It has now been a year since I first started the #1 series. A catalog of what I believe is important in teaching and particularly ELT. See it below, share, download.
Here it is faithfully edited, updated and relinked, facelifted. Lots of stuff that might remain as important reference.
Download a hardcopy to print, carry around, use as toilet paper and win paper airplane contests…
Added by ddeubel on September 30, 2010 at 6:35pm —
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Have you ever sat through a professional development session thinking, "This guy has no clue what happens in the classroom?" Lately, that's the only thought I've had in our pd sessions. I've listened to administrator after administrator tell me how to do things. What do they know about being in my classroom? Well, I finally got a break from administrators telling me how to do things in yesterday's pd session. Two pairs of teachers presented our staff of 21. As the first pair started, I thought,…
Added by Jak Kolarik on September 30, 2010 at 4:28pm —
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Can I share?
Added by Courtney Lett on September 29, 2010 at 11:30am —
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One of the things that most of us strike as parents - or teachers - at some stage or another, is finding a way to motivate our children in one particular area or another.
Over the last couple of weeks I have been spending a lot of time meeting and speaking to
homeschool families as we have been promoting the benefits of our
online subtitled… Continue
Added by Nicholas Tee on September 27, 2010 at 8:48pm —
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Schools today should all be using Interactive Whiteboards with Software to make learning fun and easy. What Software is available for schools that is freeware? Alot of Schools also aren't on the Internet and need to download the lessons or jpegs the night before. Is there a website that can cater for these Teachers? Your info will be greatly appreciated.
Added by Mark Hayward on September 27, 2010 at 11:00am —
The 2010 National Education Technology Plan draft provides some great examples of formative uses of technology-based assessment tools.
I’ve been reading the 2010 National Education Technology Plan draft and I really appreciate the wealth of ideas and examples in it. I do wonder how much of what is proposed in this document will…
Added by Kelly Walsh on September 27, 2010 at 5:30am —
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As we all know there are two very distinct sides to the Internet - on the one side we share and enjoy postings and links to sites much like this one (where the best of what we can offer shines through), and there is the dark side of porn, nudity, phishing, filth and hate that we need to protect our youth from. In the El Paso ISD (TX) I've started a small campaign with principals and PTA folks offering a presentation about
OpenDNS, a filtering system that is…
Added by Alan Hodson on September 26, 2010 at 3:52pm —
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I'm not involved in education any more apart from being a dad, (so, pretty involved I guess really!). But as a parent helper at my son's school we've made a weekly online spelling test, which auto-marks the learners' attempts and sends the results to an email address. It's another angle for the onslaught on raising fundamental literacy skills.
The coding was done by a colleague and he's made it so easy to make a new weekly test that I wanted to share it. It takes me about 15 minutes to…
Added by pete whitfield on September 26, 2010 at 11:40am —
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One of the beauties of education is that we get the opportunity to try and explore new ideas. In fact, we are encouraged to think outside of
the box to discover new and improved ways to engage, inspire and
motivate students. Moreover, when we have new ideas and solutions to
problems, we are forcing ourselves to evaluate and assess our current
practices. A fancy word that all educators have heard (some so much it
makes them…
Added by Justin Tarte on September 25, 2010 at 10:40pm —
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You Make The Difference!
National Make a Difference Day celebrates its 20th year on Saturday, October 23, 2010. The national event is sponsored by the…
Added by Stephen Wilke, SPHR, CPLP on September 24, 2010 at 1:22pm —
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You may be able to win cash prizes… Continue
Added by Janet Barnstable on September 24, 2010 at 1:12pm —
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Hey Everyone,
Looking forward to contributing to this forum. As a new member i thought i would share this with you as i think it could help you out if you use smart boards... it certainly did for me.
I was just on another iwb forum and came across this promotion about free online smart board training so i thought i would share this with you. It is an online course created by Blossom Learning. They have this lady I guess avatar that trains you online. All i did was send a…
Added by Emma Richards on September 24, 2010 at 10:41am —
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Two weeks ago should have been my first day of school.…
Added by Andrew Marcinek on September 23, 2010 at 7:04am —
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Well my school has this Polyvision board which seems the least user-friendly IWB I have seen.
Does anyone have any experience using this board?
Furthermore, after I get it working to my liking, I want full teacher integration. Any experience with Promethean or SMART or a board not specified for either?
Added by Desmond A. Hasty on September 23, 2010 at 6:51am —

This next year, I'll be setting up my own eTeaching system and doing online teacher training. Mostly out of interest and to see if I can do it. As part of that process, I'm presently setting up my own audio/video eteaching suite. And since I'm doing it for myself, I thought, "why not do it for everyone?". Technology has that benefit, once you do it for yourself, it costs little to share it.
So, I'd like to ask what you are looking for in an eteaching system. You know, I've…
Added by ddeubel on September 23, 2010 at 6:00am —
Added by Andrew Marcinek on September 22, 2010 at 12:13pm —
We at the Indiana Dept. of Education are making presentations about mobile computing in a classroom setting. I would appeciate any feedback regarding the following questions:
Added by Gary Bates on September 22, 2010 at 5:51am —
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I watched this video on TED: Ideas worth spreading (which I highly recommend),
and I have to say I was really intrigued by the topic. Every day at
school I get the opportunity to see students growing and
developing...some more than others, and some not enough. However
inconsistent their growth may be, one thing is for certain...the growth
and development of children can be summed up in one word - amazing! If
Added by Justin Tarte on September 22, 2010 at 5:35am —
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I would like to invite your students to participate in The Global Education Conference this November
15-19, 2010. This conference is held online in Elluminate over 5 days in multiple time zones. We are interested in participants, presenters and partners. The focus is on global collaboration and bringing interested parties together to explore best
practices in helping students and educators develop global competencies.
Students you know may be…
Added by Lisa Durff on September 21, 2010 at 7:00pm —
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Register today for the next Wikieducator workshop,
Invite them and they will come! Join us this Wednesday for a
live session that will serve as a general overview of the course as well.…
Added by Benjamin Stewart on September 20, 2010 at 9:16pm —
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