Como muchos de ustedes ya saben, todos los miércoles voy a La Iglesia Nueva Vida para voluntario, pero también yo voy al servicio de la…
ContinueAdded by Logan D. Lee on March 31, 2013 at 10:11pm — No Comments
Todays students are not the same as previous generations. Technology dominates this age like nothing before. Communication, social interaction, entertainment, business, there is very little, if anything, that has not been affected by technology. This includes education and how students learn. Research is not done online. Notes are taken on a computer. Instant messaging has replaced face to face conversation. Students do not learn or interact like we use to. Changes must be made…
ContinueAdded by Brian L. Rieschick on March 31, 2013 at 6:18pm — 1 Comment
This week for my master’s class I really enjoyed the videos that were assigned. There is a lot of discussion going on today about the future of our education system and what curriculum should be taught. There is a huge demand for technology in the classroom and yet many educators are reluctant to make the change. I found both videos “Why is it important?” and "Vision on K-12 students today” to be incredibly…
ContinueAdded by Rachelle Vaughan on March 31, 2013 at 12:09pm — No Comments
This week for my master’s class I really enjoyed the videos that were assigned. There is a lot of discussion going on today about the future of our education system and what curriculum should be taught. There is a huge demand for technology in the classroom and yet many educators are reluctant to make the change. I found both videos “Why is it important?” and "Vision on K-12 students today” to be incredibly interesting. Some of those statistics were just astonishing. It honestly made me…
ContinueAdded by Rachelle Vaughan on March 31, 2013 at 12:01pm — No Comments
So, I am definitely a digital immigrant. I look words up in the giant dictionary in the living room instead of the internet. I take notes on a piece of paper next to my computer when at meetings hosted through the internet. I use both a spiral bound calendar and the one on my computer to remind me of online meetings and deadlines. I prefer to read books made of paper than to read them from my computer.
I do like the idea of a Monkey Wrench type of game to teach skills to…
ContinueAdded by Jennifer D Taylor on March 31, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments
Good evening,
I would like to welcome all of you to our classroom blog! This week was an exciting first week of school! On our first day of school we played a couple of icebreaker games and got acquainted with our classroom! I also introduced the students to our classroom procedures; we will continue to practice them next week! Today, the students brought in show and tell items; we will be spending the next school year together so it is important that all of my students form solid…
ContinueAdded by Jaclyn Sheppard on March 31, 2013 at 8:30am — No Comments
Student Norms
Added by Sara Finney on March 30, 2013 at 8:44pm — 3 Comments
After reading the articles and watching the video, it is clear that we need to reach students in a different way. When I was watching the video that lecture hall look very familiar. I had MANY classes in that room while at KSU. Yes, I learned a lot but it was not the best environment. We need to make learning more interesting, use more inquiry, and increase the technology. If we want the learners of today to lead the world tomorrow, then we need to give them the tools now to be…
ContinueAdded by Jessica Oliver on March 30, 2013 at 8:26pm — No Comments
After watching the videos it reminded me of a discussion I had the other day with a student about the way they study best. It was interesting to find out they have to listen to music to focus. I learn the complete opposite way where I need complete silence. However, our school systems usually forbid the use of electronics in the classroom. However, there are many times when students are in class and have to read or write assignment. Many times when they are doing nothing because…
ContinueAdded by Juli Watson on March 30, 2013 at 4:42pm — No Comments
The video presented in EDU 5503 states that today's students are no longer thriving in the "traditional" learning environment. Today's students have different needs than just 10-15 years ago. The newest generation of learners are multi-taskers who spend as much or more time in their day engaging in technology and connecting with their peers through technological outlets than they do sleeping. The old school form of teaching (i.e. standing in front of the classroom presenting information,…
ContinueAdded by Haley Dean on March 30, 2013 at 7:00am — No Comments
I really enjoyed the video, "A Vision of K-12 Students Today". I was a student at K-State when that was filmed and remember seeing it. What a great way to see who students really are today. I could totally resonate with the sign that said students read 49% of what they're assigned and that only 26% of it is relevant to their life. This causes me to think two things: 1. Is what I'm teaching and how I'm teaching it relevant to my students' lives? 2. Am I engaging my students with how…
ContinueAdded by Gentry Sauder on March 29, 2013 at 10:39pm — No Comments
I feel that there is a huge misunderstanding when it comes to a 21st Century Classroom. In my experience, many people equate 21st Century classrooms and learning with the use of technology. I have to admit that I too was initially confused. Many think that by using technology, they are creating a "21st Century Classroom." However, this is often not te case. When used correctly, technology can enhance and contribute to a 21st Century Classroom. Technology is not a stand alone; it must…
ContinueAdded by Sara Finney on March 29, 2013 at 10:27pm — 1 Comment
1. Instead of having students hand write their writing homework each night, have them post their writing to a blog so that other students can read what they wrote and share comments.
Blogging? It's Elementary, My Dear Watson!
2. Have students have literature discussions via a blog so the conversations can take place from different classrooms and can continue at home.…
ContinueAdded by Sara Finney on March 28, 2013 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment
Este artículo se trata de la transformación cultural de una ciudad De Arkansas. El artículo describe a inmigración grande de México y otros países del Suramérica. Menos de 20 años en el pasado esta región tenía una populación que consiste de 96% blanco. Ahora la populación latino de Springdale as más de 40%. Los números grandes de latinos ha cambiado mucho en la ciudad pero todavía la comunidad tiene todo el poder que querían.
La situación en Springdale es más buena que la situación…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Katherine Chewning on March 28, 2013 at 8:19pm — 1 Comment
Este artículo es una resumen de los resultas de un estudio interesante sobre la comunidad latina en la Región Capital. Este estudio tiene mucha información de la comunidad latino y su pensamiento sobre los servicios sociales. Este artículo me interesa mucho por varias razones.
La primera razón que me interesa mucho este articula es porque explica la situación de líderes atinos en la Región Capital es muy simular a la situación de os líderes en Lexington. Las dos comunidades faltan…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Katherine Chewning on March 28, 2013 at 7:34pm — 1 Comment
Emily y yo legamos a la biblioteca a las cinco y medio. Después de entrar nuestra información en a conmutadora estuvimos listas para hacer la trabajo usual. No era una tarde muy ocupado. Normalmente la energía de a biblioteca es enorme. Pero esta vez el edificio era tranquilo. Todavía los niños quieran terminar toda su tarea. Emily y yo les ayudamos.
Yo ayude a tres chicas durante a visita. Las primeras dos tenia tares de matemáticas y gramática para terminar antes de la día próxima.…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Katherine Chewning on March 28, 2013 at 5:45pm — No Comments
En los primero trece años del siglo 21, no hemos visto una batalla por leyes civiles, con tanta fuerza y organización, come le batalla por igual derechos de matrimonios homosexuales. Al momento los EE.UU. esta en medio de controversia porque al fin, esto movimiento esta siendo discutido por la mas alta tribunal del país, la Supreme Court.
La corte esta presidiando sobre la decisión por o contra la constitucionalidad de “Propositon 8” y el “Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)”. El resultado…
ContinueAdded by Reyno Tapia on March 28, 2013 at 4:41pm — No Comments
A short week followed by a lovely two-week break - I'm so lucky!! Though, I will be knuckling down to some PGCE work during that time! Hope everyone has a lovely Easter - whatever you may be doing.
Added by Tina Gale on March 28, 2013 at 9:47am — No Comments
un problema que le encuentro es muy grave en el estado de Kentucky es las consecuencias de utilizar carbón como combustible fósil.…
ContinueAdded by Margaret Milton on March 27, 2013 at 9:12pm — No Comments
For an assignment I watched a youtube video entitled "A Vision of K-12 Students Today". I thought the video was really interesting. To me the point was that the way we teach children today is archaic and outdated. The video was not all encompassing of all educators or an attach on teaching, but a simple message from students themselves that many classes are not relevant to their lives or future aspirations. The methods, assignments, and way we deliver information as educators does not…
ContinueAdded by Jay Johnston on March 27, 2013 at 7:46pm — No Comments
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