I am becoming frustrated with the school budget cuts in Iowa and how Iowa has forced schools to cut music programs so now many teachers are facing the reality that they will be teaching at two schools; basically doing the job of two people for half the money. I don't think that music education will look very inviting to young musicians because of the heavy workload placed on music teachers now and in the future. Is the outlook better anywhere else?
Added by Elsa Casey on March 24, 2010 at 3:18pm —
Ok so here goes blog number 2....my second blog ever. I've been dreading this a bit but now that I'm typing I guess it's not so bad. I think I'm most afraid of the time factor that this technology requires. I'm not a huge fan of "surfing" on the computer and keeping up with blogs, twitters, etc. just feels like it will take a lot of time. I often feel that I waste a lot of time on the internet finding what I want....I know I'm being a little "lame" and that I should just quit whining but I'm…
Added by Francisco Navarro on March 24, 2010 at 10:45am —
When faced with a new concept it is natural and necessary to attach meaning to that concept. Sometimes when we find an understandable example of that concept we begin to confuse that idea for the concept itself. As
Salem High School and the
City of Salem Schools strive to…
Added by Scott Habeeb on March 23, 2010 at 7:37pm —
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Just to prove how much a geek I really am, I spent my spring break starting a new blog about school technology, tech integration at 21st Century Skills.
Please check it out. Any feedback from this group would be greatly appreciated.
Brad Flickinger
Tech Teacher
Bethke Elementary, Timnath, CO, USA
Added by Brad Flickinger on March 23, 2010 at 7:17pm —
I think Shirky's use of Ivanna's phone story brings up interesting ethical and relational questions. He notes, "the willingness of humans to feel wronged is infinite. Do we want a world where, whenever someone with this kind of leverage gets riled up, they can unilaterally reset the priorities of the local police department?" We know some of our students can quickly feel an injustice has occurred (maybe a lower grade than expected, or a not making a team) and feel passionate about righting…
Added by Cindy Kraft on March 23, 2010 at 6:54pm —
For my web 2.0 assignment I chose to create glogs at glogster.com A glog is king of like blog and an electronic scrapbook combined. Glogster allows you to be very creative while incorporating pictures, videos, poems, song lyrics, etc. It's a fun a website that allows you to be creative in an innovative way. I enjoyed it the more I used it, but my first thought was, "why would I use it, what would I use it for?" But, I realized more of what it was for.
Added by Kelsey Watson on March 23, 2010 at 5:21pm —
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The opportunities for web 2.0 software is unlimited. The program that I chose to experiment with was Wordle. This is a very fun program where you copy and paste text or type your own and the the program takes the words and creates art with the words. Whatever word is used the most in the text will appear the biggeest in thee word cluster. In the picture above, I used the song "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman. As you can see, never let go.…
Added by Chelsea Havens on March 23, 2010 at 3:37pm —
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I have been telling my brother about how cool Prezi is. Prezi is a web 2.0 that you can create a presentation in this program. But it is not just a regular looking presentation, it looks like a map. To show different parts of this map you set a planned route for it to follow. Then when it’s time to move…
Added by Joshua Evan May on March 23, 2010 at 3:21pm —
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This week for Ed. Tech we had to visit a website from a listing given to us in class. On the which ever website we chose, we had to create something. I chose to use www.wordle.net and created a "word cloud".
Creating a word cloud was actually really cool! I had never done it before, but I thought the end product looked really neat.…
Added by Kelli Macqueen on March 23, 2010 at 2:43pm —
Today I worked with BigHugeLabs to create a magazine cover. Although the site was a little tempermental, I ended up with a great magazine cover. I could alter the fonts, chose and picture I wanted, share my cover with the entire web, and continue to edit the page until I really liked it. You can also make movie posters, motivational posters, and much more through this site.
I think Web 2.0 tools and sites are great. This site was free for…
Added by kelsey faith sutherland on March 23, 2010 at 1:57pm —
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Glogster, the new way of blogging. Gloster is a site that allows people 13 years and older to create glogs about anything they want. They can add text, images, videos, backgrounds, etc... It is a way for people to express themselves so that all those in the cyber world can read about them. Unlike making a scrapbook or e-mailing information to someone, Glogster allows all those in the public to view what is going on in its members lives.
As a new comer…
Added by Kylee Michelle Gephart on March 23, 2010 at 11:28am —
Time is running out!!! This position closes on Friday.
ESU13, a service unit in western Nebraska, is seeking to fill the position of high school principal for their alternative education program. This is a truly unique…
Added by Beth Still on March 22, 2010 at 10:01pm —
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Recently I gave a presentation on Web 2.0 tools to a few teachers as a part of a technology sampler class I led. I've embedded the Prezi presentation below.
What interested me about this presentation wasn't necessarily the content, though. It was what I did with that content after I created it, namely this:
I gave it a Creative Commons license of Attribution Only.…
Added by Drew McAllister on March 22, 2010 at 8:33pm —
Do you remember your parents or grandparents sharing with you the same words of wisdom over and over again until you could quote them in your sleep?
If so, then count yourself blessed. Those words of wisdom spoken by an adult who cared helped to shape you and mold you. Even though at times you were probably tired of hearing those…
Added by Scott Habeeb on March 22, 2010 at 8:27pm —
Wow, this thing is awesome! I loved using it :) Not only could I put in whatever I wanted to, I could change how it would appear on the screen. It let me choose from some really cool fonts and not only alter the color scheme, but how varied the colors within the scheme would be. This could be used in some really great ways in the classroom. At the end of the year, the students could use this to create a word cloud about themselves to be displayed for their parents, or at the beginning it could…
Added by Ariel Caitlyn Smelser on March 22, 2010 at 7:40pm —
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Added by Scott Habeeb on March 22, 2010 at 6:55pm —
Can you all help me? I have a hard time understanding why my administration is dead set against anyone calling the students "sweetie". I have 125 students, I teach 6 periods out of 7 a day and I can't always remember the name of the student, so instead of saying "hey you!" I call them "sweetie". Is there something offical in the educational world that says not to do this? Help!
Added by Ms. Saldana on March 22, 2010 at 10:29am —
Only for the next two weeks so until April 2nd. I teach computer technology and am looking for any classes that would like to blog with us about online learning, web 2.0, wikis, blogs, etc. Check out our last post at:
http://mrshegstrom.edublogs.org/2010/03/19/things-to-think-about/. Please feel free to send me your email and I can add you or your class. My students use first names and grades only when blogging. We…
Added by shegstrom on March 22, 2010 at 9:14am —
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Dear all,
come on and join us:
http://web2class.ning.comSincerely yours
Hans Feldmeier
Added by Hans Feldmeier on March 22, 2010 at 7:29am —
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Added by Lisa Durff on March 21, 2010 at 8:57pm —