December 2016 Blog Posts (9)

These Kids Today!

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.   ~~ Dalai Lama




What a glorious thing it is to experience the essential kindness of human beings -- especially strangers, and especially young ones. Last night I was rescued by two such kind, young strangers when I…


Added by Margaret C. Laureys on December 29, 2016 at 5:02am — No Comments

Just a Jersey Girl

I thought there was nothing more I could know about Bruce Springsteen especially since his world is already evoked in his songs. Listen to a Springsteen song and you see a hardscrabble, working class Jersey boy kicking it around in garage bands; sitting on the hood of the Chevy with a long haired, barefoot girl wearing bell-bottoms and a lost, moony gaze on her face; beers with the boys after a shift at their dead end job at the tire factory, all of them griping about the boss…


Added by Margaret C. Laureys on December 29, 2016 at 5:00am — No Comments

An Ode to Our Little Netcong

My friend and fellow Netcong native, Christopher Warnash, recently posted something on Facebook about Netcong which got me thinking about how much I love our hometown.  Christopher had said something which particularly struck me and gave me so many thoughts about our town that I want to share them with all of my other fellow Netcong natives. 


Christopher said that he and his boyfriend were passing through Netcong when his boyfriend…


Added by Margaret C. Laureys on December 29, 2016 at 4:56am — No Comments

Willie Wonka Doesn’t Care One Whit if Augustus Gloop Drowns (and That’s Why We Love Him!)

Willy Wonka: Stop, don’t, come back


It’s a slight, seemingly empty bit of dialogue, isn’t it?  Yet imbued with Gene Wilder’s sarcastic intonation the dialogue expresses that he actually couldn’t care less if the kid to whom he’s speaking comes back or not.  He speaks the ostensibly dull sentence in an unflappable, flat tone such that it becomes richly, perversely, funny.  It is is also, oh, just a teensy bit mean. As…


Added by Margaret C. Laureys on December 29, 2016 at 4:30am — No Comments

Stay in Your Lane

My students, like every adolescent, have their phones in their hands all day. They are in constant contact with their friends, and don't miss an opportunity to take pictures of themselves or their lunch. To the adults around them they may seem very tech-savvy, but the adults should know better. The kids certainly know how to use Instagram and Snapchat, but they don’t know how to insert a picture into a Word document…


Added by Eileen Lennon on December 28, 2016 at 7:44pm — No Comments

El valor del capital humano en las empresas ;

Este artículo incluye información sobre el valor de los recursos humanos en las empresas. En estos días, las empresas han llegado a un punto en el que han dejado de depender tan fuertemente sobre los recursos humanos y ha causado muchos problemas, incluyendo la falta de ciertas habilidades en la…


Added by Caroline Richards on December 7, 2016 at 9:53pm — No Comments

Blog 7

Kimberly Flores

Blog 7


La belleza como recurso humano (el atractivo físico) la cara oscura del capital erótico.…


Added by Kimberly Flores on December 5, 2016 at 7:10pm — No Comments


Es importante mantener nuestra identidad cultural porque sin ella nosotros olvidamos nuestra linaje y nuestra tradiciones. Por mi, es dificil como una latina y una Boriqua de segunda generación viviendo en El Estados Unidos, porque la idioma primaria es inglés y los tradiciones o historias de mi país es suavizado. Como aquí no se celebran tanto los tres reyes. Aunque en los barrios latinos como en el alto Manhattan…


Added by Leylanie Rodriguez on December 2, 2016 at 12:02pm — No Comments

Nuevo portal sobre mercado laboral en Puerto Rico


Resumen de la noticia

Este articulo trata sobre la nueva página virtual creada por El Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos del gobierno Puerto Rico,  donde agrupa toda la data sobre el mercado…


Added by Emanuel J. Sanchez on December 2, 2016 at 10:58am — No Comments

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