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Rotoball- A Collaborative Video / Animation Project

Introducing Rotoball: an international collaborative animation project for high school students. Below you will find a brief project description. For a comprehensive explanation of the project and more, visit our Rotoball website.

What is it?:

1.… Continue

Added by dsgran on November 8, 2007 at 11:09am — 1 Comment

Where do we go from here

Well too many places to post and share. I think I will simply cross-post from my eLearning Explorer blog. Visit me over there for now. I may move here soon though. This is a great place to interact and connect.

Added by jexplorer on November 8, 2007 at 8:14am — 1 Comment

New York Constructivist Celebration

The Constructivist Celebration II is coming to NYSCATE (the New York state educational technology conference) on Saturday, November 17, 2007. This event will be a daylong hands-on workshop celebrating the

fun of creative learning with technology. If you are going to be in

Rochester, NY for NYSCATE, be sure to sign up for this pre-conference




Added by Sylvia Martinez on November 7, 2007 at 9:33pm — No Comments

Vid Snacks

Vid Snacks is a ning site dedicated to student-created video content.

Everyone is invited to join.

Here is the address:

Site is in it's infancy, but I thought I would put it up.

Please join if you have a chance.



Added by Tim Holt on November 7, 2007 at 5:02pm — No Comments

Are there interactive sites for poetry for children?

If anybody knows of any resources about teaching poetry for children in an interactive way, please let me know.

Added by Christiane C Brossi on November 6, 2007 at 11:20pm — 2 Comments

How can I use Classroom 2.0 to expand my online experiences as related to education?

I don't like to write. I don't like to share my ideas with others. Will blogging break me out of this dilemma?

Added by Kellie Bashor on November 6, 2007 at 8:16pm — No Comments

Been asking around

I am searching for a group of Spanish speaking students to team up with a class from Maine, USA in a Ning network (just got it approved without ads). The students are between 15 - 17 years old and hope to exchange culture, language and ideas through blogs and forums.

Kind of a social network class "pen-pal" project. Isn't there anyone out there interested?

Added by Sharon Betts on November 6, 2007 at 5:06pm — No Comments

Tutor/Mentor Conference next week -

For those in the Chicago region, who are looking for ways to connect their students in meaningful ways with service and learning, and integrate the internet in the process, the Tutor/Mentor Conference is an entry point into this thinking.

It's a grassroots event, focused on helping existing tutor/mentor programs connect with peers, learn new ideas, and build resources for their work, while helping community groups build new programs in neighborhoods where there is a need, but no…


Added by Daniel Bassill on November 6, 2007 at 4:39pm — 2 Comments

Video tips and tricks lesson - apply textures & create dissectable objects for your interactive whiteboard

Tips and tricks - apply textures & create dissectable objects for your interactive whiteboard… Continue

Added by Rich White on November 6, 2007 at 3:37pm — 2 Comments

What gets in the way of using more technology in your classroom?

By Alix E. Peshette

Cross-posted from EdTech Gold Rush

It started as a simple question to the 466 K-12 teachers in my district. I needed this data for an upcoming technology…


Added by Alix E. Peshette on November 6, 2007 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Just One Less

Tomorrow marks a big day for us in terms of our movement towards a more transparent school community: we are broadcasting a student-led conference on the environment live via Ustream and inviting you, your students, and your colleagues to watch us and interact with us through the chat.

Laura Sofen, a 7th grade Language Arts teacher and I sat down about a month ago… Continue

Added by Patrick Higgins on November 6, 2007 at 4:06am — 2 Comments

November 2 and November 5

November 2 was spent observing some more classes with different teachers as well as some more 36 day writing workshop with my cooperating teacher. One of the teachers that I observed had a 10 honors class and she sat down with me and explained her logisitics of teaching. One of the things I really liked was this concept of a dilectal journal in which the students had to pick quotes that referred to a theme and then explain it. She also explained to me that she was going to…


Added by Jacqueline Marien on November 5, 2007 at 11:00pm — No Comments

PowerSearching in a Web 2.0 World: Class Begins November 12!

power searching in a web 2.0 world

Classes Forming: Register Now!

This popular four-week on-line course empowers participants to search efficiently, evaluate Internet and Web 2.0 information effectively and use it ethically incorporating the full range of 21st Century Information Fluency skills and resources.

This course, developed by the 21st Century Information Fluency Project is open to all adults who desire to become… Continue

Added by Dennis O'Connor on November 5, 2007 at 6:59pm — No Comments

Classroom Management

Hello All....I am looking for different types of strategies that you use in your classroom when it come to classroom management...What do you do?
How do you handle a class that is very chatty? Let's make a list...
Thanks Dawn

Added by Dawn Sansevero on November 5, 2007 at 4:42pm — 2 Comments

Active Learning Blog Carnival

The first edition of the Active Learning Blog Carnival is up at If you would like to submit articles in the future, please see

This monthly blog carnival is an aggregator of articles about and examples of active learning that have been recently published.

Added by Deirdre Bonnycastle on November 5, 2007 at 2:02pm — No Comments

Forest world sim for life cyles lessons now available for Windows

Forest world sim for life cyles lessons now available for download on Windows
virtual worlds for your interactive whiteboard

Added by Rich White on November 5, 2007 at 11:51am — No Comments

No whine Left behind

Ever notice that in the entire conversation about how we have to adapt our educational methodologies to the needs/wants/desires and ways of the new "millenials" no one ever says that maybe, just maybe, the kids learning have to take a bit of the responsibility?

Here is a different take on things:

I call it "No Whine Left Behind."


Added by Tim Holt on November 5, 2007 at 8:57am — 1 Comment


I'm looking for creative and educational uses for PowerPoint.

Added by Faculty Learning Community on November 4, 2007 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

my blog

Added by turkeyteacher on November 4, 2007 at 5:47pm — No Comments

My trip to Italy

This past summer I went to Italy for two weeks. I took a tour and was initially scared about traveling with a group of people I didn't know, but the people were great! We partied, took in the sites and I made life long friends!

Added by Annette on November 4, 2007 at 3:07pm — No Comments

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