Clipping Magic is a great tool; the best online tool I have ever seen for removing an image's background to "cut out" the subject of the photo and create a png file with a transparent background. It is so easy that anyone can do it successfully, and the results are excellent. The once free tool is now a paid service. The prices are reasonable if it's a tool you use often.
In the following …
Added by Brian McLane on May 31, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments
I am a science teacher of Bhola govt. high school, Bhola,…
Added by sheikh abu taleb on May 31, 2014 at 10:25am — No Comments
Originally published on The Modern Network
The Modern Network recently spoke with Deena Thomchick, senior manager of Product Marketing in Security Solutions for Juniper Networks, about this week’s Connecticut Education Network Conference and learned about the latest innovations in education technology…
ContinueAdded by Anthony Sargon on May 27, 2014 at 5:43am — No Comments
Below is my comparison of the NEA and DPS Acceptable Use Policies:
National Education Association AUP Key Elements |
Denver Public Schools AUP Key Elements… |
Added by Chere' Smith on May 25, 2014 at 4:36am — No Comments
Bloom’s taxonomy has always been a part of my teaching experience. When I originally took my teacher education classes from Regis University back in 2003, Bloom’s Taxonomy felt like it was the new “buzz” word. We were given a copy of the pyramid and studied the verbs associated with it. Then, once I started teaching in 2006, it wasn’t brought up or focused on as much. I still used it because I really felt like it helped me differentiate my lessons…
ContinueAdded by Nicole Mullowney on May 18, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments
I have taught for 2 years now, and I have been learning about Marzano/Bloom for roughly the same amount of time. Both have developed a valuable tool that allows teachers to effectively design lessons to meet the needs of students. While the tools are not the end all/be all of teaching strategies, they do give insight into how students learn. Keeping that in mind, let’s take a look at what each has to offer in the classroom (mine specifically).
ContinueAdded by Chris Caruana on May 18, 2014 at 11:26am — No Comments
I have taught several lessons in science that benefit from Bloom’s Taxonomy. The most notable is the school science fair that my students must complete. It takes all of the aspects from Bloom and applies them to a large, quarter long project. First the students must find resources to support their topic (Remembering), understand them (Understanding) and analyze/evaluate them (Analyzing/Evaluating). Once they have their sources, they need to put together the information into a background…
ContinueAdded by Chris Caruana on May 18, 2014 at 11:10am — No Comments
Blogging (whether personal or for educational purposes) is a popular form of communication with others online. Those who chose to blog should also consider some best practices to get people interested in reading their posts and interested in returning to read other posts. Some best practices for educational blogging include establishing norms/guidelines…
ContinueAdded by Rebecca J-L on May 17, 2014 at 6:11pm — No Comments
Blooms, HOT, Digital Taxonomy all great indicators that education is continually transforming and moving forward.
Recently I taught a writing lesson and the kids were asked to publish as well. The writing was informational; however, the content was living organism. I tied this directly to science. I could have provided a guiding question, but instead I asked the students to create their…
ContinueAdded by Vanessa Gonzalez on May 17, 2014 at 5:25pm — No Comments
Teachers are hearing the terms “21st Century Classroom” and “21st Century Learning” a lot during trainings and within resources. Teachers need to understand what these terms mean in order to fully grasp the concepts behind them.
A “21st Century Classroom” and a “21st Century Learner” go together. Learners/students come into our classrooms with more technology skills than ever before. School districts need to…
ContinueAdded by Rebecca J-L on May 17, 2014 at 5:00pm — No Comments
Classroom blogs can be a good resource and tool for the classroom. There are many ways blogs can be used. Kathleen Morris (2012, Jan.) posted several ideas along with a visual graphic organizer that show the benefits of using blogs in a classroom:
I teach younger students and think of the ways I can use blogging in my class. The following video was uploaded…
ContinueAdded by Rebecca J-L on May 17, 2014 at 4:13pm — No Comments
How can I us technology in my English lessons and collaboration?
ContinueHalo everyone I am siyasanga a student teacher at University of Johannesburg. I have joined this site in order to interact with teachers who already have experience in the field. I will be teaching grade 10-12 English and life orientation. i would love to gain insight on lesson planning and how to integrate technology in my own classroom.
ContinueAdded by siyasanga on May 15, 2014 at 7:03am — No Comments
Well I made it! It seems as though I only have two assignments left for week 1. This seems like the week that would never end. When I began this class I thought I was pretty knowledgeable , however after this week I feel like a beginner. I am looking forward to learning about new resources and understand the purpose of each tool. I look forward tot he next seven weeks with you all!
Added by Vanessa Gonzalez on May 11, 2014 at 9:12pm — No Comments
Este artículo no se trata de un negocio en particular, sino a todo el país de México. Secretario de Hacienda de México ha estado diciendo que México podría estar entrando en una recesión. Pero el presidente, Enrique Nieto, y su…
ContinueAdded by Johannah Hamilton on May 9, 2014 at 10:52pm — No Comments
Mi reportaje es sobre un hongo que ha estado matando a los cultivos de café en América Central. El café es uno de los principales cultivos para varios países de América Central. Según el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo cerca de cuatro…
ContinueAdded by Johannah Hamilton on May 9, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments
Este artículo nos dice un cuento, y también la…
ContinueAdded by Rooshil Patel on May 8, 2014 at 1:42pm — No Comments
En la última entrada de mi blog que quería terminar con una nota positiva. Este artículo de Latin Business Chronicle abarca ciudades sostenibles en América Latina y los motivos por los que se considera tanto un desafío como una oportunidad. En las últimas dos décadas, migración de las zonas rurales a las urbanas ha causado por todas las ciudades del mundo a crecer significativamente y en particular, en América Latina. Hoy, la mayoría de las economías de América Latina son muy dependientes de…
ContinueAdded by Margaret Milton on May 6, 2014 at 11:52am — No Comments
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