Kelly Christopherson's Blog – October 2007 Archive (7)

It's societal

I’ve been in a discussion over at Infinite Thinking Machine with various people including Arthus who is “… a 14-year-old student in Vermont who has recently become actively involved in the online dialog

about educational technology.”

Part of the discussion I’ve been having with Arthus and Steve Hargadon, of Ning…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on October 31, 2007 at 8:36pm — 1 Comment

Walk-through - one step at a time

I’ve been using the Downey Walk-Through method of supervision more regularly since school began last year and with some work with my superintendent, have refined some of the things that

are going on. Last year when I was doing them, I found it very clumsy

to have an index card to write on.…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on October 17, 2007 at 11:18pm — 1 Comment

Educon2.0 Conference

Chris Lehmann has asked that those of us on Twitter post about the upcoming Educon 2.0 conference.

For complete information see the Educon 2.o wiki. Cliotech also has a very thorough blog post on the conference.

Here is the vital…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on October 8, 2007 at 7:44pm — No Comments

Teacher, teacher can you hear me?

When I first began teaching, one of the most stressful times was when

the director would come in to supervise/evaluate. I knew when he was

coming of course but, still, it would cause me no endless stress. Would

the lesson work? Would the students listen? Would I remain my

composure? The lesson was orchestrated and each time, thank goodness,

it went without a hitch. This is how it was for the first two years of

teaching. After that, like most other teachers to whom… Continue

Added by Kelly Christopherson on October 7, 2007 at 10:33pm — No Comments

Is it worth the rant?

Like many of you, I occasionally do a little ranting when it comes to the

problems with some of the things that go on with the technology in

schools and the level of availability of different websites. I've also

been known to rant every now and then about other things that go on

with schools and learning.

Well, this isn't one of those. In fact, over the past few weeks,… Continue

Added by Kelly Christopherson on October 5, 2007 at 10:39pm — No Comments

Walking to work

I’ve been using classroom Walk-Throughs for the past 7 months in order to get to get into the classrooms in my school, get to know what the teachers are doing, familiarize myself with the curricula in the

various grades and just acquaint myself with how this form of

supervision might work for me.

Now, I started with the book The Three-Minute Classroom Walk-Through by Corlyn J. Downey. Like most administrators, I read through the book, worked through the different…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on October 4, 2007 at 11:34pm — No Comments

It's a wiki wonderland!

I like to use wikis for much of the work that I do. I think that they allow me a great deal of freedom to be creative in their construction without being overwhelming, give me just enough gadgets

and plug-ins to keep me busy and suit my purpose when it comes to

organization and access. Right now I use one for my planning, another I used with my class last year to gather information about Medieval Europe, a…


Added by Kelly Christopherson on October 2, 2007 at 10:40pm — No Comments


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