February 2011 Blog Posts (58)

Great Book; The Captain. The Fisherman Who Became Captain of the Worlds Largest Cruise Ship.

I just spent the past 7 days on Royal Caribbeans Allure of the Seas.The largest cruise Ship in the World. It's about 4 football fields long! Cost of this ship is 1.4 Billion dollars!

I met Captain Johnny, and just had to buy this book. I also had to read it while I was on his ship. This book tells a great story about a boy who grew up in a small fishing village in Norway. Captain Johnny talks about the importance of family, and how values like treating others as…


Added by George Grachis on February 28, 2011 at 9:31am — No Comments

Web Resources

I've been continually searching for web resources to help make class more engaging. Using blogs, twitter, movie makers like xtranormal.com, or animasher.com are just a few examples of programs that I would encourage to use in the classroom. I want to find more resources, and I feel like its a slow process of finding a resource hidden here or there. I need help finding more!

Added by Meagen Mitchell on February 28, 2011 at 9:16am — No Comments

Creating Simple Online Courses For Free With MyiCourse

Our quest for free web-based CMS and LMS tools continues with a trial run and overview of MyiCourse.com.


This is the third in a series of articles in which I look at online LMS/CMS applications that offer free capabilities. In my first post, I…


Added by Kelly Walsh on February 28, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

First CR 2.0 Blog Post

I'm just getting up to speed on CR 2.0. I'm a student in the MA New Media and Global Education program through Appalachian State University. I'm roughly half way through the program. So far so good. This semester is a class aboutr traditional instructional design work combined with a class about an intro to all Web 2.0 tools. Quite busy so far!



Added by Ray Dawson on February 27, 2011 at 5:45pm — No Comments

Ning for Middle School

I've been using blogs with students for almost 10 years now, and the results have been erratic that I stopped doing it. One specific reason was getting students to comment on each other's post, and I had better results using online discussions when I required them to respond to the previous poster and post a question for the next one.

Then I tried Ning last year with the yearbook class, and also introduced it to the high school English teacher. He was happy to have this option,…


Added by Antoinette Go on February 25, 2011 at 1:54am — No Comments

Playing Catchup with Technology

It's amazing that every time we catch up with technology our needs and technology itself grows more complicated.

This is my second year at a Mac school. Some of the resources we have are impressive: MacBooks for every teacher, Smartboards in every classroom, a classroom set of MacBook carts for each floor in the main building, video cameras, microphones, point and shoot cameras, plus four DSLR cameras, and a computer lab with 24 iMacs.

But we also have to deal with limited…


Added by Antoinette Go on February 25, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

An unconventional view on online collaboration

When i began my study years ago, online e-learning systems were just being introduced. These Learning Management Systems(LMS) promised a new way of learning. Students could now submit there work online, educators could fill the courses with online content, and all would benefit from this new approach; in theory...

In practice this doesn't really work. These LMS are managed top to bottom, and focussed to keep content within the walls of the organisation. This results in unmotivated… Continue

Added by Jeroen van Veen on February 23, 2011 at 2:11am — No Comments

Evaluating Educator Evaluations...

Evaluating educator evaluations...

Teacher and administrator evaluations...surely a topic that will garner the attention of all educators!

Yesterday I was sitting in my Advanced School Law class and we started discussing teacher evaluations as they pertain to contract renewals and dismissals. As my professor continued the discussion, I started to hear some great "tweetable" statements. For those of you in the… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:50pm — No Comments

The #noteachday has arrived!

After thinking how cool it was for @datruss and @dwight_carter to have their own #noofficedays, I began to start thinking…

Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:49pm — No Comments

Reflections of an Educator - Guest blogger Tonya Thompson

A few days ago, Justin and I got the privilege of spending a few hours with the ever-insightful and inspirational author and speaker Mark Sanborn. We had unknowingly crashed a professional public speakers meeting, and we got a chance to have an experience that was both unusual for us and really, really interesting. While Mark’s speech was directed…

Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Let's keep our focus...

I recently read a blog post by @johntspencer titled "Techno-Shame." John eloquently explains why he has removed most 21st century technology blogs from his feeder. I will be taking a line directly from John's post because I don't believe I could say it any better...."Over time, I've dropped most of… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:45pm — No Comments

It's never too late...

I got the idea for writing this post while listening to a Taylor Swift song (insert laughter/joke here). Yes, I happen to enjoy the occasional song by Ms. Swift. By no means is this post meant to change the world or is it meant to provide some great insight into an educational problem. It is however, meant to encourage and motivate you.

The song is titled "Innocent," and there was one particular line that struck a cord with me...

"Today is never too late to be brand… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:44pm — No Comments

10 videos that WILL ignite a discussion - Part 3

If you didn't know, I really enjoy watching short videos. In particular, I really enjoy watching videos that get me thinking and reflecting on my educational practices and beliefs. I have been using short videos in Professional Development sessions to get educators at my high school talking and discussing issues related to education. This is the third installment of the series..."videos that WILL ignite a discussion." I encourage you to check out…


Added by Justin Tarte on February 21, 2011 at 1:42pm — No Comments

Free Online Course Management Systems, A Closer Look – Rcampus

Rcampus is a fully featured application that provides a lot of it’s capabilities for free, but you will need to pay for some “premium” functions.


Last week I started researching free, hosted Course and Learning Management Systems, in search of…


Added by Kelly Walsh on February 21, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments

Teaching technique – teach them how to learn part 2

Teaching technique – teach them how to learn part 2

When my students entered the classroom (the first day of classes) I told them,”welcome to biology class”. I quickly inform them that they will learn biology (Failure was not an option). I explained that the focus of the class would be how to learn. I explained that it would be as if I am teaching you how to drive a car. The car is biology. The car is not important-How to drive is important. I am going to teach you how to learn. I am… Continue

Added by William Lambert on February 20, 2011 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Are Blogs an effective source of information?



My name is Jerese and I and currently taking an online course that is all about web 2.0.  I and asking this question to everyone out there that find great use in blogs as a reliable source of information.

Added by Jerese Isaac on February 20, 2011 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Visual Incapacity and the potential of ICT in References Schools


After reading the excellent post by Miguel Monteiro, reveling the most positive side of the use of supportive technologies in peoples disability’s daily life - I couldn’t stop wondering how urgent must be the increment on the access to those digital devices, in every  Reference School, from students whit lack of vision

It´s a fact, while since their appearance in the years 90, the technologies of Information and communication (ICT), assumed immediately a total domain in…


Added by Luisa Maria Pires Miguel on February 20, 2011 at 10:39am — No Comments

Protect Yourself From Dishonest Software Development Houses.

Trying to find the right person or development firm for your project, can be an exhausting task at times. You know how to run your own business but you are not the expert in building a website or wrapping a marketing campaign… Continue

Added by Jim Roberts on February 20, 2011 at 8:53am — No Comments

The continuing quest to be a better teacher

I remember when I joined the university about 17 years ago (it feels like only yesterday!) I was given the task of handling a laboratory class. I already had some experiences as a graduate assistant during my time as a Ph.D. student so it was not very difficult. I think I did quite a good job designing new experiments, interacting with the students and helping them with the experiment and marking the lab report. During the first few months, I had to attend induction courses including one or…


Added by A. A. Karim on February 18, 2011 at 9:16am — No Comments

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