November 2007 Blog Posts (113)

Podcasting about Hannibal

It's been three exhausting sessions - and rewarding - we put together a podcast of "all about Hannibal, Missouri" incorporating explorers, Twain, the river, poets, and basic population/schools info. Gave kids a really involved way to really learn about their town. Lots of kid ideas incorporated as we improvised our way through it all making sure everyone had a part. Hope to tie all the pieces together by Monday. It's funny, right here in Hannibal, most of my kids are unaware of Samuel Clemens'… Continue

Added by Terry Smith on November 30, 2007 at 7:49pm — No Comments

The Future of Direct Manipulation Immersive Environments in the k-12 Classroom

Some of my ramblings regarding my work on "Direct Manipulation Immersive Environments in the k-12 Classroom" for students

Here are the big broad strokes of where I would like to go with the Edusim project in time (and other projects like it).

Focus & Criteria:

LOW Cost, Low Barrier, 3D, Small Footprint, Natural, K-12, Immersive, Direct Manipulation, Multi-User

Edusim generation 1 (current development)

* Surface devices… Continue

Added by Rich White on November 30, 2007 at 1:39pm — No Comments

The long awaited Yahoo for teachers is now available

the long awaited Yahoo for teachers is now available ! -- ---- message me for an invite !

Added by Rich White on November 30, 2007 at 11:37am — 1 Comment

NCTE New York & Podcasting Woes

It's been two weeks since NCTE (National Council of Teacher's of English). Reading David Warlick's blog post this morning puts in mind of teachers using technology. Teachers who do and teachers who don't. Interesting post. Ultimately it comes down to doing your job as a teacher for Warlick. He says, " Teachers who aren’t using computers and the Internet in their classrooms with their students…


Added by Lee Ann Spillane on November 30, 2007 at 3:43am — No Comments

Merging Conversations for 21st Century Learning


don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry

because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled

with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble

pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance,

love, these are what we stay alive for.

This quote is delivered by John Keating (Robin… Continue

Added by Edwin Wargo on November 29, 2007 at 9:59pm — No Comments

Reinventing Article in Principal Leadership

Suzie and I just published an article in Principal Leadership. Read more here.

Added by Jane Krauss on November 29, 2007 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Most Influential

Cross-post with my 'Pair-a-Dimes for your Thoughts' blog.

We are influenced by so many things in our lives. Identifying what has a significant influence on us can be difficult. Here are two things that I believe can be categorized as most influential... and they both happened Monday.

1. Fifteen year old Kristine wrote a very influential blog post…


Added by David Truss on November 29, 2007 at 9:11am — No Comments

Egg osmosis - or the egg that pees!

Students in my 7th Grade Science class soaked eggs in vinegar and then soaked the eggs in colored water. With a softened shell, the eggs absorbed the colored water quite well. We went outside and the students poked their egg with a toothpick. They got so excited they wanted to have a video uploaded on youtube (now done.) I realized that while the activity was not technology related, they had a lot of fun and expressed the desire to share their results with the world. My take on this is that… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on November 28, 2007 at 8:35pm — No Comments

Where to go from here?

I was hoping to teach a class dealing with Web 2.0 Tools in the Ames Public Schools from mid-November to mid-December, but registration was dismal at best. So, now what? I will use this blog spot and this ning to share Web 2.0 sources and resources and also share articles, insights, etc. Stop back when I have more.

Added by Wade Andersen on November 28, 2007 at 2:07pm — No Comments

Nominated for an Edublogger Award.

My class video blog Mr. C's Videos Blog at Vodpod has been nominated for an edublog award for audio/visual.

Added by WmChamberlain on November 28, 2007 at 9:52am — No Comments

Project Zero in action: an educational utopia, of sorts

I spent a couple of days with my study-group leader from Project Zero. I went with her Alma College students up north. There we visited Long Lake School in Traverse City Schools (of northern Michigan), a kind of educational utopia. This is a school that applied for and received a grant for educational transformation through the Department of Education Arts Education Model Dissemination.

Students at this school use "thinking routines;" they use them often, and well, and at all ages.… Continue

Added by Connie Weber on November 28, 2007 at 5:30am — No Comments


Hi to all in C20,

This is my first post and I am very enthusiastic to learn about the many interesting ways in which you are advancing the practice of teaching using technology and hope that in some way I may contribute some worthwhile information.

Look forward to hearing from and sharing with you.


Added by Arnie on November 27, 2007 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Internet All gone

Okay I will admit it. I have become internet dpendant. Comcast is playing games with our schools connection and I cannot get more than one or tw students on the net. Frustrating, maddening, and so counterproductive to everything I have been working so hard to built in my school this year. 4 weeks with limited access- it feels like months. I wnat--need my internt back!

Added by Kelley Irish on November 27, 2007 at 3:38pm — No Comments

Ultra-mobile internet devices coming soon to a school near you - Android brings the tools to you 700 MH spectrum brings the network

Internet blocking will soon become nearly impossible. Time to start teaching appropriate use.

[via] Google is prepared to bid on its own without any partners (in January 2008), the Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter. The newspaper said Google is working out a plan to finance its bid -- which could run to $4.6 billion or higher -- that would rely on its own cash and possibly some borrowed…

Added by Rich White on November 26, 2007 at 7:06pm — No Comments

Free Camtasia™ Studio: Create your Own Desktop Videos

(Note: This is a cross posting from the CLASSROOM Toolkit Newsletter because the offer for Camtasia™ Studio is so good.)

Desktop video is one area where existing Open Source software doesn't measure up to the commercial version. And, the "king" of commercial video creation software is Camtasia™ studio.


Camtasia™ Studio is also much better than Microsoft™'s free Movie Maker software…


Added by Joseph Chmielewski on November 26, 2007 at 4:10pm — No Comments

Book Glutton

In light of all the discussion about Amazon's Kindle bookreader, I thought people might find this crosspost from my blog interesting/useful:

I learned about Book Glutton from the Go2Web2 blog.

It's basically an…


Added by Larry Ferlazzo on November 26, 2007 at 6:20am — No Comments


A quick rant!
I have a personal blog to update the family. I use BLOGGER.
I have blog with edublog that I set up months ago...even forgot i had it.
Now, that I am a member of Classroom 2.0, I am trying to think if this is where I really want to post my "professional blog" for teachers or on edublogs. Decisions, Decisions!

On top of everything else...

I just got done making a list of all my passwords. TOO MANY COMBOS!


Added by lil' kk on November 25, 2007 at 7:22pm — 2 Comments

New Beginnings

I have always been a fan of technology but it wasn't until recently that I really started using it as a tool in my classroom. Sure, at school I was one of the first teachers to really get into using the SmartBoard, I was excited to start up a website for the Math Department, and I've been using Delicious--- but there are so many more resources out there. I've started a blog ( as a way of organizing what I've found, as well as how I'm using it, and I've signed up… Continue

Added by Technovore on November 25, 2007 at 6:47pm — No Comments

Professional Learning Communities

Our school district is embarked on an effort to create professional learning communities based on our core beliefs of enthusiasm for teaching and learning, collaboration for teaching and learning, and continuous improvement of teaching and learning. This is the only way to achieve our mission to educate students so they are engaged in their education in a way that develops their capacity to pursue their goals and life long learning.

Added by Dennis Richards on November 25, 2007 at 3:41pm — No Comments

New news

Hi to everyone

Added by Gabika Krizovska on November 24, 2007 at 1:50pm — No Comments

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