With many people sharing ideas back and forth about types of projects, one which was suggested that I would like to look into more is the idea of having a wiki. Those of you who have seen my earlier post(s) about collaborating or have read my profile know that the group of children I teach are 4-6 year olds, so most of the work for a wiki would most likely be done by me, unless I can get a teacher of…
Added by Peter Dawson on July 15, 2007 at 2:31pm —
Hi 2.0 Educators – I am really looking forward to being a member of this community. This has been a year of huge growth for me in the area of technology…not just in the hardware and software areas, but in thoughts, if that makes any sense. My ideas related to the use of technology in the classroom have really expanded since I bought a video iPod in April 07. I fear I have become a podcast junkie, listening on my…
Added by Laurie Sullivan on July 14, 2007 at 6:49pm —
An idea has been proposed by an educator I'm in contact with to share
field trips among classrooms online. The classroom collaboration is
intended to increase student exposure to locations, history, and ideas
otherwise not geographically available. This concept of touring the
real world using…
Added by Jared on July 14, 2007 at 5:42pm —
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As I am organizing my thoughts around my future dissertation, I find myself facinated by the fact that computers have been around for at least 25 years and there is still an issue with technology integration into the classroom. For the past 20 years I have been teaching at the middle school and high school level. Although I started out as an elementary teacher, at the time all the openings were at the middle school and high school level in science and technology. Not many openings at the…
Added by Peggy Soong Yaplee on July 14, 2007 at 2:10pm —
I'm very excited to see that something may be happening with getting classes together via CR 2.0. I've heard from several people who would like to collaborate and others who are trying to help out. What a wonderful opportunity! Now, of course, comes the hard part as far as I am concerned. The logistics of having 4-6 year olds work on a project. Right now I'm thinking about the sharing of pictures, having some older kids be the scribes to share written work, or (is it possible?) sharing audio…
Added by Peter Dawson on July 14, 2007 at 11:57am —

This is a visual that you can find in the Tutor/Mentor Institute section of http://www.tutormentorconnection.org.
It illustrates how individuals can take actions that connect their network with information which is uses throughout an entire city to solve a problem, change behaviors, elect a favored candidate, etc.…
Added by Daniel Bassill on July 14, 2007 at 10:59am —
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The 'mass production line' is a great analogy to describe the traditional school system. Students as the raw material and educators as the cogs in the machine working for a bureaucracy. For too long, many schools and universities have operated like this: farms and factories that produce clones of a pre-determined specification, fit for society.
It is refreshing to consider an educational system that is not bound by four walls. Learning can happen by anyone about anything, anywhere and…
Added by Chad Outten on July 14, 2007 at 8:52am —
Traditionally, education has been an entity, a system, a learning process that students undergo, or all or a combination of these things. Albert Einstein was once quoted as saying:
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school".
In modern terms, education today is about learning as a life-long experience, not simply a process that students endure for a period of their lives.
Future learning requires deconstructing traditional views…
Added by Chad Outten on July 14, 2007 at 8:50am —
I wrote two plays while I was directing theater at Inman Kansas and I'm giving away production rights to them for this school year. They were written for the high school level but have been done in various community theaters. I've added Lulu links below where they can be downloaded for free, so if you're looking to save $$ they might be worth a look. What's my motivation? Well a play really isn't alive unless it's being produced and I love to come and see these on stage whenever I can. One of…
Added by Kevin on July 14, 2007 at 7:45am —
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This last week was exhausting, the kind of exhausting that results in sleeping well. I will have to mark this summer as the summer of charter schools and deep thinking in general because I've had the amazing opportunity to work as a facilitator with several of them. The approach and goals of these schools vary but at the end of the day they all seek to educate kids in new, fair and innovative ways. They all want to change their corner of the educational world and so far they have all wanted to…
Added by Kevin on July 14, 2007 at 7:03am —
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One of my former professional pursuits involved field research in the western highlands of Guatemala, investigating some of the causes of the decline of a Mayan language. I had to learn a bit of the language myself, and made recordings of conversations to document the language. I just uploaded a 90 second clip of one of those conversations to the
music/podcast frame on the left side of my page in Classroom 2.0.
In my blog…
Added by Tom Hemingway on July 14, 2007 at 3:13am —
Harold Jarche's recently
some interesting thoughts about the differences between Social Media
sites and LMS. To me, though, the fundamental issue has to do with
innovation. One of the fundamental premises of LMSs (or other ERP
systems for that matter) is managing access privileges. Professors
have certain rights to modify or work within the LMS, administrators
(deans, registrars, etc.) have other rights, and…
Added by Jonathan Edson on July 13, 2007 at 9:45am —
(cross posted from my school blog)
"How will you incorporate information literacy skills, such as evaluating and comparing the quality of sources, effective and efficient searching for information, and issues of copyright and plagiarism into your
This is the question I…
Added by Elizabeth Davis on July 12, 2007 at 9:18pm —
Launched our student ICT Pacesetters PageCast today. A great Web 2.0 tool for collaboration, tutorials, calendar and to do stuff. All members (staff and students) can edit the pagecast a new innovation in the webtop, PageFlakes. You can follow our progress at http://www.pageflakes.com/gmcne4/12076044…
Added by Garry McNeilly on July 12, 2007 at 8:08pm —
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It was a cold and stormy night.... (just practising)
Added by Quentin Hordern on July 12, 2007 at 1:23am —
So I'm looking over the
Kansas Children's Service League site tonite perusing the photos and descriptions of kids who are needing adoption. I used to work in a boys' home, teaching day school and generally getting a TERRIFIC education about the "system."
What I'm noticing is nearly every single one of the kids cite their favorite classes as PE, Art, Computer, or some other physically active class. A scattered few say math or science.…
Added by Ginger Lewman on July 11, 2007 at 9:16pm —
I 've always been a bibliophile, a lover of books. I once imagined a library filled with books that had no authors names on them. Just pure, knowledge, just pure experience and communication of the world out there. A library where you read from interest not authority.
I think technology gives us a chance to realize this dream and the dream of affordable access to the written word by everyone - a total sum of knowledge, that written and even that thought. Books updated every minute and…
Added by ddeubel on July 11, 2007 at 3:07pm —