All Blog Posts Tagged 'taxonomy' (7)

Students Blogging - Bloom is Proud (even if he would have no idea what blogging is)

One of my favorite lessons in US History was the integration of blogging with my students.  I used a blog to create digital discussions amongst my students throughout the chapter.  Students were required to research and understand six topics from a chapter focused on the Age of Jackson (a time in our history including famous events such as the Trail of Tears and Nullification Crisis), then answer a blog question for at least three of the topics.  Students responded to…


Added by Joe Zappa on May 16, 2015 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Integrating Bloom’s Taxonomy and Marzano’s Instructional Strategies

Tried and true strategies -- Most teachers are familiar with Bloom and Marzano as they go through the training process of what they hope becomes a long and successful career as an educator.  However integrating these principles may not always be as successful as one might hope.  But successful integration is a goal that we, as teachers, should always be striving toward because this is how we can move from being a teacher to a challenger of student thinking.  Bloom’s Taxonomy…


Added by Joe Zappa on May 15, 2015 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Investigating Bloom's Taxonomy

Project: Investigating Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy vs.   Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy



  •   Remembering,  …

Added by Amanda Galvan on September 6, 2014 at 10:39am — No Comments

Climbing Bloom’s Ladder of Learning

A Google search on “Bloom’s taxonomy” recently returned an impressive 1.63 million results! Apparently the literature available on the internet is replete with resources about the famous Bloom’s taxonomy of learning. I don’t intend to repeat what Bloom taxonomy is about and how it evolves because I believe you can find wealth of information on various aspects on the topic among the 1.63 million results in the internet. I have selected a few articles (link at the end of this article) for those… Continue

Added by A. A. Karim on March 1, 2011 at 9:24pm — No Comments

Our Past or Their Future

Are we preparing students for our past or their future?” Our assistant principal emailed this quote to me while she was listening to a presentation at a conference. It took me right back to my ancient past of about 20 years ago. I had just started a software training business. The bread and butter of…


Added by Mitch Ward on November 21, 2010 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Taxonomy of Assessment (Bloom's Taxonomy)

This week was a very enlightening week. Bloom and I really got around to knowing each other. I had never met the man before. I have a BA in Spanish/English and an MA in TESOL. I was never really interested in teaching K-12 so I was not required to take any education classes. This was more than 20 years ago. Maybe things have changed now.
Well let's get back to this Bloom guy. He has this way of guiding teachers in developing lesson plans by creating a Taxonomy of assessment. I must say that…

Added by Carol E. Kubota on February 12, 2010 at 8:45am — No Comments

The Octopus Gets Due Respect

My last post was a highlight of a train wreck of a children's book. The conversation in the comments section was all about media literacy. If you know me, you know that I don't like to dwell long on things negative. And thus- this post was published.

Regardless of your take on The Septapus, I have felt the need for a review of a really super piece of children’s literature since publishing that post. I guess I just feel the need… Continue

Added by Sean Nash on March 21, 2009 at 6:52pm — No Comments

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