First of all let me say that I am pleased to be a part of the Classroom 2.0 experience and the Web2.0 world. It's amazing how rapidly friends can communicate and share like thoughts and ideas. This community is very much a part of what WeAreTeachers is about. That is, leveraging the power of Web2.0 tools and resources and empowering teachers the power to share, create, and publish content and make available for teaching and learning... We are developing a network that will be free to anyone who…
Added by John Costilla on June 4, 2007 at 1:47pm —
Hey, ya'll,
I had a couple invites from 2.0 this morning, which got me to looking at it more closely, and before I knew it I was adding some music from my CD and from a new one I've been working on for, oh, like a year. Also posted (in the forums) a call for chat during a week-long teacher professional development seminar I'm facilitating at my Nashville school this summer. See you at NECC (I hope)!
Added by Scott Merrick on June 4, 2007 at 12:34pm —
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the idea came up in the Global Education ning forum:
On Tuesday, take a picture of the highest clock around or of the area around your school from a high point within your school at the right moment: 02:03:04 on 05.06.07. Post the image to Flickr with the tag "020304050607".
(So far there is only one image with that tag taken on the 6th of May. The project makes more sense on a Tuesday than on a Sunday, hence 05.06.07 rather than 05/06/07.)
Let's see…
Added by Torsten Otto on June 4, 2007 at 2:43am —
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By Alix E. Peshette (Cross-posted from
There is a residual knee-jerk reaction to the idea of kids using computers to play games. It’s the sworn duty of every teacher…
Added by Alix E. Peshette on June 3, 2007 at 7:49pm —
I have found one great idea for using a role-playing game similar to Dungeons and Dragons for getting relunctant writers turned on to writing. I'm trying it out on my summer school kids. Check it out at this site:
I'll let you know how it works. Anyone have ideas on how I could incorporate an online role-playing game into language arts?
Added by Connie Mitchum on June 3, 2007 at 7:05pm —
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As we close out the year here in the Northeast U.S. - our last day isn't until June 20th - I am still struggling with students and teachers who just want me to tell them what to do. Despite the multitude of screencasts and written directions I have created, kids and adults still want me to solve their technology problems. I've started responding with a new question: "What have you tried so far?" Unfortunately, the answer is often "Nothing."
I believe that the best thing you can learn…
Added by Elizabeth Davis on June 3, 2007 at 6:55pm —
I've been writing this post in my head all week and was going to post it to
In Another Place, my other blog, but it seems a good way to get started at Classroom 2.0. Twice this past week, I heard two different people make essentially the same statement: the rise in the use of calculators has contributed to the deterioration of math skills in students. Because they can just punch in the numbers, they reason, they aren't really learning to do…
Added by Karen Richardson on June 3, 2007 at 11:04am —
One of the challenges the Internet is presenting is that the number of communities a person can participate in is constantly growing. The time to participate, and write blogs, is not.
Thus, I work from two strategies:
a) I seek out forums like this, with people who have a shared interest, and I set up a profile and introduce myself.
b) I point people to my primary web site at…
Added by Daniel Bassill on June 3, 2007 at 7:41am —
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What is it about overachieving educators that we can't seem to take time for ourselves? Here we are at the beginning of our "3 month vacation" and in perusing my calendar, I truly only have 3 weeks off. I will be spending 4 weeks serving as tech support for the South Central Kansas Writing Project and will definitely be promoting Web 2.0 applications during that time. I will also be participating in a workshop on podcasting, a workshop on SMARTBoard use and the newest version of Blackboard.…
Added by Teralyn Cohn on June 3, 2007 at 4:17am —
Let's have a roundtable discussion about how the following will impact the way we view/run education in not only our specific locales, but across the US.
(questions are based on info on a book from Eric Marx(?), a member of the World Future Society)
1. The old will outnumber the young.
2. Majorities become the minorities.
3. Standards and high stakes tests fuel a demand for personalization of learning in the educational system that's…
Added by Ginger Lewman on June 2, 2007 at 12:22pm —
This is my very first blog. I hope I don't end up sounding stupid, but hopefully anyone who reads it will understand my weirdness. Ahh, summer is here! Still working, but at least theres a light at the end of the tunnell. I don't have to work weekends at school anymore! Yeah! Will write more later, for now, Im going to check out some other blogs to see what kinds of things people say.
Added by Tracey Gould on June 2, 2007 at 10:08am —
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Dear Parker and Audrey,
have been meaning to write to you about your futures, but the pressure
has not really mounted, being that neither of you can read just yet.
However, the ideas and thoughts I have about your futures are beginning
to overwhelm me at this point, and I felt that I should at least
commence something in the way of a…
Added by Patrick Higgins on June 2, 2007 at 7:53am —
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I was listening to a free lecture from
The Teaching Company, available
here. I first read about this company in the in-flight magazine on American Airlnes. I soon began to feast on these lectures from amazing professors and to fill holes in my understanding. Many of my current keen interests have emerged recently as the need to understand has become more clear. Truthfully, much of my knowledge feeding has been personal interests like…
Added by Kevin on June 1, 2007 at 7:41pm —
A lot of you have emailed me asking about the videos I posted that my school district used as part of an ad campaign to get teachers thinking about technology.
I relent! I will write how we did it!
First of all, here was the problem:
We knew several things:
Teachers looked at technology as a class, not a tool (see the post below)
Teachers hated being told what to do
Teachers accessed their email through the district's teacher portal
Teachers like…
Added by Tim Holt on June 1, 2007 at 7:15pm —
Added by Jeff Smith on June 1, 2007 at 6:58pm —
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I hosted a
real life/second life dance party at 6:30 pm central last Thursday. The analogue dance was in Wichita Kansas at
ESSDACK's conference for educators. The virtual side of the dance was at Kryss Wings dance club in SL. The idea was to help blurr the lines between actual and virtual worlds and to explore the educational…
Added by Kevin on June 1, 2007 at 6:13pm —
is coming up soon, in Anaheim, California (June 19-21). Educomm is the
educational side of Infocomm, the world’s largest AV communications and
presentation technologies trade show.
Alan Kay (inventor of the personal computer), David Pogue (tech writer for the New York Times and author of the Missing Manual series of books) are keynoting.…
Added by Sylvia Martinez on June 1, 2007 at 2:06pm —
iTunes have launched their new education service available through the iTunes Store. I am delivering a podcasting traininng day on Monday so think I need to spend a little time exploring this and trying to set up a presence on iTunes U for my organisation. Also, meant to be taking today off.. the sun is shinning in England.. .. and thats worth stopping for!!
What is iTunes U?
Added by Adam Blackwood on June 1, 2007 at 1:26am —
I was introduced to a different way of learning early in this year. Since then my mind has been fascinated with the possibilities. Currently I am a 'Training Manager' (although I find my title of 'training' woefully inadequate), Graduate Student and Homeschooling parent. Just about everything I do is centered around learning.
Because of this, I have started the
Learning 2.0 Ning site. I also have
my… Continue
Added by Kevin D. Jones on May 31, 2007 at 11:27pm —
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One more week and school will be out. Now I can play with some ideas and toys that I will hopefully be able to use during the next school year. I recently purchased a Flip video camera. It is a great little gadget, I just need to decide exactly what to do with it.
Added by Gary Torstenson on May 31, 2007 at 11:04pm —