I'm in the process of creating an interactive time-line, and as I revisited my links and bookmarks, I came across a link to a video of Jonathan Harris discussing his ideas regarding digital storytelling, overlapping threads, and multiple perspectives.
I posted a couple of video presentations along with links to his interactive projects that are on the web on my
Interactive… Continue
Added by Lynn Marentette on January 24, 2009 at 2:55pm —
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Any and all educators who have used our book can post their thoughts here. I'll interact with you
Added by Andy Dousis on January 23, 2009 at 9:29pm —
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Added by Jon Heydon on January 23, 2009 at 12:50am —
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Added by Jon Heydon on January 23, 2009 at 12:49am —
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Added by Jon Heydon on January 23, 2009 at 12:48am —
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I have not done much on this space for a while. I hope to increase my input now that I understand a little more about the possibilities.
I continue to teach physical science to eighth graders and my goal to this year is to have my students work as hard as I do. I am using a good inquiry based resource from the American Chemical Society, called
Inquiry in Action: Investigating Matter Through Inquiry.…
Added by Michael Warner on January 22, 2009 at 8:12pm —
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Hi, my name is Grace Oh, and I head the education program for a company called Musicshake. Musicshake is a super-easy, user-friendly music making program that students can use to create their own music. We have over 550,000 different music blocks, and each block is an individual instrument sound, or sound effect, that is then mixed, matched, and layered to create your own original music.
We own all the copyrights to our music so we can grant our users the peace of mind of using…
Added by Grace Oh on January 22, 2009 at 10:19am —
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Les Cours d’anglais à Rabat - L’anglais –International Lanaguage Lab Center-Maroc
Rabat /Temara –English – Centre International d’Anglais - Morocco
Centre International d’Anglais, I.L.L est le N°1 de la formation à l’Anglais et des cours d’anglais au Maroc à Temara et Rabat. 100% de réussite. Venez apprendre l’Anglais dans nos centres .Nous nous spécialisons dans l'enseignement d'Anglais avec Nos professeurs Américains, Britanniques et Canadiens dans notre centre ... / Cours…
Added by International Language Lab Center, I.L.L on January 22, 2009 at 2:31am —
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The Paragon Learning Style Inventory test showed that I was an introvert, sensate, a thinker, and a judger. I already knew that I was more of a thinker that a feeler but I havd always though of myself as an extroverted person. My highest score on the Multiple Intelligence Test was interpersonal. One test says I am an introvert and one says I am good at communicating and understanding others............ go figure. I also scored high in music and linguistic on the Multiple Intelligence Test.…
Added by Courtney Robbins on January 21, 2009 at 7:56pm —
I have tried to put more focus on creativity in my 2nd grade classroom.
We brainstormed what it means to be creative and the students did very well describing what it means to be creative. They said creativity means putting things together, building things, if you mess up you can make something new out of it, doing things you haven't done before, using different things, and making something new.
I've tried to have a Creative center for the students to participate in…
Added by Patrick Stansberry on January 21, 2009 at 3:30pm —

I’m sure each and every one of you have been keeping up with the news and all of the events that have been taking place as a result of Barack Obama becoming the first African American President of the United States. And I have to say again that this is TRULY A HISTORIC TIME in the US history. But now that all of the celebrities have began departing DC and all of the other ‘witnesses’ of history began and complete their…
Added by EL Da' Sheon Nix on January 21, 2009 at 2:44pm —
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Working on a tip from Kerry Mullen, I signed my class up to be a part of the Student Voices Inauguration Project on the PBS News Extra site. They were looking for students to call in to Gabcast to record their thoughts, experiences, and reflections about Obama's inauguration. I couldn't have asked for a better follow up activity to my first attempt with cell phones in the classroom (nor a better way to incorporate this historic day), and so at 7pm on Monday night, I pounced upon the…
Added by Steve Olivo on January 21, 2009 at 1:00pm —
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So after a two week hiatus from my blogspot, I thought I would share my review of
CES 2009. If you have never been to the CES show in Vegas, to say it is overwhelming would be an understatement. I met lots of interesting folks and even had an opportunity to take a quick photo with
The King himself. CES is the largest conference in the…
Added by John Costilla on January 21, 2009 at 12:34pm —
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I have just begun the
"23 things" program, an online self-help web 2.0 introduction. Step one is to begin blogging. I go to tech conferences and learn about many different tools, but do not have the time or take the time to really get familiar with them. I'm hoping by going through this program I'll have more facility with "23" different web 2.0 tools. As a newbie do you have a good tip for me?
Added by Cullen Weeden on January 21, 2009 at 9:00am —
I am looking for a 7th or 8th grade class that would be interested in communicating through the Internet. This can be on similar projects, topics or simple current events.
Let me know.
Added by Karl O'Leary on January 21, 2009 at 7:51am —
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Now that the New Year’s Day hangovers are a thing of the past, it’s time to trade in the warm sofa for cold, hard desks as the spring semester approaches. As technology is developing so fast last year, Web 2.0, E-Learning, Mobile Learning and collaborative learning are changing the way we live, learn and teach. As a teacher in 21st century, how do you take the new technology to your classroom becomes a popular problem, especially for the non-technical teachers.…
Added by William Peterson on January 21, 2009 at 2:23am —
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Today I took two test that helped me gain a better perspective on my personality. Both test measured various aspects of what makes me, me. The first test was a Multiple Intelligence Test which was developed by Howard Gardner under the influence that everyone is good at something. This test presents your results as a number laid out over eight categories. Those eight categories are linguistic, mathematics, visual/spatial, body/inesthetic, naturalistic, music, interpersonal, and entrapersonal. I…
Added by Matthew Davidson on January 20, 2009 at 10:36pm —
"Classroom 2.0, I consider all of us as universal teachers in this class who are all working together to teach the youth all of the valuable tools needed to one day become 'teachers' as well. After reading this blog post, take some time and think about how you can help make dreams come true with our 'students'?"
Today we witnessed history!!! Barack Obama became the first African American President in the country’s history. I don’t know about you but there was not just a since…
Added by EL Da' Sheon Nix on January 20, 2009 at 4:13pm —
Global Village School recently received grants from Wishworks Inc. and two anonymous family foundations. The grants will support development of a new K-12 curriculum centered on the Earth Charter, a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society. The Global Village Curriculum will be formatted for use by schools, groups, and homeschoolers, and will combine a creative, flexible, student-centered…
Added by Sally Carless on January 20, 2009 at 3:20pm —
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Free Web based program that has a variety of quizzes/activities in which you can taylor fit.
It will take some time importing your class roster and getting a feel for the program, but once you have it down I feel this is a great activity for any kid. (Internet access required) ALL WEB BASED
Added by Andrew on January 20, 2009 at 12:07pm —
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