March 2010 Blog Posts (139)

E-Learning Assessment Wrap up

Which one of these categories do you fall into when you are participating in discussions? …


Added by Carol E. Kubota on March 9, 2010 at 12:13pm — No Comments

Differentiated Curriculum – Breaking the Code

By Alix E. Peshette

Cross-posted from the Impetuous Geek…


Added by Alix E. Peshette on March 9, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

Virtual Open Day of Radviliskis Fine Art school (Lithuania)

Session Elluminate: Virtual Open Day of Radviliskis Fine Art school (Lithuania)

Participants/People taking part: Gražina and Neringa (Lituanie) and their students Simas, Augustė, Klaudijus, Gediminas / Vilija (Lituanie) / Ellen and Vilmantas (USA) / Solange (France) / Vincenzina (Italie)

The festival of Art took three days.

Les artists participants d'atelier: Neringa,… Continue

Added by Gražina Likpetrienė on March 9, 2010 at 11:00am — 1 Comment


This past week in Ed. Tech we got to work with various kinds of children’s computer software programs. It was definitely my favorite class so far! One of the types of software programswe got to work with was Kidspiration. Kidspiration is a children’s computer program that aids children through offering various computer activities based on subjects such as reading and writing, math, science and…


Added by Kelli Macqueen on March 9, 2010 at 8:39am — No Comments

DIY Lifecycle Planning

Ernie Adams (no relation to Ernie Bailey) as Toothpick Charlie (purveyor of another type of "lifecycle business"), from BRENDA STARR, REPORTER (Columbia, 1945)... click here to read intro at AV-1.insider

It starts like this:

There was a monastery in Greece that was built on top of a very steep precipice. The only access was by a basket on a long rope, pulled by a monk on top. A visitor riding up to the top looked at the aged rope and asked his host how often the rope was replaced. The monk thought a moment…

Added by Joe Schuch on March 9, 2010 at 7:04am — No Comments

Measuring teacher effectiveness: Day 2

As I discussed yesterday, when it comes to…

Added by Alan Sitomer on March 9, 2010 at 6:30am — No Comments


Kidspiration (preview by clicking here!) is a tool tha can be used to make brain webs on a computer. It is great for children who cannot read because Kidspiration can have sound and verbally tell a child what a picture or word is supposed to mean. After playing with Kidspiration, I realized how beneficial it could be to lower end elementary school kids as well as upper elementary students. A teacher of lower elementary children could use…


Added by kelsey faith sutherland on March 8, 2010 at 11:15pm — No Comments

Character Poster

Our new assignment was to make a character poster. I selected a word (gleeful) from a list provided by my professor. Then I found a picture that provided a visual for the word. Next, I inserted the picture into Microsoft Excel and used WordArt to put my word on top of the picture. Then I looked up the definition and pasted that on top of the picture using a text box.

It was interesting to learn how to make my own posters. Now, I can create any poster I want with little or no cost.… Continue

Added by Angelina Trumpore on March 8, 2010 at 5:03pm — No Comments

Kidspiration assignment

The Kidspiration assignment was to make a two layered picture about five of our friends and family. My five friends were Laura Giebler, Kellee Kuessner, Donald Staffy, Cynthia Jones, and Bethany Baire. My family memebers included more than five people. I listed my mom, dad, two sisters (Sarah and Autumn), and my three brothers (Paul, Samuel, and Jacob). For each of these people, I wrote at least one sentence about their personality and the impact they had on me.

This assignment really… Continue

Added by Angelina Trumpore on March 8, 2010 at 4:54pm — No Comments

Measuring teacher effectiveness: Day 1

> These past few days I have been blogging about this idea of measuring teacher effectiveness. To do this properly, the rule seems to me that the powers-that-be are going to have to use multiple…

Added by Alan Sitomer on March 8, 2010 at 6:30am — No Comments

Lecture Capture Part 3: Looking for scalable entry-level options

A further look at the tech behind some of the big Lecture Capture apps, and their entry-level options and scalability.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been learning a bit about lecture capture systems. This week I take a closer look at a few specific products. I am particularly interested in those vendors whose products and licensing lend themselves to…


Added by Kelly Walsh on March 7, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Jumping in the water...

OK, here goes my first attempt at posting... As a district social worker, I may be the only non-teacher in the group. Often the professional development classes don't pertain to the work we do, so I was excited to see a course that is relevant to my work with students and a topic that is an integral part of their lives. Now, if only I can get up to half their speed in turns of knowledge and skills... As someone who hasn't even set up a Facebook account, because I don't think I have the time…


Added by Cindy Kraft on March 7, 2010 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

Free K12 Education Templates

Creately for Graphic Organizers

Creately is a web-based software for creating interactive graphic organizers - Venn Diagram, Storyboard, Mind Map, Cycle Diagram, Fishbone Diagram, KWL Chart, T Chart, Y Chart and…


Added by Charanjit on March 7, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Fotobabble - You can now do something "instructive" with class trip photos...and much more

Reposted from Meg's Notebook

Fotobabble is a new web application which allows users to add audio to photos quickly and painlessly. Sign-up is free and all you need is a microphone on your computer, the rest is basic - you simply upload a photo, record a narrative, and Fotobabble attaches an audio caption.

Fotobabble does not appear to allow… Continue

Added by Meg H on March 7, 2010 at 6:37am — No Comments

Looking for a Rising Star Administrator

Earlier this evening I wrote an incredibly long post in which I described in detail the administrator position that is expected to be advertised for very soon. I’m going to paraphrase that post those of

you who are willing to help me out by cross-posting on your blog can do

so without taking up too much space. People who want to read more can

track back to the original post.Please feel free to copy and paste this

summary on your blog.…


Added by Beth Still on March 7, 2010 at 12:37am — No Comments


Way back when, a long time ago, I was a first-year teacher. I had been hired to teach bilingual/ESL in a bridge (k-2) class.

My first vice principal took me aside one day and told me, "One of these days, it's going to be too much for you. It'll be too much stress. When that happens, call me. I will come to your classroom and give you a fifteen-minute break to pull yourself back together."

Not having been in the classroom before, I had no idea what she was talking… Continue

Added by Laura Gonzalez on March 6, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

'No Phone Zone" | Teaching Teens the Dangers of Texting and Driving

The creation of this lesson plan was inspired by an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show that focused on the dangers of distracted driving.

The "No Phone Zone" lesson plan will educate students on the dangers associated with distracted… Continue

Added by Derek Baird on March 6, 2010 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Are we, as teachers, hiding something that causes us to not want to have our effectiveness measured?

> Are we hiding something? Really, are…

Added by Alan Sitomer on March 6, 2010 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

Prezi: An Amazing Presentation Tool

Wow, I just stumbled on Prezi last night and decided to completely overhaul my 50+ slide PowerPoint presentation for today's teachers conference! When you see it, you just might be tempted especially since there's an education license for students and teachers offering free accounts with 500 MB limit.

I didn't know I needed a product like this, but Prezi was perfect for my presentation needs -- something about teaching with Web 2.0 tools -- because it allows me to zoom in and magnify… Continue

Added by Antoinette Go on March 6, 2010 at 2:17am — 5 Comments

Books Made into Movies

You know you have students hooked on a book when they complain because the movie isn't as good as the book. You know they "get it" when you hear someone responds with "the movie is never as good as the book!"

One of my goals as a teacher is to instill a love of reading in kids/teens while I can. Studies show that kids don't read for pleasure. I want to hook them on… Continue

Added by Laura Gonzalez on March 5, 2010 at 7:28pm — No Comments

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