April 2008 Blog Posts (99)

SimpleAssessment - Finally Done!

PHEW! Finally was able to launch the new product today. Feels great - like the feeling I used to get after final exams and school was wrapping up for the year. Now I can breath...just for a minute though!

My company works with school districts across the country, and they kept asking us to make an easy assessment tool to prove that their students were technologically literate - because the NCLB Act requires this by the time students reach the 8th grade. I formed a committee of about… Continue

Added by Lisa on April 30, 2008 at 7:44am — No Comments

Tutoring: A relief for parents

Not all people in USA earn fat salary cheques, there are many people in USA who fall in lower middle class. They also have duties and commitments towards their children education. The point is they have limitations in terms of money to be spend on children education, keeping their budget tight they have to manage everything. It is comfortable if their child is scoring good grades in school but the problem arises if their child is scoring poor grades and he/she needs tutoring. We, all know the… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on April 30, 2008 at 1:48am — No Comments

day one

this is my first entry and not much time to spend here today,

this is a real cloud -- isn't it beautiful?

or you can go to zarafa's cloud blog and see some unreal clouds and leave a comment --- please!

Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822

I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,

From the seas and the streams;

I bear light shade for the leaves when… Continue

Added by isobel.lowther on April 29, 2008 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Educator or Technologist?

cross posted at The Next Step


Flickr user: eliazar

Something has been really bothering me lately. I'm taking a college course called Introduction to the Internet for Educators. When I first…


Added by Cory Plough on April 28, 2008 at 2:20pm — 10 Comments

Laughter The Best Medicine?

Cross posted on educatorslog.in

Exams have just got over for most of the children around the country. And what a load off their shoulders!! What serious faces! And on the last day of the exam? PHEW! IT'S OVER!! I wonder how many teachers noticed that.

It made me wonder at the enormous stress our children carry on their shoulders. How much they are subjected to varies from one school to the other, and also from one child's ability to take stress to the other, but we as… Continue

Added by Varnika Kapoor on April 28, 2008 at 2:30am — No Comments

Avatar-based Search

I just spotted 3B Village and got excited about the possibilities. With so many schools locking down technology-maybe we could use this to do selective searches and allow the students the same interactivity they are looking for.

First what is 3B Village?

3B Village is an amazing web browser it also has some chat features possible for collaboration. It is basically a free 3D browser. It allows you to create your own 3D rooms which have walls lined with webpages that… Continue

Added by Kelley Irish on April 27, 2008 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Year in Review

As I think about the year, my heart begins to tear.

The kids have grown, their knowledge shown.

In the technology projects that they do, we all stand up and say yahoo.

A job well done, their victory was won.

This year I was blessed and put to the test.

But I've passed and can say at last

Come August, we'll make learning a blast.

This year I knew would be no easy task, first of all I taught 2 grade levels 4 core subjects. Add to that the technology… Continue

Added by Teresa Morgan on April 27, 2008 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

What exactly constitutes "preparation for the 21st century?"

I came upon this site last night and have been thinking about it ever since. Here's a video done by Bill Farren that I would like to show to audiences who've already seen and exclaimed over (or been depressed by) Did You Know or Shift Happens.

I started thinking about how we often hear the words: "preparing students for the 21st century." I'm starting to wonder exactly what that means. There are some fantastic… Continue

Added by Sarah Hanawald on April 27, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Attachment and Loss

Don't tell anyone, but this cheerful but aloof teacher had a serious moment of grief yesterday. It happens every year--don't tell me you haven't experienced it, too. These kids I've known since they were 11 and who are now 14, going off to high school, saying goodbye. . . it makes my eyes leak! A lot! Sometimes I even have to hide from them for a few minutes on the last day of school; I don't think it will help ease their transition for them to see me this way. Now I've admitted it. I'm… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on April 27, 2008 at 11:30am — No Comments

Virtual Worlds in the School & Classroom Video Presentation

This is the presentation to the NAMTC conference & covers the Edusim, GreenbushGrid, and Greenbush Secondlife Island Projects

Added by Rich White on April 26, 2008 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Meeting Julia Gillard MP for Education

Julia Gillard MP and me!

This is a photo taken on April 16th at the Dimboola Memorial Secondary College. DMSC put on a great 2 day conference to highlight their work with the Leading Schools Fund with the focus on technology in the classroom. Dimboola teachers were passionate about the use of their Interactive Whiteboards and… Continue

Added by Helen Otway on April 26, 2008 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Let's Marry Project Based Learning and Technology

I have copied my blog from another site and posted here as well

Model Car Races?Posted by Kelley Irish on April 25, 2008 at 10:34pm on Macul Space

As a self described long term geek ,many of my fellow teachers were surprised to see kids from my class racing their model cars down the halway. What do racing cars have to do with technology any way? The answer requires a true shift in thinking-and seeing my classroom as not simply a computer lab but instead as a technology… Continue

Added by Kelley Irish on April 26, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Linux and Open Source: The epitome of 21st Century Skills - My reflections on the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit

This is a cross-post from our project blog http://linuxlaptops.blogspot.com.

I know several readers of this blog are reading it for their interest in Linux and not so much for their interest in education. However, let me speak specifically to the educators for a moment. Besides, this is going to be a long post. A lot of us are looking at our schools and seeking ways to improve the application of 21st Century Skills into our environments.… Continue

Added by Alex Inman on April 26, 2008 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

Which tools meet essential learning goals? Share your ideas!

Please join the authors of Reinventing Project-Based Learning in a conversation about the essential learning functions technology can deliver to support any learning enterprise, and especially pbl. We will be hosting a Classroom 2.0 Live! Webinar, Essential Learning with Digital Tools, the Internet and Web 2.0, on Wednesday, April 30, at 5:00 PDST. Read more about the session and download a document we'll be discussing from:… Continue

Added by Jane Krauss on April 26, 2008 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

First time be here

Classroom2.0 sounds good! I wish I will find out more interesting and useful things from here.
Let me start!

Added by may on April 26, 2008 at 9:18am — No Comments

Free Professional Development Courses

How can web 2.0 tools be used in education? Join free online professional development courses and find out how you can integrate web 2.0 into your classes. Live online presentations will be scheduled and added to Exploring New Domains. The sessions will focus on how web 2.0 tools can be used for instruction and learning.

Added by Dr. Nellie Deutsch on April 25, 2008 at 2:19pm — No Comments

K-State Field Trip

Taking a field trip to a college campus became a new experience for me this week as my class visited the KState campus. We toured the Cancer Research Center, Nuclear Testing Center, Insect Zoo, Botanical Gardens, and more. Truly an experience that went beyond what you normally see on a campus.

Added by Teresa Morgan on April 25, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Set the Data Free

I'm at the Web 2.0 Conference here in San Francisco, my second year attending. Last year felt very entrepreneurial and this year feels a little more serious and corporate. A lot of the products are starting to shift from a focus on the end user to enterprise deployments. Still no one from education here. Even though under 20 are the early adopters and most adventurous users of many of the technology, no one puts that together with what they do in school.

What are the trends this… Continue

Added by Karen Henke on April 24, 2008 at 4:37pm — No Comments


It is clear that technology is growing rapidly in our society. It is crucial that this be implemented into our teaching in order to engage students and prepare them for a future that is so reliant on computers.

Clearly in order to teach this effectively we too have to keep up to date with the latest technology.

Today Helen introduced us to 'Blogs', something that is very new to me. It doesn't seem as difficult as I thought, and I will be sure to continue my personal learning in this… Continue

Added by melisa on April 23, 2008 at 11:03pm — No Comments

Learning to blog...

Today has been my second attempt at learning to blog. I attempted it once before at Uni and struggled with the concept quite a bit. Today has been a lot more successful though and Classroom 2.0 seems to be very user-friendly.
Looking forward to using it more in the future and finding ways to incorporate it into my teaching!

Added by Natalie on April 23, 2008 at 11:02pm — 2 Comments

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