This is my perspective on how we need to educate children for their futures not our pasts. It is a personal view based on my experiences in education and feedback from the European projects I have been involved in.
They are not in any particular order. Of course, most aspects I list cannot be viewed as individual facets but affect each other and often duplicate.
Really interested in your comments on these thoughts, do I go far enough, what else would you include? I purposely…
ContinueAdded by Joel Josephson on July 24, 2014 at 8:00am — No Comments
In my work in financial aid, I am currently looking at how to improve communications with students. This includes utilizing the software we already have in the ways intended and thinking creatively about how to reach students and making sure they see the information at least once. Technology will be very helpful moving forward in this endeavor.
So, I ask you, how are ways you would like to be reached online? What are ways you would not like to be reached? What is the most creative way…
ContinueAdded by Tracie Bristol on July 15, 2014 at 8:31pm — No Comments
I teach healthcare compliance to graduate students who aim to one day be compliance officer. Much of my curriculum comes from the Office of Inspector General. The OIG has developed some excellent free educational resources for providers, staff and patients. These resources help providers understand healthcare fraud, abuse and waste as well as the consequences of wrong doing. The resources are continually updated and very useful for training purposes. These are free resources that compliance…
ContinueAdded by Aurae Beidler on July 13, 2014 at 9:10pm — No Comments
Added by Natalie Dunn on July 12, 2014 at 1:13pm — No Comments
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