To begin this blog I want to say that I have been looking for the article, The psychology and pedagogy of reading by E.B. Huey (1908). It was published in New York by Macmillan. I REALLY want to read this thing. Carmen Luke cites him as the first guy "to study reading research" and "the psychological effects of different patterns of manuscript layout and typeface". I am facsinated by this stuff. If anyone knows how to track this article down, I would be most grateful.
That's not the point…
Added by Ariella Epstein on January 31, 2009 at 4:53pm —
Check out our Valentine's Day
craft ideas!
Added by Amy James on January 31, 2009 at 2:00pm —
No Comments is a great classroom learning tool for students trying to see the relevancy of present and past events throughout America's history. The easy editing tools provided on the site make creating videos a simple, fun, and educational experience. Students can take the various old and new videos on our site and mix them together to create their original takes on history. Membership is free and takes less than a minute! So come join us, we'd…
Added by Erika Johansson on January 30, 2009 at 12:00pm —
One of the topics in every plan is the budget. In my budget for next school year I have to consider a mobile lab for Middle School. I'm looking for small, childproof options. If there is someone who has used ITP-c option or others I would like to hear comments.
What software is installed?
How are those being used at your school?
How many do you have?
Advantages and disadvantages.
Added by Claudia M. Estrada on January 30, 2009 at 11:31am —
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The Judiciary and the Court
Part One of Four
(note: for past blogs on AP Government topics see:
Wow...what an historic week! Since my last message to you, a new president has been sworn in, twice, and has claimed his seat in the Oval Office. His first week was busy with the affairs of state including issuing important Executive Orders, talking with foreign heads of state, and…
Added by Ric Vix on January 30, 2009 at 11:09am —
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I like to use the term "digital dinosaur" which means that I'm neither a digital immigrant or native - I'm extinct. I still send off for a calendar, I rarely use my cell phone and I don't text. I'll tell you why, I feel that people are becoming disconnected with the use of technology as opposed to connected. I do not feel connected to someone when I'm writing an email but when I get a phone call at home, I love it.
Yes, I agree that the world has become smaller thanks to technology…
Added by Diane on January 29, 2009 at 6:58pm —
Using TwitterFox, I am able to get quick
Twitter updates on my browser as they come across the twitter pipes. I came across this very short post from
Chris Pirillo.
Curious as to how my avatar would appear in his video, I (…
Added by John Costilla on January 29, 2009 at 10:46am —
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I’m still undecided on which blogging platform I’m going to settle on. I like Blogger’s ease of use but got frustrated with the lack of tools that would allow me to turn it into a central location where I could gather all the web 2.0 resources I can use. I like WordPress but I don’t find it as easy to use as Blogger. I’ve messed around with a lot of different platforms, but it seems that they are all missing something.
I’m doing most of my blogging on the Athabasca University ELGG…
Added by tomshepp on January 29, 2009 at 8:41am —
My district recently purchased 10 Mimio interactive white boards and I am piloting one in my class in preparation to facilitate staff development on how all teachers can use the iboard in their room. I teach in the secondary level and so far my students have been engaged and amazed with every interactive lesson. Does anyone know of any good sites to get interactive lessons and maps?
Added by Nathan on January 28, 2009 at 6:30pm —

It's that time again!!
Blog time. We are hosting the 9th Blog Carnival and need your entry! You have a few days to send your entry!
Let's share our blogging, we have a lot of members with fine blogs here and in their own nest. So please send a blog entry in about your teaching and thoughts thereof.…
Added by ddeubel on January 28, 2009 at 5:20pm —
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I am looking at having my students do an online project with students from different parts of the country/world.How would I get started??
Added by Jessica on January 28, 2009 at 12:51pm —
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On behalf of the students and teachers at the
Flat Classroom Conference held here in Qatar last weekend I invite you to review the resources available online output from the event on and hyperlinked from the
Flat Classroom Conference Ning. In particular I invite you to VOTE NOW for one of the four finalist student teams. Their videos and wikis are linked form the…
Added by Julie Lindsay on January 27, 2009 at 11:16pm —
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James Surowiecki
Mr. Surowiecki gives a compelling talks about the power and collective wisdom of crowds. He believes we can arrive at superior decisions by aggregating our collective intelligence in groups.
Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea that has profound implications: large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter…
Added by John Costilla on January 27, 2009 at 10:45pm —
Here are a few more "The Best..." lists:
The Best Places To Learn About Education Grants
The Best Sections On My Website
The Best Places To Learn About President Obama’s Life
The Best Sites For K-12 Beginning English Language Learners
Part Twenty-Nine Of The Best Ways To Create Online Content Easily…
Added by Larry Ferlazzo on January 27, 2009 at 10:36pm —
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Got to be honest. I've haven't felt like myself lately. Honestly, haven't felt like myself in a long time.
I'd say it's about time to straighten that problem out. Seems I've forgotton some things.
Things like...
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always…
Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on January 27, 2009 at 10:19pm —
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Right now, today, we have the winds of change at our backs. We have a new administration that is willing to accept innovative ideas across the board. Educators are in a position to play a major role in this learning transformation. The next administration may not be willing to lend the support that the current administration is lending. America depends on individuals, groups and organizations to bring needed ideas to the table for discussion. How can we take advantage of this moment? Web 2.0… Continue
Added by Don Robinson on January 27, 2009 at 6:00pm —
None of my results were surprising to me. I have already realized most of these things either through similar tests taken in the past or simply just knowing myself. In the Multiple Intelligence Inventory, I knew I would score higher in the math, visual/spacial, body/kinesthetic, and the interpersonal sections. I thought it was kind of funny and very suiting that the catogory i fell into with the Paragon Learning Style is called Teacher. But everything described in that was dead on with me.
Added by Tammy McGuirk on January 27, 2009 at 1:26pm —
Does anyone know of a site I can direct my Web Publishing students to go to to publish the web sites they make in class but with a final approval of myself before they actually go live? I need to be able to check content and links if this is going to be related to the course. Thanks!
Added by Gail on January 27, 2009 at 12:53pm —
Welcome to our class's blog. Let's start by introducing ourselves. Include what grade level/specialty you teach and give a brief explanation of why you signed up for this class and what you hope to get out of it. Click the add comment button in the lower right hand corner to share.
Added by Patrick Kutkey on January 27, 2009 at 11:10am —
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Here's some help with the HTML code in fronter, if you find it useful then please credit me any way possible in Fronter.docx in Fronter.ppsx
Added by Abe on January 27, 2009 at 4:14am —
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