Added by Bruce Eric Montgomery on June 30, 2008 at 11:51pm —
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We had a great time at the
Web 2.0 All-You-Can-Eat Buffet workshop in San Antonio.
All of the resources we shared are available for anyone to access, share, and use in any setting in the
Web 2.0 All-You-Can-Eat Buffet… Continue
Added by Karen Fasimpaur on June 30, 2008 at 1:59pm —
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It would be nice to know what you use in your labs in the way of software, etc. and what you have found that is a great tool for the Texas TAKS in the way of review.
Thanks, Debbie Logan
Added by Debbie Logan on June 30, 2008 at 9:35am —
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Ever since I was a kid in Middle School I have wanted to be a social studies teacher. One of my teachers said that I would make a great teacher ever since then i have been hooked. I have also had great teachers that have further inspired me to become a teacher. Teachers that have brought social. studies alive and have gained the respect of the students of their class. After graduating High school I have gained more skills that will help me even more in my class room.
Added by John Prussack on June 30, 2008 at 9:31am —
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Added by Rich White on June 27, 2008 at 8:30pm —
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This is my first experience with this kind of site. I am attending a workshop at the NECC conference in San Antonio and needed to sign up for the site. Any advice or suggestions on how best the use the site?
Added by Joleen Thordson on June 27, 2008 at 7:03pm —
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cross posted on my personal blog
Pink Stone Days
Alan Levine posted a Tag Galaxy picture collage about China on his blog which motivated me to check out the new-to-me web 2.0 app. You type in a tag and Tag Galaxy creates a visual, moving, 3-D galaxy of options for you to browse. Click on a planet in the galaxy (labeled with a category) to view that group of images. I almost didn't get to…
Added by Lee Ann Spillane on June 27, 2008 at 5:21am —
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cross posted on my personal blog
Pink Stone Days
Wordle is a online application that makes word clouds. You know me and my word art, so this is just so cool. You can type in your own words and it will arrange them or if you use delicious , you can allow wordle to make a tag cloud out of your bookmarks. For those who've never heard of delicious, it's a social bookmarking tool. You post your…
Added by Lee Ann Spillane on June 27, 2008 at 5:00am —
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Added by Rich White on June 26, 2008 at 6:30pm —
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As part of my eMINTS training, I have had the opportunity to learn more about and begin using WebQuests with my students. I am amazed at the opportunities that can be created when we as teachers stretch beyond the usual pedagogy. I look forward to continuing this kind of activity with my students.
Added by Glen Westbroek on June 26, 2008 at 5:30pm —
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Although many of us enjoy taking time to relax and recharge, this is also a good time to reconnect with old Classroom 2.0 friends and to make new ones. This is when I have the space to think about ways to change/update curriculum in meaningful ways for my 3rd graders.
This summer I have also been given a grant for a school-wide learning experience with food. This project will have lessons, speakers, field trips, curricular tie-ins, and hands on experiences. It will encompass…
Added by Amy Koegel on June 26, 2008 at 9:02am —
I spent this last year exploring the many possibilities of Web 2.0 in the classroom. I am still learning and the more I have learned the less I feel like I know. The idea of the Power of the Crowd is a very new concept for our school district so trying to sell that idea will be very challenging. We have begun in small ways and hope to expand our efforts. I am still trying to figure out which sites work the best for student use, the teachers who are beginning to explore in that area are still…
Added by Frances DiDavide on June 26, 2008 at 8:02am —
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I love this
picture to "text" convertor! Textorizer is a tool that transforms a picture into another picture made up of chosen words.
Check it out at
And Textorizer 2 can be found at…
Added by Ellen on June 25, 2008 at 3:28pm —
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Well - I am just having to retype everything because I lost my original version so - here we go.....
Is it me? What are all these nings, blogs, pod-casts etc. I thought I was computer literate but I find I am having to drag myself into the 21st century in order to keep up with the young people I work with. Being the manager of a young people education service, I am supposed to be at the forefront of technology - unfortunately, being of the older generation has its own limitations. I…
Added by Karen Horsfall-Smith on June 25, 2008 at 12:00pm —
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Hello everyone,
I just wanted to try this tool out and see how it works in relation to other blog sites.
Added by Naomi on June 24, 2008 at 7:00pm —
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I've been teaching an online course for my graduate school alma mater for the past several semesters. So far, each semester has been 14 weeks long, with four of the sessions being face-to-face and the other 10 sessions being conducted through a course homepage provided by the school. I've been trying to brainstorm ways to keep the class on-track for covering all the material required, but making the best use of the online format.
Now I'm teaching a shorter summer version of the…
Added by Lisa on June 24, 2008 at 5:09pm —
why not?
Added by Michael Dain on June 24, 2008 at 1:44pm —
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I cannot believe that in 2 days we will be leaving to go on our mission trip to China!!! I am in the process of packing and making sure that my bags do not go over the weight limit.
Added by Zizi Asfour on June 24, 2008 at 7:59am —
Added by Fortune Park Hotels Ltd on June 24, 2008 at 4:39am —
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Developing curricula that reflects the usage of social networks for building exposure, image and contribute to performance will set the stage for life-long learning. Additionally, for those that have had no contact with computers, developing content and effective on-line navigation will be the result on working with social networks as a vehicle for skills development. I’m thinking the basic curriculum would be as follows: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, MS FrontPage, Introduction…
Added by Danny Shields on June 22, 2008 at 7:37pm —