Hello everyone! I've been trying to convince my boss to let me give away our new product, SimpleAssessment: Student Technology Proficiency, FREE to all districts at NECC. They think I'm crazy. I think it's a great idea.
I'm creating a report to prove to them why I think this idea is so amazing - mostly, they don't think districts would want to participate. I would love to include comments in my report about what actual tech coordinators/curriculum directors think about…
Added by Lisa on June 4, 2008 at 8:04am —
Recently I´ve created a small video about some Web 2.0 tools and the development of Web 0.5 to Web…
Added by Hans Feldmeier on June 4, 2008 at 7:30am —
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We are considering allowing our fifth grade students to have gmail accounts next year in order to take advantage of google apps. Please let me know if any of you allow this and if so, does your school have an acceptable use policy or permission form that goes along with it? We do not want to be responsible for their accounts; we want them to use the email for educational purposes only. Thanks!
Added by karenklieg on June 4, 2008 at 3:31am —
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The Kamehameha Schools in Honolulu, Hawaii is sponsoring an EdTech Conference for Hawaii teachers. Our featured keynote speakers are Will Richardson and David Warlick. We hope to build upon this year's conference and eventually open it up to all teachers. Please visit our website at:
Mahalo (Thank you!)
Added by Alan Tamayose on June 3, 2008 at 1:39am —
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I have a vision where students connect with their peers from around the world. Why? Because it's interesting. It's challenging to create global friendships, across cultures and across seas. And it's interesting to learn what other are studying. Even the very precise studies, like math, are not exact all over the world. Sometimes you need help figuring out a problem and someone from across the world, who studied it in a different way, will offer that different angle that opens your eyes. This is…
Added by Or-Tal Kiriati on June 3, 2008 at 1:21am —
Well here we are, it's taken a while, but it looks like I've found something to supersede my
blogspot page. This is the first post so far, hopefully as I build and experiment with my classroom 2.0 page it will develop a bit more!
Added by Gavin McLean on June 3, 2008 at 1:00am —
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Added by Jack Olmsted on June 2, 2008 at 7:37am —
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Two years ago, I made it a requirement that all the students in my…
Added by Jack Olmsted on June 2, 2008 at 7:24am —
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Gate2Home is an online, onscreen keyboard emulator. What's so great? Now you can type characters in Spanish, Japanese, Hebrew and many more!
Great for language learners and native speakers enabling writing in many languages from any computer in the world!
This site even solves traditional problems such as a need to change keyboard language at internet places (these…
Added by Ellen on June 1, 2008 at 10:40am —
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