For those in the U.S., Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings has asked for ideas on the integration of technology in education. There is a form on the ed.gov site, but no ability to dialog or even leave your contact information if you fill it out. Therefore, I have created a forum thread for each of Secretary Spellings' questions, and propose that we discuss them here and invite her office to view the dialog on this website and even participate.
This is a terrific…
Added by Steve Hargadon on June 8, 2007 at 4:07pm —
My experience in education has created a very strong inclusive value. If I had entered education in the traditional manner, I might not have developed that value because I came from an economically privileged background and was very successful in the competitive school environment. I valued my place in that worldview.…
Added by Deirdre Bonnycastle on June 8, 2007 at 11:40am —
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Today during a Math lesson on Surface Area and Volume:
Mr. Truss, I forgot my calculator, can I borrow one?
Do you have your cell phone?
Then you have a calculator.…
Added by David Truss on June 8, 2007 at 2:41am —
was going to write a post about some of my latest work with online desktops. However, I came across a post by
Tim Stahmer over at
Assorted Stuff that was very interesting. Now, I had to take some time to listen to the
podcast that Tim refers to in his post so that I could better write this post.
I listened to Jon…
Added by Kelly Christopherson on June 7, 2007 at 10:46pm —
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Copying a recommendation I made on Lee Anne's forum topic "digital picture projects"
Just found a 3d browser which creates walk round galleries, of webpages, websites and photo albums. Galleries can be created automatically from flickr, google and other sites by adding the URL and/or tag. Alternatively "exhibits" can be added manually one by one. Could be an interesting way to introduce a topic or to publish student work that had been…
Added by SusanTsairi on June 7, 2007 at 10:51am —
In his comment to my post about calculator use,
Robb Ponton included some links to YouTube videos on this very subject. (Thanks, Robb!) One of these--
Math Education: An Inconvenient Truth--featured
M.J. McDermott, a meteorologist for a news station in Seattle, criticizing the reform math…
Added by Karen Richardson on June 7, 2007 at 9:33am —
Would someone please help me? I am going to do my final internship next semester in a secondary school I would like to know which technology students enjoy the most in the classroom?
Added by A. Leal on June 7, 2007 at 9:23am —
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Can we talk about race?
Why not?
Our district's commitment to diversity training as part of our professional development agenda is sufficient.
Please...can we talk about race?
Talking about race only incites racial tension. I'm sure you can understand this.
But not talking about it fosters the same tension and even worse, keeps it bottled up, percolating like lava.
Volcano eruptions are rare; especially in this suburban community in… Continue
Added by kenrodoff on June 6, 2007 at 7:23pm —
I poked around a bit after signing in to learn more about this space. I am one of those people who can walk into a bookstore and lose all sense of time. There are so many interesting directions, ideas and information on every shelf, a reflection of the vast scope of humanity at every turn.
I must pull away and get busy with keeping my world organized, but I know I will be back. There are so many things to do, so many things to experience. Life is too short to spend in front of a screen…
Added by Ted Green on June 6, 2007 at 4:08pm —
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"Technology: Opening minds with a new set of keys."
"The future is not predictable, only imaginable."
"There are three things to remember when you are teaching: know your stuff; know who you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly." Lola May
"A professor is someone who condenses a ten minute talk into a one hour lecture."
"No one likes change, except a wet baby."
"While it is possible to change without improving, it is impossible to improve without…
Added by S. Tyree on June 6, 2007 at 4:02pm —
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I'm trying to compile a list of some outstanding teacher blogs and/or wikis. This will allow me to show teachers actual examples of the powerful effect these resources can have in elevating student writing, developing a sense of community, and fostering collaboration. If you have any to add to the list, please pass them along! Thanks in advance!
Added by Randy Rodgers on June 6, 2007 at 1:31pm —
Hi All,
I've added some music to my page. It's by highschoolers. The first is my daughter, singing a song she composed. She's playing guitar.
The other songs are from Chelsea House Orchestra, a fiddling group. Both of my kids are in CHO. The instructor's name is Jed Fritzemeier, and he's one of the most gifted teachers I know. He has this group traveling all over the place, entertaining community groups. You should hear the people exclaim, as they hear these traditional Gaelic songs…
Added by Connie Weber on June 6, 2007 at 11:37am —
Please see the issue I posted over on the FORUM page...
I would appreciate some input on this issue.
Added by Greg Farr on June 6, 2007 at 9:04am —
I recently posted this at my blog (http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/) and thought others might find it of interest:
If you read blogs about educational technology, you probably have seen a post somewhere in the past week about a new online application called Screencast-O-Matic.
This new Web 2.0 product allows you to very easily create free…
Added by Larry Ferlazzo on June 6, 2007 at 5:54am —
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Hi Rockers!
This Saturday, June 9th, 11:30 AM (PST), will be our 6th Rock Our World International Family Night! And YOU are invited!
Send me an email and I will forward you the link! I will send out a QuickTime file to you. On Saturday, all you have to do is click on the file and you will be instantly connected to us in the studio! You will get a backstage seat to the entire production and filming of the event!
Our topic this round is: Digital Storytelling! We have been blessed…
Added by Rock Our World on June 5, 2007 at 9:51pm —
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I look forward to communicating and sharing great ideas with fellow educators. I am starting to develop a professional development schedule for my teachers in Lyons. My vision includes sessions conducted remotely as well as in person trainings on how to improve their own technology skills and integration. Those of you that have established successful programs please feel free to make suggestions. I have personally participated in Intel's Master Teacher Training, current member of the…
Added by Dean Mantz on June 5, 2007 at 8:38pm —
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Was I excited to see the post on the Israel Ministry of Education English Instruction Website! It announced the The Literature Module Program for teaching and assessing literature in English in high schools. This new Module, which will be implemented during the next school year, is the first fruit of a new Ministry initiative for reform of the high school matriculation program to encourage teaching and assessing…
Added by Reuven Werber on June 5, 2007 at 6:29am —
The whole new world of Web 2.0 sometimes seems daunting to me. I strongly believe that older children can benefit from the new technologies but I wonder - are these technologies for four to six year olds? I have (briefly) tried using webcams with my classes to try and enhance learning but because of technical problems it didn't work. I know that it may not be true web 2.0 but has anyone ever successfully used collaborative technologies with their Kdgn. class(es)? I'd love to hear your thoughts,…
Added by Peter Dawson on June 4, 2007 at 8:36pm —
It was a hectic but rewarding weekend with the RETAzens. We provided them
workshops on PD 360, Wired Safety, InspireData, Podcasting, and Web 2.0/Social Computing. To peek in on the fun, you can view the pics at
Added by julz on June 4, 2007 at 2:31pm —
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Still trying to formulate my thoughts and strategy on classroom 2.0 and using integrating of social media technologies into the classroom.
First of there is so much information to wade through when it comes to social media and web 2.0 in general. I have focused on the following areas:
- Wikis
- Social Networking Sites
- Blogs
- Social Bookmarking
- Forums
- Image & Photo Sharing
- Videos Development, Sharing &…
Added by Kin Lane on June 4, 2007 at 2:24pm —