May 2017 Blog Posts (6)

Web 2.0 technologies: An innovative teaching Method


Today’s world is a world of technology and education is not indifferent to it. We always suggest our teachers to use ICT in education. However, use of ICT in education depends on availability of hardware/software as well as the knowledge of effective use of this hardware/software. It can be said that the first part related to infrastructure is beginning to reach to the schools due to intervention of SSA, ICT@schools project and…


Added by Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandagale on May 30, 2017 at 3:51am — No Comments

diario #5

Mi familia consiste de cinco personas. Mi mama, papa, hermano, hermana y yo.  Mi familia es muy unida. Mi madre tiene desendencia Puertorriquena por sus padres y nacio en los Estados Unidos. Nuestra familia sigue la cultura de mi madre aunque fuimos nacido en los Estados Unidos. Mis abulos son de Aguadilla y viven en el poblado de San Antonio. esto es en el Oeste de la isla. Nosotros viajamos en las Navidades una bes al ano a visitar a la familia que no viven en los Estados Unidos. Cuando…


Added by Raisa Aly on May 22, 2017 at 5:06pm — No Comments

Diario #2

 la primers vez que yo me senti aparte de el groupo hispano fue cundo yo estaba en la escula secundaria y conoci un group de amigos que hablan espanol como yo y fue algo que me gustaba porque compartimos el mismo idioma. Yo aprendi como hablar espanol cuando era una nina pero no lo hablaba porque no me gustaba.Tambien no quieria hablar espanol porque se sentia mas comoda hablando ingles.Era dificil aprender dos idiomas porque a veces sabia como decir una palabra en espanol pero no sabia como…


Added by Sheila Rivera on May 18, 2017 at 10:03pm — No Comments

Mi Diaro #5

Todas los familias tiene problemas y tiene diferentes sistemas para resolver problemas. Para nuestra problemas de dinero,  hablamos las cosas que necesitamos hacer para reducir los gastos de la familia. Los problemas que tenemos hablamos juntos y siempre decimos que disculpo, lo siento ante que…


Added by Yerin Zegarra on May 18, 2017 at 3:58pm — No Comments

So I accidentally blew up on Twitter last week.

National Teacher Day was May 9th, and I wanted to recognize that in a small way. I had a graphic that I created for a previous Twitter Chat, so I opened it back up, changed the top, and posted it with two small sentences and hash tagged it with #NationalTeachersDay. I tagged my usual tribe in the graphic so they would re-tweet it for me; they’re awesome like that. After that, I went about my day.…


Added by Eileen Lennon on May 17, 2017 at 9:24am — No Comments

What I've learned from tiny little dictators

These North Korean officers are standing there proudly and why shouldn't they? They're wearing enough bling on their uniforms to set off metal detectors.

If you notice along the side of my blog, I've got some micro-credentials: Google, Microsoft, CommonSense, etc. I'm proud of the work I've done to earn them and to display the badges on my blog. I realize that my…


Added by Eileen Lennon on May 10, 2017 at 6:34am — No Comments

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