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Rantings of a Self-Proclaimed Geek

Because I just can't dare to not try everything 2.0 out, I have created this place on the Web. Like all the others, i.e. MySpace, Facebook, etc. this will not doubt prove to be more effort than return...however, I'll give it a go -- it just might turn out to be the next best thing to TiVO.

Added by Alan, a Self-Proclaimed Geek on September 17, 2007 at 6:14pm — 2 Comments

September 17, 2007

After a long four day weekend, I was back in the classroom ready to get those Monday blues out of my class. Today, we played a review game for the students because tomorrow is their vocabulary test. I designed a word search with the words inside and definitions outside. So the students had to find the words with only having the knowledge of the definitions. Unfortunately, it only worked out that way with one class. The other periods I gave the opportunity for them to have a word bank and really… Continue

Added by Jacqueline Marien on September 17, 2007 at 4:41pm — No Comments

Homeschooling question

So, give me your thoughts on this. My son, 7 1/2, has struggled with reading from day one. I have worked hard with him. He really can do a great job but he is definitely a boy who wants to play and not have to sit with me. I have tried to work with him to sit and focus but I also allowed him the opportunity to stand and throw a ball up and down while working through his phonics. He has come a long way. I have wanted to just see a desire in him to sit with a book. It happened last night. I put… Continue

Added by Kelly Rogers on September 17, 2007 at 3:18pm — 2 Comments

Shannon 2.0 - A Progress Report »

Our move toward Everything 2.0 is on-track. Actually, I believe we are actually ahead of schedule. Last year I outlined where I wanted us to be when it came to making progress in implementing Web 2.0 awareness and practices.

Staff volunteered for late Friday afternoon inservice - THAT’s dedication!

Below are two slides I prepared last year which listed all the objectives I could think of…


Added by Greg Farr on September 17, 2007 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Guilt and EduBloggerWorld

After reading Draper's latest post, I thought a little bit about it and had to admit feeling a LITTLE guilty about my lack of participation. I think these social forums are fantastic ways to share ideas, and realized I haven't… Continue

Added by Russ Lauber on September 17, 2007 at 7:49am — 1 Comment

Patriotism in the Curriculum

Cross posted on

I was just wondering how much of our curriculum is devoted to patriotism? How many children know about the heroes of war? How many do a follow up to see what the families are going through? Those who have fought and died while fighting, do we know about them? Do schools tell stories of their valour? To tell stories could kindle a feeling of inquisitiveness, to know more about those people who have actually left their homes, and loved ones to be… Continue

Added by Varnika Kapoor on September 17, 2007 at 2:30am — No Comments

It's time to move on!

This past week I’ve had time to get back into reading some and commenting some. I really wish I could do more but I have decided that being connected in a variety of ways in my f2f world is more important

that my being connected on the web. I had always imagined that, as I

learned more about the tools and became better at discussing the

implementation of the tools, my readership would grow and, eventually,

I’d get to do some presenting on the topics, at least in my…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on September 16, 2007 at 1:59pm — 6 Comments

Classroom 2.0 and Me

Wow, it's been a long time since I came into Classroom 2.0 and added to the site in any way. I have been so busy with other tasks. I started my own blogsite and have been working on that. I have written articles for Terry Freedman and Steve Hargedon. I have interned at the Webcast Academy, learning to produce and host online shows.…


Added by Lisa Parisi on September 16, 2007 at 8:14am — 2 Comments


We are trying to find a way for our teachers in the portables to view our morning announcements in a way that is secure since our students are the news casters. I am going to try this website.

Added by Megan Huss on September 16, 2007 at 7:39am — 2 Comments

Using Podcasts

I have used various Science Podcasts to begin each class period of my classes this year. This has lead to some unexpected results. I've had students comment regarding the science occupation discussed in the Podcast as well as discussions about the topic being discussed. In each and every class, students quickly help one another become quiet so they can hear the Podcast. It has been a great way to begin classes. While the topics are not necessarily the same as that day's lesson, each covers some… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on September 15, 2007 at 8:33pm — No Comments

The New Kansas Teaching Jobs Site Is Live - For Employers & Teachers seeking jobs

On the web:

In Second Life:

Come visit the new Kansas Teaching Jobs Sites !

Added by Rich White on September 15, 2007 at 7:32pm — No Comments


I just love it when something pops into my life right when I need it. Seems I have Someone looking out for me who believes in Just-In-Time delivery.

I’m teaching my 8th Graders about primary sources next week in anticipation of doing a R.A.P. reading response on some Revolutionary War primary sources. There are some excellent sites on the web on this

topic. (You can find my links under the tags “…


Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on September 15, 2007 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Boy, I've Been Busy!

Fourth through Sixth Grade Teachers-

If you are looking for a social studies/technology integrated project to do with your class, please look at the projects I have posted, ready to begin the first week of October. I just finished editing them, and they are ready for registration. Any teacher wanting to take part in any of these projects, leave me a message or email me.

There are various opportunities for sharing and collaborating with these projects.… Continue

Added by karenklieg on September 15, 2007 at 1:29pm — No Comments

Mentoring New Teaching Professionals

This week I attended the first District meeting of mentors and their progeny, a room full of brand new educators. It was exciting and humbling. I’ve been a mentor several times before yet every time I am

asked to do it, I feel surprised and honored. I’m looking forward to

the growth that mentoring always brings into my own practice. I hope to

share some of my experiences and reflections about the process here

with you. For now I am just enjoying the fact that my very shy…


Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on September 14, 2007 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Will Yahoo unvail their teacher peer network Monday?

The word is Yahoo will unvail their teacher peer network monday:

This should be good and something we have been talking about for about a year now ! I will keep you posted !

Added by Rich White on September 14, 2007 at 4:57pm — 1 Comment

Issues with audio

I have posted a sound file created using a podcast program called "propaganda" it is running at 2x speed within classroom 2.0, which means I sound funny. If you play the linked file within my last post it sounds normal. I imagine that this is a Classroom 2.0 issue rather than a Propaganda issue but to verify I am going to see of the problem continues by creating a file using "audacity" and podcasting it. If the problem continues then I have a 2.0 issue in an environment with limited support.… Continue

Added by gerry davis on September 14, 2007 at 9:55am — 1 Comment

New Podcast: WTxDLA

Hi everyone!

I gave a presentation to the membership of the Texas Distance Learning Association (Far West Area) meeting, September 13, 2007.

The topic of the presentation was "Teaching and Learning in 2007" where I looked at the difference between how schools teach, and how kids learn.

I also, talk about what schools do is not what business wants

students to know how to do.

I hope you can listen to it. I…


Added by Tim Holt on September 14, 2007 at 8:06am — No Comments


This is very hard...keeping track of where I have written, where I am supposed to write, what I have read or reread, what I am supposed to read....AAAHHHH!!! This is very difficult and makes me feel flustered. Hopefully I am on the right track somewhere.

Added by Kim Boxberger on September 13, 2007 at 9:40pm — 1 Comment

Day Off Day for Reflecting

So I sit here at my computer in my pjs still on thinking about yesterday at school. I have handed the students a book project and they have to read a mystery. Many of them are not excited because most don't like mystery and I thought to myself, I didn't either. So I took some advice and I am going to read with the students and complete the assignment for myself so that they don't feel I am trying to torture them. Yesterday the we brought the classes to the library so that they could find a…


Added by Jacqueline Marien on September 13, 2007 at 10:17am — 4 Comments

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