All Blog Posts Tagged 'interconnectedness' (7)

"The Blind Side"

A few days ago I had the opportunity to watch the movie The Blind Side. As my wife and I sat there watching the movie I couldn't help but notice how "into" the movie we were. This was not the first time I heard

of the movie, however it was the first time I could watch the movie in

its entirety. At my high school we watched a short clip of the film as

part of a Character Education lesson during our…


Added by Justin Tarte on December 27, 2010 at 2:32pm — No Comments

Recognizing the shining stars...

Today I had the opportunity to speak with one of the members of my high school's custodial staff. This particular team member is assigned to my

classroom. Though we are almost halfway done with the school year, I

have regrettably not spent much time talking to this person. Today was

my chance...

It was so nice to speak with the person that is responsible for making

sure my classroom is ready to go for the next school… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on December 4, 2010 at 6:35pm — No Comments

The School Family - Guest Blogger Tonya Thompson

Oh, Thanksgiving. Time for all those F’s we love: Food, football Okay, some of those things we love more than others.

I have had many discussions over

the years with one of my fellow educators about people; people that we

enjoy and those we don’t. Recently, we…

Added by Justin Tarte on November 21, 2010 at 8:09pm — No Comments

A little help and support go a long way...

Several great and interesting things happened to me this week:

1) - On Wednesday I attended my 2nd #ecosys chat: If you have

never taken part in the #ecosys chat, I strongly urge you to check it

out. The #ecosys chat has a new topic every week similar to other

Twitter chats, however this chat centers around education reform and the

interconnectedness of society and its impact on education. As the… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on November 21, 2010 at 8:04pm — No Comments

What island are you on?

I just finished reading The Learning Leader, by Douglas R. Reeves, as a part of my doctoral studies. I found the book to be

extremely well written, as well as extremely valuable for anyone looking

to gain a more in-depth understanding of school improvement.

As districts and schools look to both district and building leaders, it

is difficult not to notice the "Islands of Excellence," as well as the

islands of… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on October 22, 2010 at 3:43pm — No Comments

Building relationships is all that matters...10 effective strategies

1 - Listen to what others are saying...

Being able to speak is important...being able to listen is more important. If you can truly listen to what others are saying, you will

be able to establish an unlimited amount of strong and long lasting

relationships. Your ability or inability to listen, will most

definitely affect the success, and the number of relationships you will

have in life.

2 - Watch what… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on September 11, 2010 at 9:28am — 1 Comment

Do you recognize the many pieces to the puzzle?

Over the last several weeks I have had the opportunity to speak with several different people who are the

leaders/coordinators/directors/supervisors in their respective

departments within my school district. This opportunity has given me a

new found appreciation for the many intricacies of a large suburban

school district.

As a current classroom teacher I plan my lessons, go to school, teach

students, grade… Continue

Added by Justin Tarte on August 4, 2010 at 12:11pm — No Comments

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