November 2013 Blog Posts (35)

SPA 302 La Séptima Entrada- 4 motivos por los que las pymes deben estar en Twitter

Aquí está el enlace al artículo:

Este artículo se trata de los beneficios de la utilización de Twitter para las pymes. El autor destaca que tres de cada cuatro pymes españolas tienen presencia en redes sociales y la utilización de Twitter en particular tiene muchos beneficios. Por ejemplo, el artículo menciona…


Added by Sydnie Schell on November 6, 2013 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

SPA 302 Entrada 7: "Seis consejos para captar el mercado hispano de los Estados Unidos"

Enlace al artículo:ñ%C3%ADa/noticias-sobre-localización-web/noticias-de-motionpoint-2010/64sw/681-seis-consejos-para-captar-el-mercado-hispano-de-los-estados-unidos.html

“Seis consejos para captar el mercado hispano de los Estados Unidos” es un artículo que habla sobre la rápida creciente en el mercado hispano en los Estados Unidos. Se habla de cómo los negocios se apresuran para poder introducirse en él.… Continue

Added by Jessica Staples on November 6, 2013 at 3:06pm — 2 Comments

Tech in the Classroom

One of the best things about the Info. Tech Masters program is the ability to be exposed to, and interact with technology tools.  I have learned so much in my first 4 terms in the program and really enjoy interacting with so many educational resources.  This learning has spurred me to create a blog for my classroom that can serve as a resource for my students.  While it is very much still a work in progress (I have only just started) each day it gets closer to being useful.  The goal is that…


Added by Tully Wagner on November 5, 2013 at 7:35pm — No Comments

How do you manage getting sick as teachers?

Hello All!                                                                                                                  So as my title implies I want feed back from others who work in the field of education. I want to know how you manage being sick? How do you keep from falling behind? There is only so much you can expect a sub to do when you are out right? I came down with some kind of Flu type illness this last week and it wiped me out! Luckily I only missed 2 days of school because…


Added by Krisi Leffler on November 4, 2013 at 10:06pm — No Comments

SPA 302: 6 Entrada:Just a dash of Latino flavor accents Fusion TV’s debut

Perry Scott Gibson

Spanish 302-001: Spanish For Business Professionals (Fall 2013)

The 30th of October 2013

Blog 6

En esta entrada, voy a hablar de un artículo. El nombre de este artículo es “Just a dash of Latino flavor accents Fusion TV’s debut.” El autor de este artículo se llama "Douglas Hanks," y fue escrito el 28 de octubre del año 2013.

En este artículo, nos enteramos de que Univisión tendrá más televisión en Inglés.…


Added by Perry Scott Gibson on November 4, 2013 at 8:33pm — No Comments

Tech in the Classroom

I am so excited to start using web 2.0 tools in my classroom. I think that they can be very valuable for enhancing student learning. I am always looking for ways to use technology with my students. My biggest concern with using any technology in the classroom is not knowing how to use it effectively. In my school, our district made it a priority to put a SmartBoard in every classroom, but despite several request we have never received any training on how to use them. Has anyone else had this…


Added by Katie Iverson on November 4, 2013 at 5:59pm — 1 Comment

SPA 302: 5 Entrada:Real-deal demographics study finds more similarities between caucasians, hispanics and african americans than differences when it comes to real estate

Perry Scott Gibson

Spanish 302-001: Spanish For Business Professionals (Fall 2013)

The 20th of October 2013

Blog 5

En esta entrada, voy a hablar de un artículo. El nombre de este artículo es “Real-deal demographics study finds more similarities between caucasians, hispanics and african americans than differences when it comes to real estate.” El autor de este artículo se llama "Madhusmita Bora", y que fue escrito el 17 de octubre del año 2013.

En este artículo, nos…


Added by Perry Scott Gibson on November 4, 2013 at 4:04pm — 1 Comment


Welcome to my Classroom 2.0 page!

I love educational technology and am sold on using it in education (in balance with other things). I look forward to learning a lot while I am here!

Added by Melanie Borrego on November 4, 2013 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Just getting started....

There is a lot to see here in Classroom 2.0. I find myself getting sidetracked with everything there is to read and learn. I am looking forward to discovering more about what Classroom 2.0 has to offer. 

Added by Danielle Ambrose on November 4, 2013 at 11:21am — No Comments

Just getting started...

So as I start to explore various options for organizing and expanding my professional network, I come to classroom 2.0.  Wish me luck.


Added by Michael Emanuel on November 3, 2013 at 9:53pm — No Comments


I really like the educational site that ning provides. What really caught my attention though is the safety feature of having to be approved to use the site. That is straightforward and you even have to provide a reason why you want to join which I have never seen before. I feel like for education purposes it is a good tool, it took me forever to figure out how the safety features of myspace and facebook worked it seems like they are almost an after thought of the sites. I also like the…


Added by Jacqui Collins on November 2, 2013 at 9:13pm — No Comments

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 has numerous functions allowing people to collaborate sharing ideas, tools, and resources. The ability to link websites, blogs, and Twitter accounts all on one page creates a great resource.I am excited to explore the classroom 2.0 functions more and examine the sites accessibility with

Added by Tay McEdwards on November 2, 2013 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Social Media in the classroom

Social media has been an invaluable tool for my Yearbook staff over the past year and a half. In 2012 we began using an online design/page layout tool provided by our publisher Herff Jones. This made it possible for the students to upload pictures and work on their page layouts from home, but, I discovered that many of them needed an extra push to actually stay focused and on task.

Facebook to the rescue! We created a private group on Facebook (and I created an…


Added by Kevin Freedman on November 2, 2013 at 11:44am — No Comments

5 Seriously Super Easy Tips for Online Student Engagement

We know students in online courses can feel isolated, right? They don’t have the easy access to campus-based support services, faculty, or even other students if they just want to vent! While student retention in online classes has improved greatly in the last decade, a recent study from the Community College Research Center at Columbia University reminds us that “Community-college students enrolled in online courses [still] fail and drop out more often than those whose coursework is…


Added by Sam Battrick on November 2, 2013 at 11:17am — No Comments

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