All Blog Posts Tagged 'education' (330)


It is far more important to enhance learning via high quality content and instructional transformation than it is to simply replace a pencil with a tablet and hope for the best.

Added by Konstantin Kharchenko on April 19, 2017 at 2:38am — 1 Comment

5 Things High School Didn't Teach Me (But Should Have)

We tend to discover after graduation that there are things we were never taught in high school but probably should have learned. Many young adults don't enter college and/or the workforce feeling prepared for what they encounter. Had my high school teachers taught me a few simple life lessons, I might have had more initial success and…


Added by Rachael Murphey on March 20, 2017 at 2:17pm — 1 Comment

Born To Lead? 4 Degrees That Can Help You Unlock Your Potential

Leadership skills are valued by employers. It is vital to acquire these skills in the professional world in order to guide, take control and gain respect within your work environment. Today, there are many college degrees that can help you unlock your…


Added by Emma Sturgis on April 27, 2016 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Different Minds, Different Majors: How to Pick the Best Major for You

When it comes time to choose a major, the task may seem daunting. With so many different options available, deciding which one to best invest your time, energy, money, and mind to is difficult. There are some ways to help ensure that you best match your mind with your major of choice.

Determine Your Motivation

A college major is a…


Added by Emma Sturgis on April 27, 2016 at 2:56pm — No Comments

Giving Students Charge of How They Learn

A concerned parent asked me about a project her son had to do in which he had to research Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural style.…


Added by Michael McPherson on November 26, 2015 at 7:41am — No Comments

Working adults looking to online universities for new knowledge opportunities

The saying is that people grow wiser as they age, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have more knowledge. Real life experiences – those which can’t be learned in a classroom setting – are a contributing factor to the wisdom of older adults. This wisdom can play a huge role in the careers of working professionals. However, sometimes more is needed – and that’s where knowledge comes into play, especially at an older age.

It used to be that once people started their careers, they…


Added by Melissa Burns on February 19, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

5 Best Educational Websites Every Student Should Know

The web is loaded with valuable tools and resources students can use in their academic life. Despite of overwhelming scholarly requirements, difficult subjects, and nerve-wracking exams, you can still make the most of your student life with the help of the latest technology.
In this digital age, learning became more fun, enjoyable and interesting because of the available EdTech tools. Students can simply find the right online resources on the Internet, and they can choose…

Added by gabbie keegan on February 11, 2015 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Great Scope for Early Childhood Development in Parent and Me Classes

Are you seeking to enroll your toddler in a fun making mommy and me class in Silver Lake LA area? Do you aim to train your child and add to his/her emotional, social and logical skills during the early years? We can fulfill your desire by introducing your child to learning environment of Parent and Me classes and simplifying the development process which starts from his/her birth and continues till the end of life. We have expert processionals working as teachers of your child and guiding it…


Added by Livinio Stuyck on November 11, 2014 at 4:34am — No Comments

Experiencing Free or Open Source Courses Blog

Annenberg Learner offers workshops and classes online. These can be taken for free for professional development or by paying a small fee to enroll for graduate level credits through CSU. The workshops can be viewed online or purchased on DVD. Users have the option to subscribe to a course’s Teacher-Talk email list or simply click on the course title and go through the workshop’s content independently. Each course on the site provides information, support materials, activities, and a forum…


Added by Amanda Galvan on October 9, 2014 at 6:40pm — No Comments

Online Tools That Make a College Student’s Life Easier

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a student who goes through their college without a smartphone, tablet, or at least a computer. Young people practically spend their days with modern technology, but not all of them have realized that their devices can save instead of waste time.

If you try to implement these educational tools in your studying activities, you will not only improve the quality of your learning methods, but will also go through college…


Added by Melissa Burns on June 6, 2014 at 7:23am — No Comments

Blogging Best Practices

            Blogging (whether personal or for educational purposes) is a popular form of communication with others online. Those who chose to blog should also consider some best practices to get people interested in reading their posts and interested in returning to read other posts. Some best practices for educational blogging include establishing norms/guidelines…


Added by Rebecca J-L on May 17, 2014 at 6:11pm — No Comments

21st Century Classrooms & 21st Century Learning

              Teachers are hearing the terms “21st Century Classroom” and “21st Century Learning” a lot during trainings and within resources. Teachers need to understand what these terms mean in order to fully grasp the concepts behind them.

                A “21st Century Classroom” and a “21st Century Learner” go together. Learners/students come into our classrooms with more technology skills than ever before. School districts need to…


Added by Rebecca J-L on May 17, 2014 at 5:00pm — No Comments


Do you use simulations in education? Maybe your answer is “No”. But is it true?

I remember my years in primary school. Once a year the principal and the teachers prepared a large simulation for the whole school. It was a simulation of a chemical gas…


Added by Peter Tomasovic on March 19, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

Add a little humor to your class website with a Voki

Use Voki to create an Avatar for you or your class and embed theVoki into your website or blog.

Added by Brian Weir on December 26, 2013 at 4:52pm — No Comments

Create video and audio PowerPoint Presentations for your students with Knovio

Knovio allows teachers and business leaders toadd video and voice to common PowerPoint presentationsand then be shared through email, your blog and website through embedding the presentation.

Added by Brian Weir on December 26, 2013 at 4:45pm — No Comments

Avoid Boredom in Your Classroom With Creative Tools

The article initially appeared here

This morning when my dad gave me a ride to work (it was pouring outside), we had some chit chat while waiting in traffic. He was telling me about the start of the new university year and about the fact that he didn’t prepare anything for his courses with the students. I told him “Well, you still have…


Added by Laura Iancu on December 16, 2013 at 7:30am — No Comments

3 Reasons Why You Should Not Be Worried About The Common Core State Standards

How do we solve the Common Core Conundrum? Or is there really a problem?

Let me begin by saying that I do not believe that the Common Core State Standards are an example of communism run amuck in the public school system.

If you do…I don’t blame you. It is all over the internet. But I dare say there are …


Added by Tim Villegas on December 6, 2013 at 7:14am — No Comments

Colleges shift focus to high-density coverage for BYOD accessibility

This year, the bill for college gear – including computers, smartphones, wireless printers, tablets, iPods, Xboxes, handheld gaming systems, e-readers, smart TVs, Blu-ray players and Wi-Fi-enabled pens – will reach $45.8 billion, according to the National Retail Federation.

You name the device, today’s college student will bring it to campus, connect it to the campus network and use it simultaneously…


Added by Anthony Sargon on September 18, 2013 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Intonatio, the mobile app for improving your musical intonation

The mobile app Intonatio is an educational application that will help music students and amateur musicians improve their intonation through lessons, games and audio…


Added by Daniel Portillo on August 13, 2013 at 3:20am — No Comments

Interact with students using your Smartboard with the Extreme Collaboration Add-on.

New Smartboard tip and trick worth giving a shot this coming school year in your classroom. The Extreme Collaboration add-on has the potential of revolutionizing the way we use the Smartboard with our students and in classes that have mobile devices. Take a look at this tutorial to get an…


Added by Brian Weir on July 4, 2013 at 11:52am — No Comments

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