June 2007 Blog Posts (163)

More Google Stuff:

These links take you to other google resources I found out about during NECC 2007:

Scavenger Hunt -…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:32pm — No Comments

Session notes: Ending Keynote

Dr. Tim Tyson – Mabry Middle School

Dr. Tim Tyson, principal of Mabry Middle School, has been called "the Pied Piper of Educational Technology" by the School Library Journal

Schools have access to immediate global distribution.

He told students “if you produce exemplary work, it will immediately be put in global distribution”

He challenged the students: What is so important that everyone on earth needs to hear…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:28pm — No Comments

Session notes: Use Your Noodle—Learn Moodle!

Michelle D. Moore, Remote-Learner.net

What is moodle?

Course Management System

Originally crated by Martin Dougiamas

Based on social constructionist pedagogy

Moodle Modules –









Scorm – packages bring in from third party applications




POW Web – hosting for moodle…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:27pm — No Comments

Session notes: Del.icio.us Research: Redesign Assignments with Social Bookmarking

Please excuse the skimpy notes. This was a Bring Your Own Laptop session so I was busy "keeping up" with the facilitator and taking notes at the same time. :)

Lucie deLaBruere, St. Albans City School

Redesign research assignments for students, increasing critical thinking and maximizing your own productivity in managing online information using social bookmarking tools such as del.icio.us.

Furl – exports…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:25pm — 2 Comments

Session notes: Keynote panel discussion on innovation, creativity and the school of the future

What do the arts, brain research, and creativity have to do with the emerging face of education? EVERYTHING! The "creative class" is on the move, and as the world flattens and competition in the global economy increases, the roles of creativity and innovation come into focus.

Moderator: Andrew Zolli

Panel: Elizabeth Streb, Choreographer; Michael McCauley, Creative Director; Mary Cullinane, Technology Architect;…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:24pm — No Comments

Session notes: The Longest Mile: From Media Resources to Successful Lesson Plans

Lynell Burmark, VisionShift International



When we hear something it goes to short-term memory. Images go to long-term memory.

Research on Images and long-term…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:23pm — No Comments

Session notes: A Bright Idea: Shedding Light on Web 2.0 Applications

Kathy Schrock, Kathy Schrock's Guide/Nauset Schools

Links referenced:

Kathy Schrock’s recent presentations: http://kathyschrock.net/appearances.htm…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:21pm — No Comments

Session Notes: Considering 1-to-1: Here's a Toolkit to Get Started

Anita Givens, Texas Education Agency with Kelly Griffin and Karen Kahan

Referenced weblinks:




Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:20pm — No Comments

Session notes: Constructivist Teaching with Technology: Learning with Laptops

Karl Fisch, Arapahoe High School with Brian Hatak, Brad Meyer, Anne Smith and Barbara Stahlhut

Three high school classes received laptops to use in their classrooms.

Students did not take the laptops home.

AP Government class showed significant improvement on AP test scores after one year.

Staff development centered on constructivist learning approaches – not the laptops.…


Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:17pm — No Comments

Session notes: Global Awareness through Geotagging: Creating and Using Digital Photo Maps

Dr. Becky Sue Parton & Dr. John Dawson

Texas Woman’s University

Geotagging: creating geographical tags on images

Creating digital photo maps




25 integration ideas



Added by Julia Osteen on June 30, 2007 at 4:14pm — No Comments

NECC 2007

WOW! I just returned from my first NECC in Atlanta. It was fabulous! I can't wait to share ideas with other teachers and technology people from around the world!

Added by Danita Russell on June 30, 2007 at 8:46am — No Comments

Learning history by making comics

I have always using picturing myself in my learning process. When I was 17 year I made an 100 pages study about the Nez Percé - indians lifestyle and history, as a special project. I never learned more about history, english and how to rule a project. But my degree became worse.

Now I working with this type of project in schools in regular term. We are a team who learn classes about swedish history…


Added by Esbjorn Jorsater on June 30, 2007 at 7:18am — No Comments

Drawing animals - Running dog and a cartoon cat

A slideshow that shows you how to draw a running dog and a head of a cartoon cat.

Look at more instuctional videos, slideshows and exercises that you can use in your classroom at… Continue

Added by Esbjorn Jorsater on June 30, 2007 at 5:06am — No Comments

The beginning ... 2 videos ... and the NYC skyline

The two videos --- Counting 1 to 10 and Straight Line Curve in RED

--- are examples of my experimenting with developing basic concepts

using widely available software. As you can see, I am just getting


I would like to work with others in creating widely available free

"tools" for young minds for drilling the basic mathematical and science

(M & S) concepts AND introducing intriguing (M& S) concepts to hook their… Continue

Added by Hilding Lindquist on June 30, 2007 at 4:49am — 2 Comments

Technology PD @ ASHS on 09/07/2007

A week into my mid year break and a week away from the SFD sessions I will be conducting for Primary Teachers at my high school.

We will be looking at the Technology syllabus very briefly, the new QCARF essential learnings, allignment and reporting even more briefly and the we will spend most of our time exploring the web 2.0 possibilities for our classroom practices.

I am very excited about opening the eyes of colleagues to the wonders of web 2.0 stuff. I have been exploring many sites… Continue

Added by Garry McNeilly on June 29, 2007 at 10:22pm — No Comments

Sharing Web 2.0 Classroom Successes

How are some of you using Web 2.0 tools to enhance/enrich your instruction? I thought that we would all share some success stories then we will sort them into categories and use these same stories to encourage others to take the risk in their classrooms to benefit their students.

In many situations, teachers do not have the support of administration nor the technology hardware to use Web 2.0 tools effectively. Schools need technology integrators to assist teacher and students. Let's… Continue

Added by Shawn Kimball on June 29, 2007 at 10:18pm — 2 Comments

Who wouldn't want my job?

I spoke to a nice young lady this week who seemed like she would be qualified to replace me at my old job. She'd been a teacher for a few years and she had previous experience in the tech field. My former principal thought it would be more effective if I would show this candidate around and explain what it's like to be a tech coordinator. She seemed excited and by the end of our conversation we were speaking to each other as if she already had the position. I was very relieved. We've got a… Continue

Added by Nadine Norris on June 29, 2007 at 7:44am — 1 Comment

What did I learn from NECC 2007?

On June 23rd, I made a list of what I wanted to learn from NECC 2007. It's one thing to look forward to an exciting event/opportunity but it's another to actually sit down and decide so what were the actual results. What did I come away with from the NECC 2007 conference? Below is a list of what I wanted to learn with a note of how that happened or not.

  • my "horizons" expanded -…

Added by Julia Osteen on June 29, 2007 at 5:41am — 2 Comments

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