Michelle TeGrootenhuis's Blog – July 2008 Archive (6)

iPod Dilema

So pay day is here and my b-day is around the corner. I told my family that I would be happy to buy my own present this year (I've been asking for an iPod for two years to no avail). So, I'm finally getting an iPod. And, no, not my daughter's hand-me-down 30G classic that she wants to "sell" to me so she can get herself a new one. LOL!

Here's where the "dilema" comes in. I just can't decide which one to get!!! Honestly, I REALLY want the… Continue

Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on July 18, 2008 at 12:08pm — 6 Comments

Classroom 2.0 Book Store

A big thank you to David for creating the Classroom 2.0 Book Store. He's taken all of the books listed in the conversations about our favorite children's books from the… Continue

Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on July 16, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments

Can't Believe My Babe has a Belt-Sander! A Heartfelt Message for my Daughter

Yeah, well, this post isn't exactly "Classroom 2.0" material, but it's what's on my heart this evening. Yep, that's my "baby" with the belt sander! She's been a busy girl this week getting projects ready to take to the local 4H Youth Fair. That's a pallet table she's working on in the picture. She took an old pallet and made a really cute painted table out of it. She's hoping we can FIT the thing through the door, around the corner, up the stairs, around… Continue

Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on July 11, 2008 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

To Do List

My son made this list last week:

(Clean room, watch TV, watch movie, play out[side], have fire[campfire], go to bed)

Notice he got most of his list accomplished. Well, actually, his room is NOT clean, but somewhat more picked up. Somewhat. He did do a great job on the watching tv and movie part and he really excelled at playing outside. We didn't have a campfire that night because it was too hot & windy, so he'll have to add that… Continue

Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on July 8, 2008 at 7:30am — 4 Comments

Fireflies in Iowa

July in Iowa = a BAJILLION fireflies!

I don't care who you are or how old you are, fireflies are amazing. Our farmyard was full of them tonight and I just couldn't get enough of watching them flicker on and off like a symphony of Christmas lights.

When I typed in "fireflies" in the search box of www.teachertube.com, this came up. (I bet this dude's a reader!) Enjoy!

BTW, I know, I know, fireflies… Continue

Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on July 6, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Aliterate Teachers

Okay. So I'm sitting at a "Literacy Institute" and I'm surprised by a comment from a teacher who says she doesn't like to read.

Doesn't like to read? An elementary teacher, in charge of teaching kids to READ, doesn't like to READ herself? What's up with THAT? That's like a boat salesman who doesn't like water! Or a astronaut who doesn't like space travel, or a baker who doesn't like bread... (Feel free to add your own analogy in the… Continue

Added by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on July 3, 2008 at 12:00am — 12 Comments


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