Larry Blodgett's Blog – March 2012 Archive (4)


tool ate,I hittheenterkey,but, retreading that post I can't believe all the typos in it. And it's too hard Togo back and edit. think maybe I'll have to stick too larger keyboard (one I don't have to look at) and a mouse for editing....if this didn't have so many self correcting features,I'd be even more hopeless.

Added by Larry Blodgett on March 31, 2012 at 8:19am — No Comments

Final capstone entry

I don't really know what ore there's to say. But, I'm in a motel breakfast room typing on an iPada, so this is kind of an experiment for me in using that tiny keyboard....most of my weblog entries to date, in fact, perhaps all , have been done on a standard 103 key, full sized keyboard. right now I don't even own any sort of computer of my own....I have an iPad and laptop belonging to the school systems, my wife has a net book, and we just hav feature phones. I do note that the letter I… Continue

Added by Larry Blodgett on March 31, 2012 at 8:08am — No Comments

Session Six

Doing this late Sunday night, and it has to be moderated, so it may appear to be late--but, it's not.

This was an easy session for sure.  We had a fog day which allowed me to take a day off work and finish up my share the wealth....that put me at a considerable advantage over some.  I see now that we are to comment on other people's share-the-wealth presentations in session seven...and here I am about done with that.   Most posted this afternoon and I'm going through them this…


Added by Larry Blodgett on March 25, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Capstone Session Five

I can't find a specific assignmente to write about in session five.  I'm posting a day late.  I went back and reread the intro, the new blooms, the collaberation and communication....don't see specific directions anywhere so....

Regarding the new Blooms, I read that at the beginning of the session and without a lot of review, I do know that appreciated these readings.  They took Bloom's Taxonomy and brought it up to date, adding questions for the digital age.  I also know that it had …


Added by Larry Blodgett on March 12, 2012 at 7:48am — No Comments


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