Recently as a staff we were asked to read the book Out of Our Minds by Sir Ken Robinson. I have to say the book supported the idea of keeping creativity in school, but also ignited the inspiration I needed to start to think more out of the box. I need to develop a shape for myself and how it will define me. Do I want to inspire others by my actions or try to be innovated in creating something so amazing for my…
ContinueAdded by Kathy Scarpato on August 31, 2012 at 2:51pm — No Comments
En las noticias recentemente, hay mucho sobre la situación económica peor del España. Hay muchas personas quien están diciendo que el gobierno de España va a pedir ayuda de otros países eventualmente. Muchas regiones ya han pedido ayuda como Catalana, Valencia, y Murcia. Según los planes del gobierno, el aumento para el año pasado de la economía de España debe ser de .7 por…
Added by Caroline Frederickson on August 31, 2012 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment
Elegí este articulo porque lo enfoca en el turismo de España. El autor describe el turismo como el motor de la economía de España. Este imagen es interesante a me. Puedo imaginar un país con muchos de los servicios,…
ContinueAdded by Natalie Jo Senn on August 31, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments
Added by Ms. Lynda Hall on August 30, 2012 at 10:52pm — No Comments
This post is the second part of my blog post under the name of "Online Professional Development Courses and Resources for English Teachers"
Let's start:
You can find…
Added by Azize Besik on August 30, 2012 at 5:38am — No Comments
Have you ever heard the term of "21st century teachers of English"?
21st century teachers of English are the teachers who can integrate technology in their classes and embed it through curriculum. Briefly ,they are the teachers who are able to benefit from technology and use it to enhance the learning of "pupils" or "students".
That's why, in today's…
Added by Azize Besik on August 30, 2012 at 5:36am — No Comments |
If you are teaching to Young Learners Of English(YLE ),those website can be really beneficial for your pupils.
Let's start:
ContinueAdded by Azize Besik on August 30, 2012 at 5:35am — No Comments
As an educator, it's important to be reflective of my practice, not for the sake of boasting, but for the sake of being able to recall what went well, what worked - and definitely how things could be improved for the next time I teach this particular session of CPED2023 for Johnson University.
I spend what my wife probably thinks is an inordinate amount of time pining over and re-examining my course content, flow and learning…
ContinueAdded by Dave Eveland on August 29, 2012 at 11:45am — No Comments
Most of the teachers quit their job because of trouble-maker students and noise level in the classroom. As a teacher , I have tried many ways to make my classes quiter.
One of the methods I implemented in my classes.
Last year with my 3rd graders ,I used a method based on tickets.Each student has 3 tickets.In an inappropriate behavior like talking without raising hands…
Added by Azize Besik on August 29, 2012 at 7:00am — No Comments
"I call everyone 'Darling' because I can't remember their names."
-Zsa Zsa Gabor
A few years ago, my fledgling kid brother walked into his first class at Central Michigan University. It was in one of those stadium-sized lecture halls—you know the kind: a wall of vertical-sliding chalkboards and a battalion of green, first-year…
Added by Karen Cameron on August 28, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments
Added by Azize Besik on August 26, 2012 at 4:14pm — No Comments
Looking for a volunteer....I promise it won't be a lengthy thing. Please reply to and put "Interview" in the subject line. Thanks in advance. Amber
Added by Amber Ried on August 25, 2012 at 2:44pm — No Comments
I have been using Google and Google Aps in my classroom and with my students for the past two years. Each year I use Google, I am able to incorporate more of the Apps into my teaching. My district has issued each student a Google account. This has made the difference in using Google Apps with my students.
Last year I utilized Google Docs in many aspects of my teaching. I started the year with basis documents and taught my students how to share these with me. From there the…
ContinueAdded by Sara Finney on August 25, 2012 at 1:31pm — 1 Comment
Um trabalho de conclusão de curso é um caminho no qual toda e qualquer produção científica toda aluno de curso superior deve passar,seja ele de graduação ou pós graduação.
E os medos na produção são sempre os mesmos:
Added by Mauricio De Oliveira Munhoz on August 24, 2012 at 4:56am — No Comments
Google apps is a really neat tool that I think can help me as an educator. I can use it to have students collaborate on assignments. It is an efficient way for multiple people to work on one assignment. It eliminates checking email and attaching documents. Since it is a live application, it is automatically saved and updated so that anyone with access can view immediately. I think that the work processing and the presentation features would be the most beneficial for students to use for…
ContinueAdded by Elizabeth Gentry on August 23, 2012 at 8:13pm — 1 Comment
Added by Ms. Lynda Hall on August 23, 2012 at 4:39pm — No Comments
How could Google Apps help you to be more efficient as an educator?
Google Apps will be extremely useful to me as an educator. My school just got an education account to Google Apps this week and is encouraging all of us to use it in our teaching on a regular basis. As a literacy department, we have decided that all of our students are going to use Google to create blogs where they will reflect on what they have read every other week. They will also post to one another on their blogs,…
Added by Elana Kline on August 22, 2012 at 6:13pm — No Comments
Added by Shamblesguru (Chris Smith) on August 22, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
Web 2.0 tools in this times are amazing in education today, but don´t reduce the misconceptions of how to learn by ICT in school or university spaces, or maybe in virtual environments where their innovative apps and gadgets contemplate the real motivation for use the information or just operate the digital resources in different ways like pedagogical models or similar approximations close to equal performances like as presencial spaces of learning, all this is possible if the web 2.0 users…
ContinueAdded by Roberto Iván Ramirez Avila on August 21, 2012 at 4:05pm — No Comments
The Landmark Project (
1980s - simple programmed or his own program games
Shared his experience and his students learning…
ContinueAdded by Joy Fitzgerald on August 21, 2012 at 10:09am — No Comments
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