April 2011 Blog Posts (46)

Wrapping up mentor meeting

The mentors will meet their groups again tomorrow. Each week I’ve been sending them an agenda and this week is not different, asking them to go over the various components their group needs for a complete Exhibition.

 Action Plan; what they intend to do at a local level from what they’ve learned to actively make a difference

 What type of display will they use

 Oral Presentation

 Performance they will include in their Exhibition.

The mentor should question…


Added by Christelle Thompson on April 30, 2011 at 11:04pm — No Comments

10 days left

Wow, we’re only 10 days away, and counting today 8 full school days until Exhibition. To say that the students are feeling the pressure would not represent the reality of things. They are, for the most part, finished with their research paper and are now busy working on their display, use of technology, action plan and presentation skills. Most of the class time for the next 8 days will be fully devoted on their Exhibition, with groups dividing the task among their members and breaking up the… Continue

Added by Christelle Thompson on April 30, 2011 at 10:53pm — No Comments

Favorite Teacher Apps

Check out our blog for a listing of our teacher's favorite apps.  Teachers rated each app using our App Rubric.  This first listing rates the math apps being used in our classrooms.  Check them out at



Added by Harry Walker on April 29, 2011 at 5:31pm — 1 Comment

Setting the Bar Too High – How to Avoid Setting Yourself Up for Disappointment

There’s nothing wrong  with wanting the best from life, whether it be a top paying job, a perfect GPA or a massively successful business. What happens when we expect too much from ourselves though? In other words, if we set the bar so high that we accept nothing but incredible success aren’t we setting ourselves up for failure?

The environment we live in focuses on big success. You either go big or you go home. Many companies have the mantra that they will be everything to everybody.…


Added by Sal P on April 28, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

New Blog - Check it out!

I am the principal of a school in Baltimore County that is piloting the use of IPods in our fourth and fifth grade classrooms.   We have some cool things going on.  Check out my blog for details....


We are looking for folks to share our learning and to collaborate.


Harry Walker



Added by Harry Walker on April 27, 2011 at 8:25pm — 2 Comments

10 Reasons Why Schools Should Be Teaching Financial Literacy To Our Kids

Thanks to guest writer Krisca C. Te for working with me to develop this week’s feature post on the importance of financial literacy education for our high school and college students.


Dollar sign clip art


In the past, a teacher telling kids how to spend their allowance money might be promptly put in her place by the PTA. Money matters were personal, and to…


Added by Kelly Walsh on April 25, 2011 at 6:13am — No Comments

Intervue - A Great Way to Use Webcams for Education

Enter Intervue. Here you can post questions and people will answer them using a webcam. To see the video responses you go to "My Dashboard" and click on the "Video" tab.

Think of any question you would ask your students, post it here and get them answer it. I find this site…

Added by Eugenio Mondéjar on April 25, 2011 at 3:36am — No Comments

Algodoo Physics App, now optimized for the SMART Board (800 series), supports multitouch and multi-user interaction

Here is a link to my blog post, along with videos and related links:


Algodoo Physics App, now optimized for the SMART Board (800 series), supports multitouch and multi-user interaction!


Note:  I am not marketing this application- I just like it. I've been following the evolution of this app. since it was PHUN beta.


Added by Lynn Marentette on April 24, 2011 at 10:03am — No Comments

Play and Experiment with Music with NodeBeat Music Sequencer, for the iPad, Phone, and iPod Touch

If you love music and have an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, you'll have fun exploring and experimenting with NodeBeat. As soon as I get my iPad, I plan to get this app!  This would be a great asset for music educators, and at 99 cents, it is very affordable.…


Added by Lynn Marentette on April 23, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

Easter...and the Khan Academy

It’s Easter.   I’m sitting with my coffee with an Easter egg, enjoying the delicious blending of coffee and chocolate while reading, with considerable pleasure it has to be said, some fascinating traffic on the blogs around the world – many of them debating the merits or otherwise of the Khan Academy and the recent speech at TED by the Academy’s founder Salman Khan.   Then…


Added by nevbar1 on April 23, 2011 at 2:21am — No Comments

Crunch Time

For the past several weeks, the students have been involved in researching their topic, narrowing down their focus by developing key concept questions and now they are writing the research paper highlighting what they have learned, the answers they’ve found and the action plan they will develop or put into place. 

It’s interesting to see the different approaches the students have taken.  Some groups developed their key concept questions, and then all members decided to research each…


Added by Christelle Thompson on April 23, 2011 at 1:10am — No Comments

Discovery, Problem and Challenged Based Learning

Original Blog Post link here:


It is my belief that educators must now consider how learning has changed  (if they haven’t done so already) and how they can adapt their pedagogies to facilitate the learning of our current and future student population.In the light of advances and changes in technology we need to consider how we can capture the minds of our youth and continue to inspire them to learn and develop as…


Added by Steven David Pearce on April 20, 2011 at 11:45pm — No Comments

Apps for the Ipod Touch

Looking for Ipod Touch applications to remediate those standards?  Check out my blog.  You'll find great apps that have been proven to work!


http://ipoduseforsolremediation.blogspot.com/     …


Added by Roxanne Beamer on April 20, 2011 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Learning From My PLN

I started a new position in my school district three years ago.  I left the classroom for a position as the Technology Integration Specialist for grades 3 to 8.  I was so excited about the new challenge and all that it could encompass.  Three years ago, I had no idea what a Professional Learning Network was or how valuable it would be in my current position.  

I have learned that a PLN is unique to each individual, that my PLN may be similar to others but I designed it to fit my needs.…


Added by Jerri Davis on April 19, 2011 at 9:32am — No Comments

iPods in the classroom

So, I am hearing lots and lots about using iPods in the classroom. What are some good sites to go to and learn more? Currently the only technology in my classroom is computer, elmo, smartboard, and projector. I am looking for new ways to keep up with technology in my classroom and encourage learning using technology. 

Also, how do you use iPods in your…


Added by Sara Fish on April 18, 2011 at 7:52pm — No Comments

Learning and teaching opportunity for interns.

This graphic is from an animation project done in Jan 2011 by a college intern from Korea who was working with the Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago.  This illustrates the learning that occurs each week as a volunteer does service in a tutor/mentor program. It shows how volunteers share what they learn with people in their personal and work networks, which…


Added by Daniel Bassill on April 18, 2011 at 12:59pm — No Comments

TakingITGlobal – Social Learning With A Global Consciousness

This online community empowers students everywhere to understand and act on the world’s greatest challenges.


TakingITGlobal has been around since 1999 and is a pioneer in the use of social networking to encourage global citizenship through collaborative projects for students and educators. TakingITGlobal (TIG) has partnered with thousands of schools and organizations, from just about every country, to inspire, inform, and…


Added by Kelly Walsh on April 18, 2011 at 6:15am — No Comments

"Well DUH!" - Alfie Kohn

“Well, Duh!”

Prolific writer and vocal advocate for educational reform Alfie Kohn has just published a new collection of essays under the banner of “Feel – Bad Education”.   His introduction ,  “Well, Duh!: Obvious Truths That We Shouldn’t Be Ignoring” sets the tone for the text.   In the introduction Alfie lists some commonly agreed beliefs about education  such as “Much of the material that students are required to memorize is soon forgotten.”   He then challenges…


Added by nevbar1 on April 18, 2011 at 12:17am — No Comments

Social Media Advisory for Ontario Teachers

The Ontario College of Teachers’ release this week of a Social Media advisory takes education into the 21st century by acknowledging that… Continue

Added by Mitchi on April 14, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

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