All Blog Posts Tagged 'math' (50)

What I'm Thinking About - Math and Cognition

Math and Cognition

If you are interested in cognition, language, and mathematics, you will enjoy reading The End of Ignorance: Multiplying Human Potential by JUMP Math founder John MightonDr. Mighton cites recent research in cognitive psychology…


Added by Melinda Pongrey on November 13, 2012 at 8:03pm — 1 Comment

Create simple data charts using ChartTool

This educational web 2.0 tutorial demonstrates a great online method of taking collected data with your classroom and inputing the information into a chart in just a couple of easy steps.  Create cutomized data charts simply.

Added by Brian Weir on July 4, 2012 at 10:45am — No Comments

Math Podcast's for 6th Graders?

I have recently created a podcast in a graduate class. It was fun to create and I find that it can be very informative if done correctly.  However, it was very time consuming. So until I build up a collection of my own podcasts, I am wondering if anyone knows of any good podcasts that are already created form implementation? Also, what ways have you found as the best way to implement a podcast effectively?

Added by Neil Groft on March 11, 2012 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Flipping the Classroom

I also have been researching flipping my classroom and I'm super excited to dip my foot into it after our PSSA's are complete.  I would like to preview the first math chapter my Pre-Algebra students will see next year in Algebra.  There are going to be tons of questions and lots of adjustments once the flipping begins but I think trying this method out NOW will help me to decide if I want to go all out…


Added by Michael Morret on March 6, 2012 at 6:14pm — 2 Comments

Create dynamic charts with Chartle

Chartle is an awesome site that allows students and teachers the ability to create dynamic and graphic charts based upon data collected in the classroom.  This site is extremely easy to use and can be easily used across most grade levels.  Click the link to view a short tutorial and example of what Chartle is.

Added by Brian Weir on February 4, 2012 at 1:25pm — No Comments

New subQuan Intro Prezi

Dream Realizations has been working on some amazing number sense curriculum. Come see our updates intro prezi @

Added by Rebecca Reiniger on December 20, 2011 at 11:57am — No Comments

Great Educational Podcasts for 2nd Grade

We try utilizing some of these podcasts in my 2nd grade classroom.  Some of them are used as a whole class, and then others are used on individual student laptops or iPods.


CNN Student News (

Available through the iTunes store or…


Added by Robert Kennedy on October 30, 2011 at 8:33am — No Comments

What's all the buzz about?

The buzz around here is that BuzzMath is offering a FREE full-access membership for one teacher and 30 of their students in every school for an entire school year.  BuzzMath is the latest interactive mathematics workbook for middle school students.  This website offers 2,700+ online math problems with instant feedback and detailed solutions. It is amazing to watch students manipulate protractors, create triangles on a grid,…


Added by Jamie Piecora on September 7, 2011 at 8:25am — No Comments

We Need Solid Mathematical Writers to Promote Math for Our Nation's Future


Everyone in industry, research, and scientific research seems to realize that we have a severe shortage of quality math students coming up through college. And the kids themselves in K-12, specifically in High School tend to realize that math is not their strong suit, but why I ask? It appears to me that the kids are not applying themselves correctly to learn mathematics, and there are not enough solid math teachers teaching math the most efficient way.


Over the…


Added by Lance Winslow on June 10, 2011 at 3:31pm — 3 Comments

Self Contained Middle School Math Standards and Frameworks - GPS


In a lot of ways, Georgia, and Atlanta Public Schools in particular are always early to the party. This school system is always willing to adopt new reforms ahead of many other school systems, particularly those in metro Atlanta. One of the most significant reforms that APS has adopted over recent years is the push for special needs students to be included in the regular education program whenever possible.  SEBD and EBD students in particular have benefit from this push. This is…


Added by Jovan D. Miles on March 26, 2011 at 4:42pm — 1 Comment

SubQuanning in the Virtual World

Dream Realizations will be presenting this year at the Virtual World Best Practices in Education (VWBPE -…

Added by Rebecca Reiniger on March 17, 2011 at 3:58pm — No Comments

A student AFL conversation overheard in the library...

This was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.
A few days ago I happened to be walking through the library before school. Two female students were sitting at a table doing homework.

One of the students was working on a Math assignment. I heard her ask the other student, "Did you already do your Math homework?"

The other student replied, "No. I wait until after the 'check-up' and then decide if I…

Added by Scott Habeeb on November 23, 2010 at 8:32am — No Comments

Thoughts about education

We are well into the new school year by now. In my family, we have settled into a routine of driving to schools and then driving to sports after school. With three kids in three different schools and three different schedules, driving has been really hectic (no school bus system where we live). However, we believe it is important for our kids to have a balanced set of activities, that combines academics with sports and other things.

In my…


Added by GoldStudent on November 2, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

New school year for us

A new school year has started. It happened way too soon for me and my family. Nevertheless, the new school year is here, with new schedules, new teachers, and new routines! My daughter, starting 10th grade, is taking calculus in zero period, which means the class starts at 7 am! Personally I think it is way too early to start a class for anyone, not to mention kids who still need more sleep to grow properly. I don’t remember ever having to take a class that early.

Watching my daughter… Continue

Added by GoldStudent on September 17, 2010 at 4:09am — No Comments

ideas for grade 4 math and technology

I'm a grade 4 teacher in BC, Canada, and I'm enrolled in a post-grad. program in integrating technology in teaching. I am looking for ideas to integrate technology into math lessons (starting with whole numbers to 10 000 and addition to 10 000,) in order to better engage students in the lessons and increase their understanding of these concepts. Any ideas for sites, free programs, or lessons themselves will be appreciated. Thank you!

Added by Clare Ellison on August 19, 2010 at 10:11am — No Comments

Summer and Math

Happy summer everyone! Public schools are out and the summer has really kicked in. Some of you may be on vacation, and some may be involved with summer camps and summer schools. It never hurts to combine fun and relaxation with creative and productive learning. If you can find just 10 minutes a day for your kids to do some math, it would help them remember the things they have learned, and would make the next school year easier. Also, if your kids are a bit behind on any math…


Added by GoldStudent on July 19, 2010 at 8:47am — No Comments

Politics and Teacher Assessment | e-Learning Today TV

Click here to view shownotes including links.

Added by Amanda Kenuam on June 10, 2010 at 2:35pm — No Comments

Aggregated to Death

It seems to me that there has to be an organized way to try to find other people that are teaching similar concepts of math in their respective classes, maybe not at the same time, but without returning 100+ comment returns. I wonder what I am doing wrong, because my google reader has about 100 comments a day.

Also --trying to come up with a good grant proposal to seek funding for Accelerated Math to target our at-risk students (and provide a guaranteed source of resources…

Added by Cory Sheldahl on February 26, 2010 at 8:49pm — No Comments

cosecant arguments; not like you think the other argument.

for csc(2n+1) ; the "2n + 1" is considered the argument. The argument I am referring to in the title is the age old battle between what should you know and what should you be able to get, look up, or derive when needed.

The battle rages on. Here is my update to the JS Maths Wiki that was inspired by one such argument (very civil) that I participated in at a holiday party for the staff at our school. Here is… Continue

Added by Geoff St. Pierre on December 20, 2009 at 5:37pm — No Comments

Wave, wiki and what not?

I have updated the JS Maths Wiki with some student contributions. Inequalities with examples and audio explanations. Listen while you try your homework.

My students and I have had our wave accounts for about a week now. We are, as expected, impressed. We are trying/toying with the idea of building a wave gadget in our Java class, but can not get GWT to work on Ubuntu?…


Added by Geoff St. Pierre on October 15, 2009 at 5:11pm — No Comments

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