I am responsible for our school's monthly technology newsletter, and I am constantly looking for fresh new ideas or information to share with my faculty. Does anyone have any suggestions for Pre-K-5 and/or special education?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Added by kc on August 31, 2008 at 9:26pm —
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The first part of this post is my answer to what are the......
Features of a good quality student blog
..Good structure and layout, with appealing design and theme
..Regularly uploaded and updated posts (should be at least once a week), showing intellectual quality.
..Evidence of proof reading for accuracy, reliability and completeness.
..Appropriate language, bearing in mind digital citizenship status
..Posts of varying lengths with interestingly…
Added by Anne Mirtschin on August 31, 2008 at 2:30pm —
This is the first time to use Classroom2.0. The page is very simple and nice, I like it very much.
Here are so many resource on the page, some of them are useful to me.
I'm a teacher in China, and my major is "Educational Technology". So I am very interesting on the new technology, especially how to use them in the classroom.
Added by Danielle on August 30, 2008 at 10:30pm —
Working on my Wiki for my middle school students has really inspired me to keep going with all the web 2.0 tools. Once I saw how engaged my students were not only in my class but outside I knew I found a great new way to teach. I started to introduce the Wiki last school year as a "test" to see how it would go. Now, I am working on Podcasts as well as the Wiki!
Added by Carine on August 30, 2008 at 9:25pm —
What a breath of fresh air and a burst of energy. Do You Believe?
In an era of NCLB, Assessment, and Accountability, there is a voice we should all be listening to. His name — Dalton Sherman and the many others across the great…
Added by John Costilla on August 29, 2008 at 11:30am —
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A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.
The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
The other…
Added by Harish Rajpal on August 29, 2008 at 3:55am —
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Always receiving poor grades in essays? Relentlessly putting off writing essays until the last minute? Experiencing extreme academic pressure? Then that are the main symptoms of having hatred for essay writing.
All these signs are the results of not enjoying crafting fun academic pieces like essays. The solution to these writing dilemmas is simple – love writing and reading
essays. But how can a student love something that has always been…
Added by Leonize Zion on August 28, 2008 at 8:28pm —
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As a Moodle user, I am really impressed by its powerful features. I can even upload a PowerPoint presentation as one lesson for learning and teaching. Actually, we have at least two options to import a PowerPoint to Moodle.

Option1. Import a PowerPoint as webpage (Without animations, transitions and media files)
Moodle has native feature to capture text and graphics from a series of PowerPoint presentation slides and…
Added by Sabrina Fu on August 28, 2008 at 6:36am —
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Over the past few weeks, I have been blogging about Web 2.0 tools and lists of great resources for school, work, life, productivity and more. Exploring, reading blogs and learning about these wonderful tools can take a lot of time and I'm sure I'm not the only one who juggles between work, family, and just getting on the computer to Stumble Upon or learn new techonlogies.…
Added by John Costilla on August 28, 2008 at 6:21am —
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I got this in an email today:
"Come see the launch of Edubook 2.0 in the Educational Publishing Pavilion (EPP), Hall 4.2. EduBook 2.0, the next generation textbook from MindPicture Institute of Technology features revolutionary technology. In our books, every abstract point is visualized by a unified image that exactly reflects its essential abstract meaning. Through reading these integrations of images and text, the audience will intuitively understand and easily remember the…
Added by Karen Fasimpaur on August 27, 2008 at 12:00pm —
I just downloaded the video "Who Killed the Electric Car" to my iPhone. Every time I visit iTunes I am amazed at how fast online content has grown and its quality improved. We have gone from static webpage’s running on huge desktops, to full blown movies and apps running on handhelds (such as, but not limited to my iPhone) ; attached to nothing but the air. The age of new computing is near upon us, we can clearly hear the thunder.
Beyond the very cool fact that I can acquire and use…
Added by gerry davis on August 27, 2008 at 9:07am —
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Mashable always seems to have a few great finds. This is the mother load of Web resources so surely there is something here for you. Check it out.
Everything from tools for blogging, podcasting, communications, photo & video editing, web…
Added by John Costilla on August 27, 2008 at 8:08am —
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Learning 2.008 Second Life Pre-Conference Events!
Open attendaance ..
Dates (Sundays)
31st August : Alan Levine (CDB Barkley); David Warlick (Suriawang Dapto)
7th September : Ewan McIntosh (Learning Loon)
14th September : Organizer’s Open Forum
6:00am S.L. time (California)
9:00am New York time
2:00pm UK time
5:00pm Dubai time
8:00pm Bangkok time
9:00pm Hong Kong/China time
Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on August 27, 2008 at 3:52am —
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A free weather poster is available in PDF format for download at

This is available 8 up in A4 as you see it here and as 8 individual A4 pages- hope you find it helpful
Added by Uskoob on August 26, 2008 at 7:14pm —
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I don't remember much of my first day of high school. I guess I probably remember being nervous, somewhat fearful of the juniors and seniors, but most of all a bit awkward about being in a new environment and about four foot tall. Well today I watched my oldest boy, AC, head out into the whole new world of high school and it really brought a lot of tears to see him go off. As he walked off down the street to catch his very first "yellow dog" I was comforted to know that there was a nice blue…
Added by John Costilla on August 26, 2008 at 7:30am —
Tools of the Trade.

Oh the joy of the first week of school. Nothing like going with mom to the store and buying your new clothes, school supplies and Snoopy lunch box. Today, students are probably no different. I can see it now... go with mom and dad to get a new laptop, iPod, digital camera and upgrade to unlimited text messaging on the cell phone along with the…
Added by John Costilla on August 25, 2008 at 8:26am —
I have created a webquest for upper elementary-middle school classes called "Meet the Candidates." This is an award-winning project, updated for the 2008 election, with web 2.0 tools incorporated. The project is available at: http://eev.liu.edu/KK/election/meetthecandidates/index.htm
Your students will learn about candidates and elections as they participate in this timely project by working in teams to research platforms and policies, develop marketing plans, or plan for public…
Added by karenklieg on August 25, 2008 at 3:45am —
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Blogging, blogging, blogging..
So, was my reply to a query on classroom2.0 recently about the best tool for online student publishing. The lively discussion has centred primarily around blogs, wikis and nings but I would like to justify in this post, the use of blogging as the number 1 tool.
A student blog is a far more personal interactive website than any of the others. It may be used for journal entries and for publishing school work across many subject areas. It…
Added by Anne Mirtschin on August 24, 2008 at 2:29am —
Be sure to budget enough time for your visit, since I link to another blogger's posts, and several of my own.
Added by Lynn Marentette on August 23, 2008 at 8:06pm —
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As the Olympics wind down and a new semester begins, I plan to discuss sports with my international students.
Here is an advanced ESL lesson for a conversation class that allows students to talk about sports, share their experiences, and reflect on the role of sports in our global society. This lesson is an excerpt from an ESL book that I co-authored called "Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics".
Please feel free to use this lesson plan in…
Added by Eric Roth on August 23, 2008 at 12:56pm —
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