I feel like both assignments were good to show creativity and uniqueness for an individual student. When doing the character poster, we used excel. This way I thought was an okay way to create a poster but is very simplistic in its use. On the other hand sometimes simplistic is better. Glogster I found was a lot easier to use and provided a wider range of resources and could be very complex. When it came down to use, I liked glogster better than excel. I feel like excel would be better used…
ContinueAdded by Micheal Puckett on September 29, 2013 at 5:15pm — No Comments
In creating posters for our class, I found Excel to be more user friendly. It was easy to upload everything I wanted and looked nice in the end. I did not like making my glog at all! I had technical difficulties where the program would unexpectedly stop and shut down without automatically saving my work. This was extremely frustrating to me! However, on Glogster, there were more options to choose from and edit to make the page unique. In the end, I was pleased how the poster turned…
ContinueAdded by Brooke Kyker on September 29, 2013 at 2:05pm — No Comments
“Latinos Are the Engine of Small Business in America“
Este articulo dice que los negocios pequeños en general en los estados unidos son muy importantes. Los hispanos son una fuerza importante en el sector de la pequeña empresa. El autor crea que los hispanos con los…
ContinueAdded by Aubrey Bankemper on September 29, 2013 at 12:37pm — No Comments
Added by Sydnie Schell on September 28, 2013 at 4:50pm — 2 Comments
Enlace al artículo: http://dinero.univision.com/plan-prosperidad/espiritu-empresarial/article/2013-09-18/negocios-latinos-llegarian-a-salvar-economia-estadounidense
Este artículo comenzó como la mayoría de los otros que ya he leído, pero destacó un otro detalle importante en el éxito de los negocios latinos. El artículo explicó…
ContinueAdded by Jessica Staples on September 28, 2013 at 3:16pm — 1 Comment
I am currently enrolled in an education technology class and have been asked to describe my opinion and experience of the development of Character posters as opposed to a Glogster.
I should first start out by describing what the activities are respectively.
A character poster is an activity in which we were asked to engage Microsoft Excel to form a large info-graphic of ourselves. This entailed a photo, a word describing us as a person, and then the definition of that…
ContinueAdded by Riley Scheyder on September 28, 2013 at 7:30am — No Comments
Since my last posting, I have been pursuing a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration on E-Learning. It has kept me busy and broke but has proven to be a transformative experience.
The journey started because I wanted to find ways to better support the teachers I work with.
A little background is in order...I run education programs at a large Tony Award-winning theatre in Chicago. Goodman Theatre has a slate of educational and engagement programs but…
ContinueAdded by Willa J. Taylor on September 27, 2013 at 4:10pm — No Comments
I created a character poster which was done on an excel spreadsheet. I took a picture and then enlarged to span across for pages including my name, a character trait that fits, and then the definition of that trait. I also created a Glogster poster about knitting with different pictures demonstrating different knitting styles as well as a video demonstration. Creating these projects was a very good experience. I had never used pictures in excel and I had also never used Glogster before. I…
ContinueAdded by Susann Thomas on September 26, 2013 at 1:14pm — No Comments
I am a spanish mother from Madrid. My teenager aged 15 is living his Amercan dream, studying a Schoolar Year in a High School in Minnesota, (grade 10).
I tell his experience in my blog....and how I am living it 7000 km away....
Thank you
Added by Gloria V on September 25, 2013 at 10:19am — No Comments
The European Distance and E-learning Network – EDEN hosts the
SYNERGY Workshop – Transnational Learning Forum for Exchanging Practices
to take place on 19-21 October 2013 in Budapest, Hungary at the premises of the…
ContinueAdded by Eva Suba on September 25, 2013 at 6:35am — No Comments
For me, I think they are both really great ideas and fun to use. I felt like creating a character poster was a little bit easier than using Glogster, but that could have been that my computer does not seem to like Glogster at all. So there was some frustration with Glogster on my end. In my opinion, they are both rewarding and beneficial. With Character Posters, the creator can basically create a spread sheet of information like you could in Microsoft Word but to a higher level. With…
ContinueAdded by Devin Clarke on September 24, 2013 at 7:58pm — No Comments
For me, I think they are both really great ideas and fun to use. I felt like creating a character poster was a little bit easier than using Glogster, but that could have been that my computer does not seem to like Glogster at all. So there was some frustration with Glogster on my end. In my opinion, they are both rewarding and beneficial. With Character Posters, the creator can basically create a spread sheet of information like you could in Microsoft Word but to a higher level. With…
ContinueAdded by Devin Clarke on September 24, 2013 at 7:48pm — No Comments
I thought that the Excel character poster was "easier" to do because it took less time and it was an easy process to follow. There was room for a little creativity but it was too the point and simple. However, I enjoyed doing the Glogster poster better. I liked being able to insert different pictures, facts, videos, etc. into one poster. One thing that really frustrated me about the Glogster poster was when you inserted a picture, you couldn't make it wider or taller. The picture could only…
ContinueAdded by Kelsey Clifford on September 24, 2013 at 6:47pm — No Comments
The differences between the Character Poster and the Glogster assignment are that Glogster is more user friendly to older students, whereas the character poster could be better for younger students. The character poster could be made without technology, and Glogster has to use the internet and computer. Glogster allows for more creativity because of the options it has, and the character poster would not allow for as many creative opportunities.
Added by Joshua Robert Carpenter on September 24, 2013 at 6:20pm — No Comments
Over the last couple of days of class I have learned how to create posters using two different kinds of technological media. I created two different kinds of posters. The first poster was created using excel. This character poster was a way of giving a little bit of insight into myself. I took an image that i had saved on my computer and loaded it onto excel. I then expanded the image so that it took up four pages. After this I added a couple graphics and some text boxes in an attempt to add…
ContinueAdded by Sean C Rankin on September 24, 2013 at 6:10pm — No Comments
Yo leí un articulo se llama “Hispanic Owned Businesses Doubled Over the Past Decade” de Bryan Llenas. En este articulo el autor discutió el aumento en empresas latinas en los Estados Unidos en la década pasada. Estás aumentaron de…
ContinueAdded by Lindsay Hill on September 23, 2013 at 8:52pm — 1 Comment
Added by Jessica Staples on September 23, 2013 at 6:59pm — 1 Comment
La economía y las oportunidades de negocios en Costa Rica están aumentadas. Hay una industria de turismo que está creciendo, y por eso hay una gran oportunidad de negocios, particularmente para los latinos americanos. Sin embargo, hay muchos Anglos están aprovechando de…
ContinueAdded by Ashley Lewis on September 23, 2013 at 6:47pm — No Comments
You've Gotta Have Hear: Achieving Purpose Beyond Profit in the Social Sector - By Cass Wheeler
We all know that the definition for success in the corporate world is fairly straightforward. To be considered great, companies first need to turn a profit. For organizations in the social sector, however, the challenge is much bigger. To be truly effective, they must stay relevant and, above all, stay true to their mission. For the past thirty-five years, Cass Wheeler has…
ContinueAdded by Joshua C. Benyo on September 23, 2013 at 1:31pm — No Comments
Leí el artículo “Negocios latinos salvarían economía estadounidense” y se trata del latino-americano que tienen sus propios negocios en los estados unidos. El articulo habla de que el segmento de los negocios de los latinos está creciendo y está causando que las personas que viven en los estados unidos son ganando trabajo atreves de estos negocios. Los negocios que tienen los latino-americanos son creados en forma más sencilla y pequeña, esta es beneficial para los americanos porque pueden…
ContinueAdded by Cory Mayle-George on September 23, 2013 at 12:48pm — No Comments
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